Swelling of the legs in women and men: causes, treatment, folk remedies and methods

If it is noticed that by the evening the legs increase in volume, it hurts, the shoes become tight, then this is not a problem when this is an isolated case. But when you repeat the symptoms again and again, you need to pay close attention to what is happening. Timely examination and taking measures can prevent the development of one of the terrible diseases.

Therefore, today we will talk about the causes of edema of legs in women and men, their treatment with traditional and folk remedies.

What is edema of the legs

The accumulation of fluid in the tissues is called edema. The liquid is in the cells of the body and in the intercellular space in the following ratio: 2: 1.

  • In the case of a normal circulation of a liquid, its amount in the intercellular space will be a third of the total volume of fluid in the tissues. This means that in the cells the water content reaches the remaining 2/3 of the total volume.
  • If the proportions of the fluid content deviate upward in the intercellular space, then tissue swelling occurs. Usually this phenomenon occurs with the lower extremities in the region of the foot and shin.
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When a person is in normal conditions and health is not disturbed, excess fluid is taken out by the venous system. Problems caused by a deviation from the norm of water balance occur in our time at any age.

About why and how the legs of women and men swell, what to do, how and how to treat such a symptom, we will tell further.

About what foot swelling, the expert in the video below will tell:

Species of the symptom

The main difference between the cases of the appearance of puffiness are the causes that provoked the phenomenon. They are divided into two large groups:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Tissue swelling has occurred due to temporary events.
  • Puffiness as a consequence of diseases. A number of diseases have a manifestation of their presence, including, in the form of edema.

Diagnosis methods

If swelling persists for some time or is resumed all the time, you should not disregard this phenomenon and consult a specialist to determine the cause of the problem. Concerns should be observed if there are such signs:

  • an increase in the shin or foot on one or both lower limbs,
  • places the vascular sprockets visible,
  • on the legs are enlarged and bulge the veins,
  • sensations in the legs:
    • severity,
    • fatigue,
    • pain,
    • possible convulsive contractions,
    • buzz;
  • with a small bruise quickly show bruises.

In a place where swelling is noticeable, a test is performed. Do a finger tap and wait to determine how long the surface of the foot will take on the appearance that was before pressing. Prolonged alignment of the muscle indicates puffiness, requiring diagnostic measures and treatment.

More details on the reasons for swelling of the legs in women and men, as well as the treatment of the symptom will be discussed further.

Elena Malysheva in this video will tell you about the causes and folk methods of leg edema treatment:

What diseases and disorders can the

  • Disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys - the organs do not cope with the excretion of water and salt from the body. Observed:
    • facial swelling,
    • same legs, evenly dispersed;It manifests itself in the morning hours, and by the end of the day it becomes less;
    • in the urine is found protein.
  • Inflammation of the lower extremities joints causes local edema. The problem manifests itself in this way:
    • around the aching joint puffiness,
    • movement is painful,
    • swollen place has a fever.
  • Heart Disease is ischemic disease, heart failure. Plaques on the vessels reduce the speed of blood movement, the situation creates insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart tissues. The symptoms appear:
    • dyspnea,
    • uneven edema of both legs, which slightly drops by morning;
    • cyanosis of the lips and nails,
    • heartbeat,
    • pain in the heart,
    • feeling weak.
  • Problem with liver - Serious changes in the organ, diagnosed as cirrhosis. Edema is localized not only on the limbs, but also observed:
    • around the heart,
    • in the lung
    • and in other body cavities.
  • Lymphedema is a problem associated with impaired lymph flow. The lymph has the task of directing the liquid along with the spent substances that are in the intercellular space to move in the same direction as the venous movement. In the case when the path of lymph flow creates obstacles, the fluid is retained in the tissues. If you do not treat the disease in the early stages, then it is possible to develop a severe phase of the disease - elephantiasis. Edema is characterized by density. From different manipulations do not subside. Legs look swollen to varying degrees.
  • Edema caused by vein disease - vasodilation and, as a result, fluid retention occurs. The veins carry blood down the lower extremities from the bottom up, taking it from the tissues and directing it into the heart. In order for this to happen, there are a number of auxiliary mechanisms:
    • in the valves are located valves that make it impossible to reverse the current,
    • surrounding the veins muscles contribute to the movement of blood.
  • Hypoteriasis - dysfunction of the thyroid gland causes a general tendency to swelling. At the same time, when pressing on the edematous region, the depression is not formed. Observed:
    • apathy,
    • ,
    • strength decline and weight gain.
  • Depletion, nerve pathology, adrenal hyperplasia cause leg edema, evenly distributed and soft to the touch.

How to treat leg swelling at home and in the hospital, the following section will tell.

How to remove puffiness

To resist the appearance of swelling, you need to know the cause that causes this phenomenon. The first action in the direction of controlling fluid retention in tissues is to treat those diseases that initiate the disorder.

If the phenomenon is temporary, then the use of methods for alleviating the symptom will help, or the problem itself will pass. Such violations are caused by:

  • overfatigue,
  • pregnancy,
  • weight lifting,
  • prolonged fixed seat in one place,
  • uncomfortable clothing,
  • long flight
  • or other similar method.

In such cases it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • Exclude lifting weights. Make compulsory exercise possible. The stationary way of life makes the vessels weak.
  • Shown:
    • walking,
    • swimming,
    • massages,
    • contrasting baths,
  • Application of compression linen. Such things by squeezing soft tissues support the finding of fluid in the mainstream of blood vessels:
    • pantyhose,
    • stocking,
    • golf.
  • People who are prone to leg edema are advised not to keep them for a long time in the lowered state, for example, with sedentary work. It is desirable, if possible, to periodically take a pose, where the legs rise to the elevation, do warm-ups.
  • During sleep, a small cushion should be placed under the knees. In this case, the legs occupy a semi-bent position.
  • The diet should be reviewed and excluded:
    • salted food,
    • sweet water with gas,
    • smoked products,
    • fried dishes,
    • need to reduce the intake:
      • alcohol,
      • coffee.
  • Use of diuretic drugs or herbal preparations.
  • It is necessary to abolish bad habits:
    • smoking,
    • sit in a leg pose.
  • Excess weight increases the load on the lower limbs and contributes to the creation of prerequisites for the appearance of swelling. Therefore, the measures that solve these problems include weight management.
  • It is recommended that women lower their heel height to seven centimeters. This norm creates an unprofitable load, worsening the condition of the legs with swelling.
  • Prophylactic measure to support vascular health is the intake of vitamins: E, C, B.The use of vegetables, fruits, juices from them, adherence to the rules of healthy eating are considered to be mandatory actions for prevention.

The following video will tell you about the different ways to overcome leg swelling:

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