Smoking Drug Crack: effect, trip, the development of addiction, the consequences

Drugs are very expensive. Not everyone can afford to be a cocaine addict, this drug is mostly consumed by rich people. But here, greedy for profit on human weakness drug dealers came up with an idea - to sell an expensive drug, not in the form of a powder for inhalation, but in a cheaper form accessible to every teenager. This drug was called crack.

What is crack?

Crack, indeed, is one of the varieties of cocaine, but there are a lot of differences between the two substances:

  • crack is considered more purified than cocaine;
  • way of use;
  • euphoria lasts a few minutes, whereas cocaine buzz counts in hours;
  • heavier dependency.

The name of the drug also comes from the English word "crack", which means crackling, clicking. And in fact, when burning a plate of a narcotic substance they emit a characteristic crackle.

Crack is produced by evaporation of a mixture of cocaine and ordinary soda. To prepare this substance, drug addicts do not need to exert any effort - the drug is sold in the form of small crystalline plates, which are broken into small parts and ignited. The addiction to crack is contentedly heavy, so drug addicts call this drug a hard or iron because of the strength of its effect on the psyche.

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The way to use crack is smoking. Crack is considered a fairly cheap drug, it can afford to smoke the lowest strata of the population, with the effect of the drug instant and very strong.

Photo of the drug Crack

Mechanism of action

Smoking increases the effect of any narcotic substance hundreds of times. As for crack, its effect on the body increases hundreds of times because of the high degree of purification of the drug. That's why crack is sold in small pieces. When you use crack, the "arrival" comes almost instantly - the lungs absorb the drug with all of its surface and carry it to the brain. There is an activation of dopamine receptors, which leads to the strongest buzz and euphoria.

This effect lasts about 20 minutes, after which the addict begins to experience a state of decline, depressed thoughts visit him, there is a strong need to smoke again to get a new wave of pleasure.

The dependence on the crack comes almost from the first puff, because the condition experienced by the drug addict is so keenly wonderful that the desire to feel the whole spectrum of emotions again leads to an endless and uncontrolled dope.
Mechanism of action of the drug Crack:


Conditionally "arrival" can be divided into several stages:

  • euphoria - a sharp rise in mood. The world is seen in rainbow colors, everything that happens around leads the addict into raptures, he gladly talks about his emotions;
  • a burst of energy - taking the dose seems that his body can soar above the ground, physical activity rises, the addict feels that he is capable of doing a thousand different things;
  • activation of mental activity - in the state of intoxication, the patient seems to be able to memorize long texts, to take serious technical information. However, at the end of the action of drugs, all the facts fixed in the brain are completely forgotten and are remembered only by smoking a regular crack;
  • self-confidence - being under the influence of a drug, a person is so confident in his actions that there can be no question of criticality in his address. This position is very similar to megalomania;
  • aggravation of perception. Crack has the ability to multiply the sensory perception, the addict seems that the world around him has never been so bright, the small details are so distinct, and the music is so harmonious. Increased tactile sensitivity can lead to a feeling of creeping insects, creeps, people's touch becomes unpleasant. Under the influence of crack, drug addicts often experience hallucinations, they may see various objects and people who do not really exist;
  • insomnia;
  • sharp change of mood.

Dependence development

The dependence develops almost instantaneously. Mental dependence occurs after the first puff - the pleasure from smoking a drug is so great that it is very difficult to refuse such a powerful effect.

Physical dependence consists not only in the weakening of pleasure receptors, which, without external influence, no longer produce dopamine, but also that after prolonged use, addicts can not experience the spectrum of emotions that arose earlier. The race for high, transience of euphoria and severe withdrawal symptoms are all indicators of the formation of heavy dependence on smoking crack. Experts believe that about 80% of addicts who first tried crack, immediately fall into his trap and the meaning of their lives is the purchase and acceptance of the next dose of the substance.

As with many other drugs, smoking cracker leads to serious consequences not only for the general well-being, but also for the social life of the addict - he ceases to enjoy life, family and work, loses touch with family and friends, is not interested in anything, except for the use of psychostimulants.

Consequences of smoking

Those sensations that causes crack can not be obtained in real life. That's why crack addicts go to any crime to get the desired effect. In addition, the state of high is followed by a prolonged and profound depression, only the next tightening will help to get out of it. Being in this state, a drug addict is capable of everything-selling his own children, killing his relatives and even suicide.


The life of dependent people is never cloudless, getting money for a drug is the only thing that can interest them at any moment.

Despite the feeling of pleasure, which certainly comes when used, the addict can overcome and quite unpleasant manifestations:

  • a strong cough;
  • sore throat;
  • inability to breathe;
  • chest pain;
  • increased pressure due to narrowing of blood vessels;
  • insomnia.

Sometimes in the manufacture of crack is used not the usual safe sodium bicarbonate, and more toxic substances, which in the case of burning cause severe asthmatic attacks, the addict starts to choke. In addition, those who smoke drugs often suffer from hot scalding smoke - the crack cracking tube is very short, and in order not to miss a drop of precious buzz, the addict tightly presses it to the lips, which leads to non-healing blisters and burns on the surface of the lips. And even this does not stop drug addicts from wanting to take drugs, which gradually worsens their health even more.


The use of crack for a rather long time has a strong effect on the psyche of the addict - hallucinations that often occur during smoking can not let the patient go and after the end of the drug, the dependent ceases to be guided by the situation, a psychotic state develops, often leading to a call by the surrounding psychiatric team.

The constant use of toxic substances can not but affect the physical health - the addict greatly reduces the immune defense of the body, he starts constantly "catching" various diseases, an innocuous ORVI often turns into pneumonia due to serious problems with the respiratory system. In addition, the liver and kidneys suffer greatly from prolonged exposure to the drug, teeth are destroyed, drug addicts suffer from hypertension, sudden changes in blood pressure and epileptic seizures.

It is impossible not to mention the severe depression, to get rid of which is possible only by the use of a new dose of crack. Getting out of this hell yourself is almost impossible, and for a long time to live with dependence on crack, few people succeed. Constant smoking of a drug with the purpose of somehow improving one's health leads the patients to death in a month.

It is very difficult to get cured of drug dependence, many feel the craving for drug use for years. Therefore, it's easier to say "No" once to the suggestioner to feel an unreal high, than to pay for a dubious pleasure with your health or life.
Consequences of crack usage:

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