Treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home using folk remedies and methods( methods), how and what to treat?

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Due to existing contraindications or intolerance of the components of hemorrhoid remedies available in the arsenal of traditional medicine, not every woman can use them. People's means can prevent the situation. Methods of treating hemorrhoids in the home, which used our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, here useful as it is impossible by the way. Of course, no one will be able to radically cope with hemorrhoids in women, but the colors of life will return. Here the main thing to remember is that folk remedies are only an aid, an additional way to control this chronic disease, but not the basic treatment that must be selected with a proctologist. What is the treatment for hemorrhoids in women in folk medicine? What methods of treatment can be done at home? In fact, there are many, but some are more effective at internal, others - with external hemorrhoids. So, sedentary baths and ointments will work better on external hemorrhoids, and candles and enemas on the internal nodes.

Sedentary baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home

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For herbal baths, vegetable raw materials are selected with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antispasmodic and strengthening effect. The broth for the procedure should not be either hot or cold. The bath lasts for an average of 15 minutes:

  • Oak bark, field horsetail, root of the field stalker in a ratio of 5: 3: 2.They boil 2 0.5 l of water for 5 minutes.
  • Oak bark, horse chestnut seeds, chamomile, sage in a ratio of 5: 3: 3: 3.At 4 tbsp.l.collecting 600 ml of boiling water.2 hours are kept in a thermos bottle and diluted with water up to 2 liters.
  • Birch leaves 100 g brewed 2 liters of boiling water, wrapped for 30 minutes.
  • Branches of horse chestnut 50 g grind, insist in 1 liter of boiling water to 2 hours.
  • Rhizome rhizomes of marsh 30 g pour steep boiling water in a liter jar, insist in a warm 2-2.5 hours.
  • Onion peel 3 handfuls are brewed, allow to cool slightly. Sit in the basin while the water stays warm.
  • 4 untreated bulbs in 0.5 liter of milk and cook in thick-walled utensils until soft. Pour hot water into a strained broth. The total volume should be 2.5 liters. If the previous recipes are used daily, this one is used to treat female hemorrhoids at home once a week.
  • Weak solution of potassium permanganate. Women are accustomed to such household baths, but it is not worthwhile to count on their therapeutic effect with hemorrhoids, although it will have an antiseptic and mild anti-inflammatory effect. After a course of baths, women are recommended candles with bellies or calendula 2 weeks.

Steam warming from hemorrhoids in women at home

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home is not without such a popular method as thermal inhalation. For several sessions, a woman has inflammation and local venous drainage improves. The following folk remedies are applied to the affected area:

  • Birch saw a height of 3-4 cm warm well in the oven in a frying pan with a lid( as an option on the stove), sit down so that the wood is in contact with the hemorrhoids. Sit, wrapped, 30 minutes, and then - to sleep.
  • 5 small bulbs with husks cook in milk in a 3-liter saucepan for about 2 hours. On the burner is better to put the dissector. Then pour into a small bucket, cover it with a plywood with a round hole 4-5 cm( so that only the anterior passage is warmed up) and sit down, wrapping the pelvis with a warm cloth or towel. At home, 4-5 procedures are sufficient in two days for the third.
  • Garlic Method. This is a simple proven home remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women. Put the red brick in the pot, and pieces of chopped garlic on it. To be treated by this smoke 15-20 minutes. To achieve a better effect, then wash the nodes with fresh urine. Some healers recommend finishing the procedure by applying a woolen cloth moistened with garlic juice to the anus. But it threatens with a burn, and garlic has an irritating and vasoconstrictive effect, undesirable in hemorrhoids.
  • Fresh potatoes cleaning( without greens!) Put in a 3 L pan and pour boiling milk so that it covers the cleaning. Cook. Pour into a suitable container, cover with a hole and sit over the steam, trying not to get burned, 15-20 minutes. Any woman can apply this affordable home remedy for hemorrhoids.
  • Alum 400g dissolve in 6 liters of boiling water. This folk treatment is carried out three times( once a week).Before heating the woman, it is advisable to take a laxative, lubricate the anus with petrolatum before the procedure, and then with oil of rose hips.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women at home with enemas?

At home, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women can be relieved by enemas:

  • To reduce cones. With a weak boil( 6-8 minutes) cook 4 tbsp.l.wormwood in 1 liter of water. Insist 6 hours and strain. Do sagebrush enemas in the evenings, alternating with beetroot.
  • Painkillers. Ingredients: oak bark 50 grams, sage, chamomile and horse chestnut seeds for 30 g. Collect insist in 2 liters of boiling water for at least 3 hours, after filter.
  • Blood-restoring and anti-inflammatory. Prepare a herbal mixture of bark of oak, chamomile, flax seed in a proportion of 3: 4: 3.2 tbsp.l.collection pour 0.5 liters of hot water, quickly bring to a boil and turn off the gas. After a 6-hour infusion, treatment can be performed. For one enema - 1 glass of broth. From the pain will help and hot( 37.5 ° C) enema with decoction of wormwood. Collecting in summer strawberries, village women necessarily dried and her leaves. They are good not only with abundant menstruation, but also with bleeding hemorrhoids. For one enema, take 1 tbsp.l.leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes.and strain.
  • Relieves spasms and inflammation, eliminates burning and itching, strengthens potato juice. For microclysters, the tubers are washed and, not cleared, is passed on to the juice. One serving for a woman 30 grams, put on the night.

Herbal ointments and compresses in the treatment of hemorrhoids in women folk remedies

Women practicing herbal medicine can at home prepare themselves for relieving exacerbation of this ointment. You will need in equal parts oak bark, flaxen inflorescence, water pepper herb( he is a mountaineer pochechuyny or peppery).For a fat basis, a pork melted fat is suitable, and grass is mixed with it( roughly taken in half).The composition is heated for 12 hours on low heat, then passed through a sieve and poured into a jar - the ointment is ready. With internal hemorrhoids, a tampon with ointment is inserted inside the anus for 4-5 hours, and when applied externally, it is applied to external nodes. When treating hemorrhoids at home, you can put compresses( make lotions) from grated carrots, beets, crushed red ash, aspen leaves, aloe flesh. Remove puffiness( swelling of cones) with cocoa butter, lotions from chamomile broth, diluted with water 1/10 with a ready-made tincture of calendula.

Candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home

At home, you can treat yourself to chemist's candles, and you can also use your own candles, for example, from raw potatoes. This folk method is based on the enveloping effect of starch in the vegetable. A candle the size of a little finger is sharpened, rounded to smoothness. It is usually administered overnight in a lubricated anus. You can go with her all day, even a sensitive woman, she does not hurt. Evacuation will occur during defecation or when straining. But even with the rapid onset of the regenerative action of potatoes, you need to put 10 candles. Some women bravely use garlic-oil candles. Grated garlic is mixed with butter, laid out in foil tins from used candles and frozen. But doctors usually do not approve of garlic as a folk remedy for hemorrhoids. For the manufacture of ice candles or candles on herbal decoctions at home, it is convenient to use the little fingers of surgical gloves.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids in women for ingestion

The popular treatment of hemorrhoids in women will be a good addition to the traditional prescribed by a doctor, especially in the initial stages. In the home conditions, juice is prepared from plants that stop bleeding( yarrow, nettle, fresh mountain ash, beets), drink tea from carrot leaves( 40 grams per 1 liter), infusion of raspberry leaves to reduce discomfort and swelling. Decoctions from the buckthorn bark, senna leaf, dandelion roots are used for relaxation. Infusions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, celandine relieve inflammation. The standard dosage is 2 tbsp.l.herbs for 1 tbsp.boiling water. Well strengthens the walls of varicose blood vessels. But, perhaps, at the highest esteem from home remedies for women, the mountaineer is pochechuiny. That's what they treat hemorrhoids herbalists from ancient times. That's why they called water pepper so that he heals pochechui, hemorrhoids, that is.2 tbsp.l. The grass needs to soar for 15 0,5 l of water and then 2 hours to insist. Drink up to 4 times a day for 0.5 glasses, observing a 30-minute interval before meals. A good antihemorrhoidal effect is also provided by collection, in equal shares with the highlander take the flax seed, marsh swine, buckthorn, chamomile, horsetail field. Relief will be given to women suffering from hemorrhoids due to constipation. Infusion( 2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water) will give a laxative effect and stop the blood. It should be fairly noted that the effect of ingestion of the herbs inside will always be less than medicamentous, since the concentration of the active substances is lower there. Local folk remedies can quite compete with chemist's drugs. Summing up, it is necessary to remember one more home remedy, warning and treating female hemorrhoids very quickly. It's cold water. Washing after each visit to the toilet and compresses with strongly chilled water( hold 3-4 times during the day for 1 minute) with varicose rectum are necessary. This method of prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids at home was considered one of the most effective in the Cossack environment, it was recommended as a method № 1 and Vanga.

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