Treating duodenitis with folk remedies at home: sea buckthorn oil and herbs

Duodenitis is the inflammatory disease of the duodenal mucosa.

Pathology can occur in acute form with pronounced clinical symptoms, indicating the development of acute inflammation, or in a chronic form, in which the nature of the pathology acquires a sluggish form with erased symptomatology and structural disorders of mucous tissues.

Acute duodenitis is often transformed into a chronic form. The disease is more often detected in male patients.

Symptoms of the disease

Several decades ago inflammatory lesions of the duodenum were considered by specialists as one of the varieties of ulcer pathology.

But thanks to a large-scale research work it was possible to determine that duodenitis is a separate disease that usually develops against the backdrop of inflammatory processes in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

The clinical picture of the pathological inflammatory process in the duodenum is determined by its specific form.

Among the main manifestations of duodenitis specialists call:

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  • Night pains, which are eliminated by taking antacids or after eating;
  • Discomfort sensations in the abdomen and apathy, general weakness and lethargy, a marked decrease in performance, until its loss;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Prolonged sour belch and frequent heartburn;
  • Painful seizures in the epigastric region resembling pancreatitis or cholecystitis, with palpation, the pain syndrome is markedly increased;
  • Plentiful saliva secretion;
  • Digestive disorders, which are caused by fermentation and decay of food in the intestines. In the results, patients experience increased gas production and lack of appetite, rumbling in the abdomen and nausea;
  • Jaundice sclera and skin, which is caused by bile and stasis bilirubin in the blood;
  • Nervous system disorders, which are manifested by hot flashes, extraneous ear noise and trembling limbs. The insufficiency of hormonal character develops, which negatively affects the nervous systemic vegetative activity.

In fact, duodenitis is very similar to duodenal ulcer, which complicates the diagnosis a little.

How to treat duodenitis at home with folk remedies?

In general, duodenitis therapy is a change in lifestyle, especially in terms of nutrition. Dietotherapy is considered the basis of treatment.

It is necessary to remove from the diet all harmful products like smoked meats and marinades, sharp and too fatty dishes. Alcohol and coffee are also prohibited, we will have to part with smoking.

The diet should be balanced and contain extremely sparing, intestinal products.

To improve the therapeutic effect, methods and recipes of traditional medicine are widely used. To prepare all sorts of infusions, it is necessary to use only high-quality raw materials, so it is better to buy the necessary components in a pharmacy or to collect it yourself.

When using folk remedies, we must not forget that inflammatory mucous lesions of the duodenum are often accompanied by ulcerative processes in the stomach, so not every national recipe can be approached in certain clinical cases.

Therefore, before the use of folk remedies, a mandatory consultation of the gastroenterologist is necessary.


An excellent therapeutic effect in the treatment of duodenitis is provided by a variety of herbal preparations. For the preparation of decoctions of crushed herbs boiled for about 20-30 minutes, or kept in a bath, after which they insist for another hour.

For a real herb pour boiling water and stand on the bath for about a quarter of an hour, and then cool for 45 minutes. To prepare infusions or broths use a variety of herbal preparations.

  1. Equal parts of the roots of valerian and aira, tansy t aniseed fruits mix. For broth you need 5 g of collection, which is poured into 0.5 l of water. Then they boil for 15 minutes and insist another 2 hours. Three meals a day in half a cup for half an hour before any food.
  2. Equal parts of mint, oregano and chamomile flowers are mixed, for the recipe will need 20 g of collection. Fill the raw material with a glass of boiling water and stand for 40 minutes. Drink the remedy in the morning and in the evenings for 2 weeks.
  3. A dumpling, a marshweed and a rhizome of aura are mixed in the same parts. Collect in the amount of 20 g pour half a liter of water and boil a quarter of an hour in the bath. Then the mixture is poured into a thermos bottle, where it is insisted for another 6 hours. To drink it is necessary on 40 ml before meal 4 r / d. The course of therapy is a month.
  4. Nettle leaves, yarrow and buckthorn bark in the same amount are mixed , for the recipe you need a teaspoon of the mixture to insist 40 minutes, fill the glass with boiling water. Take this infusion should be twice a day for a glass.
  5. Air root, bitter wormwood and centaury, dandelion root - all in equal quantities. A large collection spoon is poured into 0.2 liters of water and boiled for about 10 minutes. Leave to cool, then filter and drink three times a day for 1/3 cup. The duration of therapy is two weeks.
  6. Three-leaved watch, cumin, ayr root and wormwood, leaves of plantain and mint are crushed and mixed. Collection in the amount of 20 g is filled with 0.4 liters of water, brought to boiling, then cooled and filtered. Take the drug three times a day for 0.1 liter.

Sea buckthorn oil with duodenitis

Quite common in duodenitis therapy is sea buckthorn oil, but not habitual and ready-made, but cooked according to a special recipe.

When the oil is infused, it is necessary to filter it, and the remaining cake is grinded with a sieve. The resulting mashed potatoes are added to the oil and mixed well. Such a drug should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach by a large spoon.

The duration of therapy is 14 days, then 7 days of interruption and again a two-week therapy.

Other drugs

Widely used in the therapy of duodenitis and a well-known plant such as aloe. To improve the therapeutic effect, it is mixed with honey.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Half a kilogram of washed aloe vera leaf is passed through a meat grinder, with the juice to be squeezed;
  • A honey pail is slightly aged in a bath so that it acquires a liquid consistency, but it is impossible that its temperature rises above 60 ° C when it becomes not a useful but dangerous product;Prepare 0.5 liters of natural red wine from grapes.
  • Mix honey with aloe( juice) and gently pour the wine, after which the whole mixture should be thoroughly mixed until smooth and put in a dark and cool cabinet.

Every day, the container with the medicine should be shaken. Withstand the product for a week, then filter and place in a glass container with dark walls. Keep the drug in the refrigerator.

In the first week of treatment, you need to take a dessert spoon of medicine after a meal. During the second-third week, the reception is already done on a tablespoon. Over the course of the fourth week, the remedy is taken over the teaspoon and therapy continues for a month. The full course is 2 months, although it can be extended to 3 months if necessary.

Flaxseed is also widely used in the treatment of duodenitis. The infusion of the seed has an anesthetic, enveloping, and also a cleansing effect. Dessert spoonful of sunflower seeds are steamed with a glass of boiling water, after which they stand for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, about 60 minutes before eating. The course of such therapy lasts a month.

Propolis is another common treatment for duodenitis. This substance is unique in itself and has a unique composition, thanks to which its unusual therapeutic effect is provided.

Propolis has wound-healing and antibacterial, antitumor and antiviral, immune-strengthening action, etc.

For the treatment of inflammation of the duodenum, it is recommended to add 20 drops of alcoholic propolis infusion to half a glass of hot milk. It is in combination with a product like milk that propolis acquires unique therapeutic properties. Take this drink with propolis for the night.

Duodenitis occurs in various morphological and clinical forms, therefore it is necessary to select folk methods of treatment extremely cautiously and only on medical recommendation. Self-treatment in such ways can lead to unexpected and very unfavorable consequences.

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