Pustular psoriasis of Barbera: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The disease is expressed in the defeat of the skin with the appearance of blisters or papules, which manifests itself locally - covers individual areas.

Features of the disease

Psoriasis Barbera is one of the varieties of pustular psoriasis( Tsumbusha av.).Like other manifestations of psoriasis, this type of disease has a chronic form, which is characterized by phases of rest and exacerbation. In some people, the course of the disease acquires a permanent character, without rest phases, with the progression of the disease.

Barber's psoriasis is considered to be a lighter form than the generalized form. He does not threaten the life of the patient, but only creates complexes and difficulties, for example, while performing duties at work.

Manifestations of psoriasis often increase when the patient does not seek medical help. The disease can have varying degrees of severity, not only relatively in some psoriasis patients with others, but also in one patient, if the symptoms are considered during the rest phase and the exacerbation phase.

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Statistics show that the disease occurs to the same extent in representatives of both sexes.

  • The defeat of soles and palms is more common in people older than 40 years. It is also noted that this category of patients is engaged in manual labor, while the surface of the soles or palms is stressed, traumatic.
  • Women with psoriasis are more likely to tolerate the disease than the opposite sex. It is also noted that if a woman carries a child, the condition improves significantly.
  • Children's age is not more than a third of the total number of sick people. Recently, the incidence of childhood illnesses is increasing. Children are more likely to suffer from psoriasis during the adolescent period.

For the types and forms of pustular psoriasis, Barbera read on.

Pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles of Barber( photo)

Classification of pustular psoriasis Barbera

There is also a classification of the manifestation of the disease in terms of severity. It takes into account such factors as:

  • Degree of development:
    • peeling,
    • swelling,
    • skin itching,
    • exudation, which means the discharge of fluid from the affected areas;
    • thickening of the skin.
  • Area of ​​the lesion - the approximate percentage of the area of ​​the skin that is affected by the disease is determined visually.
  • Is there any indication in the analysis results that the pathological process is active.
  • Response of the patient's body to medical care, what effect does the disease have on the spheres of human life.
  • Severe symptoms of pustular psoriasis Barber:
    • degree of puffiness near the pustules,
    • how pronounced their hyperemia.

Gravity grades

The classification provides for three severity levels:

  • is a severe manifestation of the disease,
  • is of moderate severity,
  • is an mild manifestation.

Causes of

With the confidence to indicate the causes of abnormalities in the skin, which is diagnosed as psoriasis, experts are not yet ready. There is a list of alleged causes, but sometimes in practice, not everything is confirmed.

Factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis:

  • failure in the work of the protection system in the body( immune cells attack skin cells that are unhealthy);
  • if a person has thin skin and still belongs to the dry type,
  • transmits a predilection for the disease through heredity,
  • bad habits worsen blood circulation in the skin, and, consequently, its nutrition worsens;
  • contact with agents that produce an irritant effect;
  • excessive personal hygiene with the use of detergents and cosmetics, which leads to a weakening of the natural protective barrier;
  • Systematic traumatic effect on skin areas,
  • stressful situations:
    • moral upheaval,
    • physical stress for the body:
      • overload,
      • hypothermia;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions.

Symptoms of

Psoriasis of psoriasis( another name for Barber's psoriasis) is a local lesion of the skin surface. Blisters or pustules are most often located in the following areas:

  • of the soles of the feet,
  • of the shin,
  • of the palms of the hands,
  • of the forearm,
  • of the nails.

The disease has pronounced signs:

  • The presence of pustules on the skin surface is visually determined. Pustules are elevations above the skin in the form of blisters. There is liquid inside them. It can be transparent or purulent if secondary infection of the lesions occurs.
  • The surface of the skin near the elevations and directly on them has signs of illness, it:
    • edematous,
    • easily exfoliates,
    • surface hot to the touch,
    • thickened,
    • is red,
    • inflamed;
  • Defeat is local.
  • In case of pustules on the soles or palms, it causes thickening and increased cornification of the
  • surface. Possible deterioration of the general condition:
    • lack of strength,
    • increase in temperature.


The disease has a characteristic external manifestation, therefore it is initially determined by its appearance. If the disease has a severe form, then carry out additional studies:

  • The blood test is able to tell what unwanted processes or malfunctions occur in the body.
  • In some cases, a biopsy is performed for the histological examination in the area of ​​damage. A small area of ​​skin is separated for study in the laboratory.

About treatment, which is subject to pustular psoriasis of Barber's palms, shins, soles, etc.read below.

Treatment of

Measures to help people with psoriasis are to improve their condition, to prevent the spread of the lesion over a large area.

Therapeutic method

To improve the condition, procedures are applied:

  • physiotherapeutic,
  • baths,
  • psychotherapy sessions,
  • a diet is selected.

Generalized pustular psoriasis( photos)


For the treatment, the following drugs are used:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • soothing( sedative),
  • inhibits the actions that come from free histamine( antihistamines),
  • is fortifying( vitamins).
  • Externally used corticosteroid preparations in the form of ointments for the treatment of pustular psoriasis of this type.

By popular methods

The use of folk recipes has a positive effect. But before you start using traditional medicine, you should consult a specialist about the chosen prescription.

Some examples:

  • Recipe 1: salt bath - 20 min lie in a tub with warm water and dissolved in it( one and a half kilograms) with salt( the procedure is taken at night).
  • Recipe 2: brew sequence colors( 3/5), valerian root( 1/5), celandine( 1/5), althea root;crushed herbs( 1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water, insist;take before meals during the day.
  • Recipe 3: shortly before meals, take propolis tablets( 2-3 pcs.) Three times a day.

Prevention of the disease

There are factors that help provoke an exacerbation, therefore, in order to prevent them, they should be avoided. Being attentive to one's health and doing prevention is worth it to people who have cases of psoriasis in their family.


  • Get rid of bad habits, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Try to avoid stressful circumstances. It is necessary to develop a positive outlook on the world.
  • A good step is to follow a diet recommended for psoriasis.
  • Do not stay in the sun for long.

Palmar-plantar pustular psoriasis( photo)

Complications of

  • If treatment of local manifestations of pustular psoriasis is ineffective, then there is a threat that it will pass into a generalized form.
  • Patients often worry about their appearance, as a result of which depression can happen.
  • Itching in the affected area, pains worsen the quality of life and provoke other disorders:
    • insomnia,
    • social phobia.
  • Over time, patients with psoriasis show such abnormalities in health:
    • psoriatic arthritis,
    • psoriatic onychodystrophy.


Pustular psoriasis of Barbera is considered to be a lighter form compared to its generalized manifestation. The main thing is that there is no threat to life.

All kinds of psoriasis are not curable, are chronic diseases.

This video will tell you about the treatment of psoriasis of Barber and other forms of the disease:

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