Juniper: planting and care

Modern planting of greenery, giving it a noble, well-groomed appearance is the planting of juniper. He is a close relative of the cypress, but grows in more severe conditions. Different types and varieties( about 15 names: dwarfish, giant, erect, scattered) will help the designer create a real masterpiece on the site. Juniper, planting and care which will be described in the article, has a variety of shades of green, blue. Depending on the period of the season, the crown of the needles changes the coloring to bronze.

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When planting juniper

Planting time can be selected in spring and autumn. It will be good to feel junipers in the open ground in April, May, October, but the place for it should be chosen without a complete darkening of the plant, you can partially. Indicators of hydrogen in the soil should be in the range of 4.5-7 units, taking into account the grade.

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Note! Designers love juniper for its unpretentiousness to soil and climate. It can grow even on heavy loams and sandy soils, except in wetlands. In winter, he does not need shelter, unless it is a question of young cuttings.

The question of how to properly plant juniper in spring, should include the study of the soil to exclude the death of the plant.

Where to plant the plant

Juniper likes direct sunlight, so they plant it principally in open areas. Otherwise, the shadow will lead to the loss of the bright, saturated color of the needles, the degenerate formation of the crown. Only insignificant absence of the sun can tolerate only one variety - juniper ordinary.

Feature of all kinds is the development of a long, three-dimensional root system, so the landing site can be even slopes, unstable soils that need strengthening.

Important! Juniper does not like long-term soaking, so landing on lowlands and in wetlands is not recommended.

If there is a question: what to plant next to the juniper, then you should avoid neighborhood with mountain ash, hawthorn and apple trees, which can be carriers of fungi that affect the crowns of needles.

Rules for planting a juniper

How to plant a plant at home correctly? The basic rule is to maintain certain parameters:

  • from 1.5 to 2 m from each other;
  • Dimensions of the pit for a small seedlings - 50 * 50 * 50 cm, large from 70 * 70 * 70 cm.

Preparation of the pit starts in 2 weeks, forming a pillow of the following layers:

  • drainage( fine bricks + sand) up to 20 cm thick;
  • nutritious primer with top dressing - 1 part soddy-clay soil + 1 part sand + 2 parts + 250 g nitroammofoski.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of each kind of juniper. Growing virgin specimen will not succeed if 5 kg of compost and 5 kg of clay are not added to the base mixture( with poor, sandy soil).In the case of juniper Cossacks, up to 300 grams of dolomite flour is mixed into the soil.

After 2 weeks, when the soil will shrink, the seedling should be planted. He is placed in a prepared pit and covered with the same soil composition as in the pit, excluding addition of fertilizing.

Important! Before planting a juniper in a cottage or on another site, it is necessary to remember the correct location of the root neck in the pit. For small seedlings, the soil level is allowed, for large seedlings, up to 10 cm above ground level.

After planting, the plant is watered abundantly, and after shrinking the ground mulch a small( up to 8 cm) layer of a mixture of sawdust, peat.

Planting of seedlings

The main conditions for the early survival of seedlings are:

  • 3-4 years old;
  • volume capacity, where the plant grew( up to 5 liters);
  • no signs of any disease;
  • preserving the integrity of the earth coma on the roots to avoid damage to the root system;
  • is an authoritative garden center.

Planting of seedlings is carried out at any time of its growing season, except for very hot days. Preliminarily lower the root system in water for 2 hours, you can add a little potassium permanganate. If a young plant has open roots, it is recommended to plant in spring, at the end of summer, while the soil should be moist. For the development of healthy roots, a rooting stimulant is used.

If you follow all the points in the selection, the seedling will quickly master the soil, without the need for additional, auxiliary tools for transplantation and a certain skill.

How to grow juniper from seeds

Planting with seeds is a complex process that requires a certain experience. A feature of conifers is low germination. May shine and the plant will germinate, but it will be difficult to keep it.

If you have the patience and some botanical knowledge - it's possible. Autumn planting is carried out in the pot, which is taken out in winter for an open site for 4 months( not paying attention to the weather).

Seeds that have died are thrown away, and the survivors are again planted in the pot in May, still leaving them on the street. The sunrise can be expected only for the next year.

Important! Regardless of the species, juniper grows very slowly and to accelerate the process of sprouting add fertilizers, and also provide the proper mode of mind - the sun, soil moisture.

How to grow juniper from a handle

There was a question, how to plant a handle? The best option would be a small pot of earth mixture( 1 part peat + 1 part sand + 0.25 parts sod land).

With a coniferous tree, whose age has reached 10 years, cut an annual stem length of about 12 cm along with wood. In the jar with water, the mixture is bred to stimulate growth and the branch is dropped into it to a depth of 3 cm. If the cutting was cut without wood, then it is necessary to follow the top, so as not to place this side in the water.

Important! Before multiplying the juniper from the branch, you should consider its appearance. The budding plant is lowered into a jar with a solution for growth at 600 tilt, and the column-shaped plant is vertical.

Juniper is usually reproducible through cuttings much better( 90%) than other species. If the root system develops actively, then it can be transplanted into a separate pot. The only condition is a transplant into the open ground in not less than 2 years.

How to fertilize and feed seedlings and young plants

The soil for juniper should consist of a mixture of nutrients and fertilizers, only if this condition is met, growth will be active and resistant to pathogens of various diseases.

Important! When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its ability to grow. Needles should not be dry, do not have damage and signs of diseases( mold, fungus), and on the roots there is an earthen lump.

How to properly feed? In spring, mineral fertilizers are introduced: superphosphate or nitroammophoski. If there was a multiplication of the juniper with cuttings or a young planting material from the nursery was planted in the soil, then improvement of soil properties is carried out every spring, summer( with obvious signs of poor growth and lack of minerals).

As a result of shoots, an excess or an excess of a trace element can be determined:

  • yellowing of needles indicates a magnesium deficiency;
  • deformation of the crown, death - a large amount of nitrogen. It is found in organic fertilizers( manure).

Cultivation of young planting material is impossible without fertilizer. You should also consider what kind of soil juniper likes. Adhering to these conditions, you can grow a lush, healthy plant, with a juicy needles.

Adult plant nutrition

It is possible to grow an adult tree without fertilizers, but for rich color and splendor the crowns use foliar top dressing. In the dry summer and before the predicted frosts in the autumn, juniper is watered abundantly, which is necessary for the accumulation of moisture.

Transplanting a juniper from the forest

How to transplant a juniper from a forest to a site? The best period for moving is the early spring, when the snow has not yet come to an end. The following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Before transplanting into the garden, even in the forest, it is necessary to bandage the sunny side of the plant with a ribbon and to plant the same orientation.
  2. Dig only with the "mother" earthen lump on the rose roots. If it is not lifting, it is allowed to comb the shovel vertically, reducing the depth.
  3. Put an earthen lumber with wood on polyethylene and wrap it for transportation. This will save moisture.
  4. The landing should be done in a single or trench way, avoiding placing near buildings( sliding snow in winter can damage the crowns).
  5. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than the earth coma( it is necessary to place the soil mixture from peat, compost, sand), shallow, so that the root neck does not turn out to be below ground level.
  6. The roots are straightened in the hole and covered with earth and pine collar( sawdust).
  7. Form a bowl for watering and pour 2 buckets of water so that the soil is tamped.

The reproduction of a tree and its survival in a new place depends on the degree of care for it. It is especially important to pay attention to the plant in the first six months, until the root system is fully planted in the soil. To limit growth, it is recommended that the juniper be pruned in early May.

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