What should I do if my eyes are red and sore?

1 The main causes of the ailment

Among human diseases, the greatest concern and trouble is caused by eye diseases. Therefore, if you have a reddening of the visual organ, this is a very disturbing symptom, which requires taking appropriate measures. First of all, it is necessary to find out, because of what it happened, and the causes of redness. Do not rub your eyes with your hands, you can bring an infection, worsen its condition or damage the cornea. It is not for nothing that the popular proverb calls the eye the most protected body.

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The main diseases leading to eye redness: ophthalmic diseases, internal diseases, hypertension, overwork, allergies, injuries and burns. But there are elementary and simple cases that do not require visits to the polyclinic.

Among the most common causes of redness - overwork. If your eyes are red, the cause may be a lack of sleep. In this case, do not do anything, you need to let your eyes rest, take a break or just have a little sleep. Appear redness can and under the influence of wind, which, together with air masses injures the eye with the smallest particles of dust and sand. In this case, you can not do without the help of eye drops and eyewash, which can be done at home.

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The most common eye redness occurs when you get soap, shampoo, detergent, cosmetics, even if you accidentally touch your eyes with dirty hands. First aid in such cases is the immediate rinsing of the eyes with clean water.

Vascular rupture caused by vomiting, overexertion or an angry cough, in most cases results in redness and pain in the eyes. To avoid this, we must eliminate the root cause of this effect, after that the appearance and state of the eyes stabilizes.

Normal hypothermia can cause serious eye disease. After severe hypothermia and exposure to wind, inflammation may begin. After this, an infectious disease can develop, which will be much more difficult to treat. Particularly susceptible to hypothermia are people who underwent eye surgery( eye correction, retinal restoration surgery).It is not recommended after this, a long stay in the cold air.

2 Etiology of the disease

The most common disease is conjunctivitis. Characteristic signs of it - the eyes are red and hurt, which means the presence of infection. Sometimes it can pass as a result of simple treatment or independently.

There is another reason that the eyes are red and sore. It is an eye-developing barley. It is an inflammation of the upper or lower eyelid caused by infection. The disease is long and very painful, accompanied by fever, pain in the eye, general malaise. The enlarged eyelid presses on the eye and causes its reddening.

The causes of the appearance of barley may be a weakened body, hypothermia and cold-related diseases. Inflamed can not only the eyelid, but also the eye glands( inner barley).Barley is treated only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, with complications, surgical treatment is prescribed. The duration of such a disease can be from 3 to 10 days.

Features of work and profession also affect vision and can cause redness and pain in the eye. Most often this is manifested during welding, and, in the risk zone, not only welders, but also surrounding people. The medical term for this disease is lysogenic conjunctivitis.

Smoke of a different nature can cause redness. If the smoke is from a corrosive chemical substance, the redness can also join the burn of the cornea. Vapors of acids, alkalis and concentrated substances can cause irritation and subsequent pain.

The cause of pain and redness of the eyes can be glaucoma. In acute attacks, pain can be not only in the eyes and head, but also in the shoulders, neck and even back.


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Herpes infection causes the same symptoms as with conventional conjunctivitis. Treat it with ointment acyclovir, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the condition of the cornea.

Conventional conjunctivitis can also take a chronic form, in this case the effect of red eyes and pain will bother more often. The disease is most often associated with professional activities in harmful industries. The impact of corrosive fumes, smoke, chemicals leads to permanent negative effects on the eyes. Conjunctivitis is dangerous for its duration( the disease can last several months).

Albucid is the most common and universal treatment for infectious inflammation of the eyes. In addition, there are good and effective drops oftadek and tobrebs. Infectious inflammation can be on one eye, and a bacterial infection affects both eyes at once.

Elevated intraocular pressure may cause severe pain and redness in the eyes. To determine the reasons, it is necessary to measure eye pressure. All this can be done only in the eye clinic or the doctor at the reception. He will determine the reasons and prescribe the treatment. People over the age of 40 must always measure the pressure inside the eyes periodically.

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Dry eye syndrome, or dry conjunctivitis, causes redness of the coat and pain in the eye. For the treatment of drugs used to artificially raise the moisture of the shell. It is difficult to treat the disease blepharitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid edges, very painful and accompanied by reddening of the eyes.

3 Mechanical Damage

If your eyes turn red and hurt after you wear contact lenses, this indicates that they are not being used correctly. Either you have traumatized the eye, or you have chosen an unsuitable type. Complications can also occur during their wearing. Various eye injuries can cause redness and pain. Especially dangerous is getting into the eye of a foreign body. If, when you look at the eye in the mirror, you have discovered a foreign body, the eye is red and it hurts what to do? Immediately go to the doctor to see an ophthalmologist at the nearest clinic or trauma center.

Do not try to get a foreign body by yourself, do not rub your eyes, otherwise you can even more strongly immerse the object in the cornea. The doctor can do this professionally and painlessly with the help of tools and local anesthesia in a few minutes.

Mechanical injuries and injuries are the most dangerous phenomena leading to redness. Depending on the severity of the injury and the type of injury, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The eye can be eroded with the characteristic symptoms of mechanical damage or burn, but without the impact of a foreign body. Treatment in this case is carried out tetracycline or levomitsetinovoy ointments.

4 Seasonal manifestations of the allergy

The most unpleasant and prolonged manifestations of inflammation of the visual organs are seasonal manifestations of allergy. They are caused by the flowering of various plant species, the most dangerous of which is ambrosia. The process will continue not one day or even a week, but until the end of flowering. To reduce inflammation and reddening of the eyes, treatment is recommended to be carried out in a complex way: taking antihistamines and burying eye drops.

For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, there are special eye drops. These include levocabastine, claritin or cortisone. But flowering plants are not the only cause of allergic redness in the eyes. Irritants can be perfumery, laundry detergent or other detergents, chemicals. It is necessary to limit contact with them or completely get rid of the source of allergy.

Self-medication for red eyes should not be done, even if you just blush your eyes and hurt.

The consequences of this self-treatment can be the most unpredictable, up to the loss of vision.

Human eyes - one of the main organs, treat them carefully and with due attention.

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