Capsules from diarrhea Bifiform and Espumizan

The most unpleasant thing a person can find is a loose stool. Especially it is unpleasant, if at that moment it is impossible to get medical help. The causes of diarrhea can be very different, ranging from changing the diet and ending with serious intestinal diseases. In all this, a specialist must understand. And a hundred to do, if there is no way to call a doctor quickly, and help is needed right now?

In this case it is better to visit the pharmacy in advance, where capsules for diarrhea are sold. There are many drugs that you do not need to have a prescription for a doctor. Medicines purchased without a prescription are safe and can not cause side effects, even in the youngest patients. Such capsules for diarrhea can reduce the effects of the causes of changes in the stool. It remains only to choose the right drug, which will always be under hand.

Bifiform for diarrhea

This medicine contains microorganisms, the natural habitat of which is the human intestine. Thanks to these microorganisms, food is digested, and vitamins are synthesized. The drug is available in the form of capsules, and for children - chewable tablets and powder.

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The capsule-shaped preparation does not dissolve in the liquid, therefore it reaches the intestine intact. Baby chewable tablets also begin to act, only after they enter the intestine.

Bifiform for diarrhea in a child, does not cause side effects, but even for a turn. In the composition of children's tablets, in addition to probiotics, there is a combination of substances useful to the body. The drug is best for children who have a tendency to disrupt the balance of the intestine microflora. Also Bifiform will be useful for children who have cured colds and have been treated with antibiotics.

Before using capsules for diarrhea, you should read the instructions and find out the single dose:

  • For children from 2 years and adults, one capsule should be used at a time. For a day you can use no more than 3 tablets;
  • Children from 0 to 12 months are better to use Bifiform in the form of a suspension, since they can not swallow normally;
  • Children from 1 to 2 years with diarrhea are recommended to drink a medicine in the form of a powder. Single dose is 1 sachet. During the day, drink 3 sachets.

Capsules Bifiform for diarrhea in pregnant women is better to take in case of dysbiosis. This illness manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and bloating. Also, the drug can be drunk if antimicrobial therapy was previously prescribed.

Tablets are taken 3 times a day for 1 piece. It is recommended not to chew the drug, but immediately swallow it. To quickly hit the pill in the intestine, drink it with liquid. Capsules Bifiform for diarrhea should be taken within 2 weeks.

Espumizan from diarrhea

Some children are not lucky since the first birthdays, because they have colic. The best medicine in this case is Espumizan for diarrhea and colic. For small children, the medicine is available in the form of a sweet white emulsion. Thanks to the sweet taste, the children are happy to take the medicine.

This remarkable drug can be taken not only by children, but also by adults. Especially it will be useful to pregnant women who are so afraid of violations in the development of their future baby. The drug has no side effects and does not affect the development of the fetus in any way. Due to their properties, women will quickly get rid of diarrhea and strong gas generation. It is best to always be calm, in these cases, children in the future will suffer less intestinal colic.

Adults and children over 6 years can use capsules from diarrhea in an amount of 2 pieces 3 times a day. The medicine can be washed down with water. The drug should be taken after meals. The continuation of the course of treatment depends on the presence of symptoms and the cause of the disease. When taking Espromizana for a long time, nothing terrible happens.

With diarrhea Espumizan is able to quickly cope with its task, with no side effects detected. This drug can be used in conjunction with other medicines.

When using capsules against diarrhea, care should be taken for people sensitive to components such as quinoline dye and methyl parahydroxybenzoate. Such people may have:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Hypersensitivity reaction of delayed type.

If you develop an allergic reaction, stop taking the diarrhea immediately and seek medical advice.

Espumizana capsule storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. It is recommended to place the drug in a place inaccessible to the baby. With proper storage, the shelf life is 36 months. Tablets are not allowed after the expiration date. In pharmacies, these diarrhea capsules can be bought without a prescription.

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