How to quickly get rid of constipation at home with folk remedies once and for all, a method of urgent disposal for 15 minutes without medication, video

If an adult can not emptied for several days, it becomes a big problem for him. Associated with this form of bowel dysfunction discomfort in the abdomen, bloating and flatulence, significantly impair the quality of life. Nobody insures against such a problem with a chair, but almost everyone hesitates to treat it with doctors. Not surprisingly, the forums dedicated to this disease are full of cries of help: "Tortured constipation, how to get rid of?", "How quickly, in 15 minutes at home, to cope with stool rest folk remedies, without enemas, pills and medications?","How to urgently adjust the work of the digestive tract"?This is only a small part of the questions that are asked by patients with this delicate problem.

People suffering from constipation and seeking help can say that fast relief from constipation at home is real. Indeed, there are many methods that eliminate the problem once and for all. But before resorting to them, it is necessary to find out, which is the consequence of the violation of the stool. In the case where the cause of its occurrence are violations in lifestyle, diet or excessive use of antibiotics, get rid of the constipation yourself quickly enough.

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But if during the diagnostic study it is revealed that chronic delays in the stool are provoked by diseases of the internal organs, a specialist will be required to solve the problem, and urgent. It may take not only long-term medical treatment of certain pills, but, in some cases, surgical intervention. Inaction in such a situation can be fraught with serious complications. From all this it follows that any patient, before asking the question of how to get rid of constipation at home quickly and easily, should find out what exactly was the reason for the appearance of pathology. Only after this it is possible to decide on the method of treatment.

We get rid of constipation once and for all by folk remedies

The methods offered by folk medicine for stool correction have been tested for centuries. They are based on therapy with medicinal herbs and are therefore completely safe. In addition, the majority of patients confirmed their high effectiveness. Many people with their help managed to get rid of such problems of the intestines as fast as possible at home, without resorting to the help of specialists and medicines. The only thing to consider when choosing this method of therapy, this is the cause that caused dysfunction in the digestive organs.

The number of time-tested recipes designed to deal with the problem of tortured stool disorders urgently can surprise anyone. What kind of herbal collection, designed to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and to facilitate acts of defecation is not offered to use! Here are just a few of the most effective and popular formulations designed to get rid of constipation without drugs:

  • Very quickly, the infusion of elderberry berries helps cope with the pathology. To get rid of exhausting long constipation, it is quite easy to prepare it. It is enough to pour a glass of fresh fruits with boiling water and insist for 2 hours. This folk remedy is taken for the night;
  • The root of all known dandelion is also able to once and for all relieve the ailment at home. To quickly prevent the occurrence of constipation, a teaspoon of dry raw material should be poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 15 minutes;
  • The decoction from the bark of the buckthorn has no less positive reviews. It is prepared in a water bath and is taken to get rid of tortured prolonged constipation in the morning and evening.

At home, to normalize the stool, you can also use microclysters with a decoction or oil infusion of herbs. They have an excellent effect on the intestinal motility and help to get rid of constipation without pills. It is enough to put this enema on at night, and in the morning the digestive organs will work. All these means of traditional medicine allow you to cope with the pathology very easily, quickly and qualitatively, without resorting to potent medicines.

How to get rid of constipation after antibiotics?

Dysfunctional disorders in the digestive organs after a course of treatment with potent drugs occur very often. This happens because they kill not only pathogenic pathogens, but also a useful microflora. Many patients are looking for effective ways to get rid of constipation that occurs after antibiotics, which give a good effect at home. This is not difficult. Forget about the disease that arose after taking potent drugs can be included in the diet of sour-milk products with live lacto- and bifidobacteria. To buy them is no complication. The main thing is that it is necessary to pay attention to the expiration date. It should not exceed 7 days.

Once and for all to get rid of constipation, which appeared for this reason, as well as accompanying blisters and flatulence, you can use for several days infusion of medicinal plants with kefir. For its preparation in a half-liter jar, finely chopped onions and garlic are placed. To them is added a small amount of green parsley and dill, as well as a teaspoon of St. John's wort and chamomile. All this is poured into 0.5 liters of kefir and infused for about 15 minutes. This recipe helps to get rid of constipation urgently, one glass is enough. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to take it in the evenings for several days. The desired effect is achieved in the event that every evening eat a few cloves of garlic. They should be thoroughly chewed without bread and washed with plenty of water.

If constipation after severe drugs has occurred in a child, you can also get rid of it at home. Propolis will help propel the problem once and for all in this case. Treat this way babies can be starting from 6 months. Infants up to a year should be given 2 drops of propolis tincture, to children older than 3 to 7, depending on the weight, and from 8 years allowed to take and 10 drops.

All the above proposed is very effective for the effective disposal of constipation, which occurred against the background of the use of potent drugs, but it is possible and not to allow the development of pathology. For this, one should listen to useful advice from specialists:

  • It is strongly advised not to get involved in self-medication and to apply medications without the need;
  • If a similar course of therapy is prescribed by a specialist and can not be avoided, it is necessary to maintain the microflora with probiotics. This will significantly reduce the negative impact on the body of this type of therapy and will not lead to the fact that after treatment measures will have to get rid of constipation.

Well, of course, in order to prevent the development of an ailment, you need to adjust the diet. It must be healthy and correct. In this case, no medication can cause such a delicate problem as prolonged constipation.

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