What does vomiting, accompanied by pain in the head and stomach, temperature

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1 About what such symptoms can say

Depending on what kind of lifestyle people lead, you can judge why he has such feelings. If your head hurts, and nausea arises, then it can talk about the following possible diseases:

  1. The body is trying to convey to its owner about their problems. Often, it can be associated with anorexia, hormonal failure or oxygen starvation. All these diseases are accompanied by a shortage of certain substances that are necessary for normal life.
  2. Self-medication often leads to similar symptoms, as some medications have side effects in the form of headaches and nausea. These symptoms can also indicate the intoxication of the body when the dosage of the medicine is not observed. If these signs are added and pain in the abdomen, it is possible that a person has poisoned. Then vomiting will be a protective mechanism through which the body tries to get rid of harmful substances.
  3. Nausea very often torments pregnant women. Toxicosis is normal, but only if women do not have growing symptoms. For example, her stomach hurts or she begins to suffer from dizziness. An urgent medical consultation is already necessary here.
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  4. Headache, abdominal pain can be a consequence of trauma. And it is not necessary that the blow should be applied directly to the head or stomach. He can come to any point of the spinal column, and the consequences will already respond in the head and stomach.

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2 What else does this mean

  1. If a person suffers from pressure problems, he will often suffer from headaches. But even such a disease is rarely independent. Usually it accompanies tumors of a different nature, cervical osteochondrosis, jamming of vessels, eye diseases, etc. Therefore, to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to go through a full diagnosis.
  2. The head hurts, the stomach aches or twists - all this may indicate the presence of infection in the body.

It can be meningitis or sinusitis, frontal or encephalitis, borreliosis or influenza with ARVI.In the latter case, the temperature will be added to the symptoms.

Actually, there are enough potential reasons. Therefore, self-medication is stupid, because while the patient will treat himself for the flu, his concussion( for example) will become more and more large. Children deserve special attention. If the parents noticed that their child has problems with well-being, then they should ask the child about what exactly is bothering him, whether he recently received any injuries, ate forbidden food.

On how much a person takes seriously their health and the health of their family members, and likely consequences will depend.

3 Causes of the development of diseases

Many people confuse ordinary pain and migraines. Of course, they bring discomfort to a person the same, but here the intensity will be different. Unlike migraine, an ordinary headache does not have a clear "schedule," and can even occur suddenly. But before the migraine, the patient begins to notice that it hurts to look at the light, it's hard to perceive loud sounds, and even vomiting may occur.

Considering the headache as a separate symptom, we can say that it manifests itself in the following states:


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  1. Disease that is caused by an infection or a virus. In this case, harmful organisms circulate in the blood throughout the body, infecting all brain tissue and muscles. Bright examples of such ailments are encephalitis and meningitis. Also, the flu can be accompanied by vomiting and high fever with a sharp headache.
  2. Cervical migraine, one of the symptoms of which is headache, is a hereditary disease. In this case, it is necessary to visit a neurologist, since only a specialist will be able to control the ailment and in case of what to help him to stop. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to the child's complaints about headaches.
  3. Migraine can also become part of an "inheritance".In 3/4 of all cases, such a disease is transmitted through the maternal line. Therefore, if in the family someone had such a problem, it is quite possible that the child will also suffer headaches.
  4. Pain can signal a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This situation can lead to hemorrhagic stroke, as there is a rupture of blood vessels. This may be due to pressure, hypertensive crisis or even banal trauma. Initially, the patient may lose consciousness, but before that it will begin to greatly vomit, and in the head there will be unbearable pain.
  5. The appearance of neoplasms in the brain is also accompanied by a headache, as the affected tissues begin to press on nearby tissues.
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If the stomach hurts, it can be a direct signal about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This situation can lead to increased intracranial pressure, which causes a person to have nausea and a headache.

However, symptoms such as pain in the head and abdomen, vomiting or just nausea, can be a protective response of the body to irritating factors. This can be overexertion, response to a stressful situation, excessive drinking and so on. But in order to exclude dangerous diseases, it is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo a full examination.

4 What to look for

People are used to solving the problem of pain with pain medication. But if you analyze all of the above reasons, it becomes clear that such actions are erroneous. Of course, if a person has nervous work or due to certain conditions, he temporarily has to work for wear, then such funds can help. And then you need to solve your problems as quickly as possible, since such working conditions can lead to neuroses and other health problems.

Doctors always recommend a timely examination, as this will help to avoid a lot of problems.

But before you go to the esculapus for an appointment, you should answer for yourself a few questions:

  • at what time of day there is pain: morning, afternoon or night;
  • how often worried about the discomfort, how long it bothers, whether the "schedule" of occurrence;
  • how long the pain lasts, and what it is: comes in the form of an attack, build-up, or headache and nausea occur and last all the time;
  • where the pain sensations are concentrated: in one part of the body, on one perimeter( for example, around the head circumference), it is localized symmetrically;
  • how hard it is to endure;
  • recall the newly emerging situations: the possible injuries and bruises of the body, the presence of chronic diseases, the use of unusual food, remember about his heredity;
  • does the pain itself or in combination with other symptoms: temperature, tinnitus, vomiting, rash, etc.

Thanks to such answers, the doctor will be able to significantly narrow the range of possible diseases, since some ailments have quite specific signs. Depending on what causes such a reaction of the body, a specialist can prescribe the use of analgesics, medicines for blood pressure, vitamin complexes, medications that have a strengthening effect on the vestibular apparatus.

But apart from medical assistance, the doctor must prescribe supportive measures. They include a course of massage procedures, exercises for relaxation, control over their diet and lifestyle. All these ways help to restore your condition.

Parents of a small child with double attention should treat his health. The fact is that some diseases manifest themselves in childhood, so the sooner they are diagnosed, the easier it will be to prevent the consequences. Of course, children tend to be much more active than adults, so they are more often injured. Some moms and dads believe that the injury will hurt and cease. But this is not the right approach. Even a slight bruise of the head or abdomen can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if the child has complaints about the stomach, headaches, nausea, then parents should show it to the doctor. It's better to be safe than not to look.

5 How diagnostics of

are performed To confirm or deny a suspected diagnosis, a specialist appoints a survey. It can include the following methods:

  1. CT - computed tomography. This diagnosis is aimed at examining the brain, or rather, the cortical cavities. With the help of CT, you can find problems with blood circulation, swelling of the brain, the presence of hydrocephalus, are there any disruptions or trauma to the tissues.
  1. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. This method is designed for manipulating the head and neck. With the help of his doctor can monitor violations in the structure of gray matter, so that oncology, hernia, sinusitis, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes are found in the early stages of its development.
  1. Angiography. In this case, no contrast is entered into the blood. The work is carried out to study the state of the circulatory system, with special attention, again, to the head and cervical section. It helps very well in identifying the true cause of migraine, aneurysms and malformation of the arteries.
  1. Pressure monitoring. Here, measurements are made not only once, but systematically and in different states. Attention is drawn not only to the pressure itself, but also to the work of the heart.

Well, without fail, the patient is asked to donate blood for tests, so that it was possible to identify potential viruses or infection.

If the accompanying symptoms affect other parts of the body, it may well be necessary to visit other specialists. For example, with pain in the abdomen, a gastroenterologist is necessary, if headaches affect the eyes, the oculist.

For a child, the examination begins with a visit to the pediatrician, since some particularly suspicious moms are able to create a problem on an equal footing. Very often the baby complains of a headache and nausea in the run-up to another control. Or, this situation can develop in a child in the process of adaptation to new conditions: a first class trip, a move to a new place of residence, a divorce of parents. In this case, it is necessary to simply save the child from a stressful situation and help him to adapt to a new life, and then all unpleasant symptoms will pass independently, without intervention of medical assistance.

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