Pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis, diet

Inflammation of the pyloric zone of the stomach and duodenal membrane is called gastroduodenitis. Its origin is divided into endo- or exogenous. The secretory function( acidity) can be increased and decreased. The disease is often combined with chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, it is fairly easy to diagnose by the methods of FGD, GBZ, ultrasound. Gastroenterologists, usually, appoint a decoction of sunflower seeds or oatmeal during the period of exacerbation, Creon. Treatment is prescribed depending on the level of acidity, when combining diseases it is recommended( by nutritionists) to boil a woolly erva( in the people half-fallen).

Etiology of gastroduodenitis

Quite often gastroduodenitis provokes pancreatitis, causing endocrine pathology in the chronic stage. Diseases of the pancreas, liver disrupt secretion, serve as endocrine causes. Exogenous factors include poisoning with pesticides, physical injuries, injuries. Regular use of cold or hot food also provokes pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, and other diseases. The triggered disease, in addition to the secretory function, disrupt the motor function, excessive oxygen( active forms) is observed. The tissues are damaged, the mucous begins to atrophy, ulcer disease develops.

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Symptoms and diagnosis of gastroduodenitis

The abundance of factors influencing the course of the disease does not allow us to identify common symptoms for it. Headache, weakness, sleep disorders, pale skin are the main signs in the diagnosis of pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis. There is a loose stool, alternating with constipation, heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, nausea. A complete examination consists of:

  • bacterioscopy - smear tests for infection AS AS73DD histology - saliva and juice analysis for NR-infection
  • fluoroscopy - performed with barium, additionally estimates congenital malformations
  • pH-metric - gastric acidity assessment, the norm is 5 units
  • endoscopy- Detection of hypertrophy of folds, edema, hyperemia

Treatment of gastroduodenitis is a gradual, prolonged, as well as with pancreatitis, antioxidants are used( beta-carotene, retinol, ubiquinone, ascorbic acid,okoferol), enzyme drugs, sedatives, antispasmodics, antacid sprays( almagel, Vicalinum).Correction of nutrition, acupressure and acupuncture( only for specialists), phytotherapy can improve appetite, eliminate heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen, get rid of nausea and normalize the stool.

Diet for pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis

With pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis, it is necessary to refrain from several types of products that can lead to complications of the disease. If not taken care of in time, the diet can develop from temporary to permanent, so at the first stages one should abandon such products as:

  • Alcohol
  • Fatty and fried foods
  • Acidic juices and other preserves
  • Spicy condiments and spices
  • Sausages and smoked products
  • Chocolate

But do not forget that, despite the restrictions, the body must be provided with a balanced complex of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, do not completely exclude from the diet of animal protein and vegetable fats.

To maintain a full meal with pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis, it is necessary to enter into the ration:

  • Dairy products: where is included, non-acid curd, kefir, curdled milk, cheese without spices
  • Meat products: turkey, rabbit, beef, chicken,( preferably not
  • Among fish it is better to choose low-fat varieties: cod, bream, pike perch and pike
  • Soups, preferably vegetable or vermicelli
  • Wheat bread
  • Unshaped apples and pears
  • Broth from rose hips, weak tea

If nevertheless it is necessarythen a fire, the only vegetable oil to be used, olive or sunflower.

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