Symptoms of otomycosis of the ear: drugs, treatment with folk remedies

Otomycosis is a fungus that develops in the ear cavity. Infection affects the structure of the middle and outer ear. The fungus can also affect the mastoid process, namely its cavity after the operation of mastoidotomy. The ICD-10 code is B36.9.

Otomycosis practically does not have pronounced symptoms, characteristic only to this disease, due to which independent diagnosis of the disease without medical assistance is impossible. The diagnosis is based on microscopic data. For this, the patient is taken on the grounds of the presence of a fungal environment.

The disease is treated on the basis of antimycotic agents of general and topical application, among which, most commonly used are:

  • Nystatin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Chinozole, etc.

Etiology of otomycosis

Some types of fungi of mold type can cause otomycosis.

Among them the most common are Aspergillus, A. flavus, and also:

  • Rhisopus;
  • A. niger;
  • Penicillium;
  • Candida.

It is these kinds of fungal cultures that can develop in the ear cavity and cause otomycosis.

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Symptoms of

Otomycosis appears very gradually. Usually the disease begins with an ordinary, almost unremarkable itch. Because of discomfort, a person starts combing the skin of the auditory shell and the outer cavity of the auditory canal, which causes rapid seeding of the skin.

After, when the mycelium grows into the skin, the patient may have the following symptoms:

  • sharp and strong, sometimes paroxysmal itching;
  • pain in the ear( refer to rare symptoms in otomycosis);
  • sense of presence in the ear of foreign bodies;
  • burning.

In the case when mushrooms begin to expand even more abundantly and clog the external auditory canal, a person may experience additional symptoms:

  • pain;
  • stuffiness of the ear;
  • autophony in the sore ear;
  • high sensitivity of the auricle.

In acute otomycosis, patients may have discharge from the auditory canal. Their number with the process of the development of the disease is rapidly increasing. It is also possible to partially overlap the lumen of the auditory canal. The reason for this is swelling.

For external otomycosis is characterized by pronounced pain syndrome. There is pain and pain when swallowing and chewing food, while shaving and yawning .Along with the secretions, the patients can have molds containing the mycelium of fungi and epidermal cells.

Causes of

The most common cause of otomycosis is the contamination of the external auditory canal. But there are other common causes of the disease. Among them:

  • foreign bodies in the ear canal;
  • humidity;
  • narrowness of the external auditory canal;
  • previous diseases of inflammatory etiology;
  • hygiene disorders;
  • abrasions and wounds;
  • cleaning of the ears with unsuitable items, as well as cotton buds.

Also one of the risk factors is the prolonged use of antibiotics, which leads to dysbiosis and the development of fungal cultures. It is also worth mentioning the following factors leading to otomycosis:

  • allergic reaction;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • is a metabolic disorder;
  • frequent hypothermia, etc.

More about the symptoms and causes of otomycosis in our video:


The first diagnosis of otomycosis involves a thorough examination of the patient. This allows you to note the changes in the walls of the external auditory canal and determine the degree of damage to the tympanic membrane. Also, the examination allows you to determine the type of pathological discharge, to reveal its quantity and odor, which is often unpleasant.

Next, you need to determine the type of fungus that struck the ear. To do this, culture crops from the auricle are collected. The results of the study can be obtained in a week.

In the photo, the ear is affected by a fungal infection


Treatment of otomycosis is carried out on an individual basis. The general condition of the patient is taken into account, as well as the whole clinical picture. Most often, treatment for ailment is not difficult. But in some cases, special treatment may be needed, which will include combined therapy.

Medical therapy

In the presence of external otomycosis, local treatment is prescribed. Thus, the most effective effect is given by a solution of quinazole, levarin ointment, multifungin, canesta. An equally good result is demonstrated by common antifungal drugs.

In the presence of fungal otitis media of the middle ear, the general treatment is combined with the local one. This allows the most prompt removal of the cause of the disease and improve the overall condition. First and foremost, the treatment regimen includes the use of antibiotics, such as nystatin, levorin, mycoheptin. Drugs of local action - nitrofungin, exoderil, nustatin ointment, grisemine emulsion, kanesten are also needed for treatment.

It is worth remembering that the main condition for treating absolutely any kind of disease, proper cleaning of the ear cavity. Its main goal is to carefully remove the pathological secretion.

Only the specialist performs the cleaning procedure. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using a cotton wool, an attic probe and a special antimycotic preparation.

With middle otitis, ear cleaning is necessary. The perforation of the tympanic membrane is most often performed. The pathological secretion is removed by washing the ear cavity with the Miramistine solution.

Popular drugs for the treatment of otomycosis

Folk remedies

Treatment of otomycosis with the help of folk remedies is probably not always. However, this method of treatment is still appropriate, but not in all forms of the disease. Before proceeding directly to treatment, it should be remembered that the procedures must be performed continuously. It is also necessary to regularly clean the ear canal and the outer part of the ear with hydrogen peroxide.

To eliminate the fungus, you can use these tools:

  • Garlic and olive oil;
  • Acetic acid solution( 2 percent);
  • Bulb juice;
  • Warm water, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide.

It is not possible to use warming compresses to treat otomycosis at home, as well as drops containing antibiotics. The use of such preventive measures will only accelerate the development of the disease and lead to real complications.

Alternative treatment and physiotherapy

The treatment of otomycosis is aimed at eliminating the fungus, which affects healthy ear tissues. Alternative treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures in this case are contraindicated, since they directly lead to impairment.

In the case of otomycosis, only a single physiotherapy procedure is indicated - the irradiation technique. Quality of its implementation can provide only an ENT specialist.

How to clear the ear from the fungus:

Possible complications of

Often enough in the absence of proper treatment, otomycosis gets chronic form. Also, fungal otitis may well go into a bacterial infection, which subsequently provokes severe pain in the person and leads to the appearance of a purulent process.

In the most critical cases, the fungus penetrates into the blood. This leads to the emergence of new foci of mycotic infection.


Despite the fact that the disease itself is quite complex, and its treatment is complex and long-lasting, the prognosis for recovery is almost always favorable. The main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Complete recovery of the patient occurs if the doctor was able to find an effective antimycotic drug that can eliminate the causes of otomycosis. If the disease is localized in the middle ear, doctors do not always manage to return a deaf ear to the patient.

Comments from Dr. Komarovsky on the therapy of fungal infections:

Prevention of

There are several rules for caring for the ears, which will help to avoid otomycosis. Among them:

  • Do not use cotton buds to care for the ear canal.
  • Swimming in swimming pools and public showers, you should avoid getting water in your ears, but do not use earbuds.
  • When listening to music, you should only use your headphones. They must also be cleaned at least once a week.
  • With the development of diseases of the ears, you should immediately go to the doctor. Even if the symptoms are poorly expressed - do not delay the moment of the trip to the doctor, otherwise the consequences can be very deplorable.

Thus, otomycosis will not disturb you if you are carrying out general restorative complex measures and timely intake of vitamins.

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