Consequences of the use of pervitin( screw): mental disorders, harm to the body

Today, only an infant is not aware of the problems that drugs entail. If it is still possible to get rid of addiction to some forms of narcotic drugs, it is extremely difficult to get rid of addiction to primalin, it is almost impossible. Prolonged reception of the screw - as young people call it - causes irreversible consequences for physical and mental health. Screw is a very dangerous type of drug.

With the long-term use of this stimulant, the body quickly collapses. There are mental disorders, it is very likely to get diseases of the central nervous system, as the cells of the brain and spinal cord are gradually dying out. The drug is very toxic, the constant ingestion of a large dose of toxic liquid into the blood causes a blockage of the veins, as a consequence, such a dangerous disease as thrombophlebitis begins to develop.

Mental abnormalities in drug abuse:

  1. Overexcitation of the nervous system, sometimes so strong that the addict is lost in the world around him. He is not able to understand what is happening around him, can not control his actions and control his body. In this state, you can do anything with a teenager - take him away, order something to be done. As a puppet, he obeys the actions of an adult. A symptom often occurs when the required dose is exceeded.
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  2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome. It manifests itself in the same consistent actions. Under the influence of the screw, a teenager can perform the same rituals for hours on end - squeezing pimples, cracking the skin with nails to the blood, rubbing the mirror, straightening and collecting the bed. Stuck in one step, the addict loses the sense of time, he does not understand that several hours have passed since the ritual was performed.
  3. Paranoid delusions. The child can spend hours with a nuisance, making it loud and bothering everyone with his speeches. Being under the influence of a stimulant, a teenager becomes aggressive, it seems to him that nobody listens to him. He can hit another person or try to commit suicide to prove his case. Conversations can last for hours, sometimes the paranoid delirium of a teenager lasts a day. It is impossible to influence such a state. Until the drug ends, the sermons will be endless. All this time, the addict does not eat and suffers from insomnia.
  4. A more dangerous form of psychosis is associated with causeless fear and hallucinations. Psychosis begins unexpectedly and dramatically. The addict develops delirium of persecution, it seems to him that they want to commit an attempt on him, they are trying to destroy him. This fear is so strong that a teenager can start hiding in a closet, under the bed, wants to jump out the window. Appear auditory hallucinations, voices in my head whisper different crazy ideas. In this state, a teenager is very dangerous, he can attack others if he thinks that they want him to be evil. It should be noted that being under the influence of the drug, the addict becomes more enduring, physically stronger and almost does not feel pain. It is controlled by fear. Trying to reason or grab a teenager "under the dose" is extremely risky.
  5. Exogenous psychosis. Disorder of the psyche, proceeding with confusion of consciousness with concomitant visual and tactile hallucinations. In the people such variant of a psychosis is called a white fever. The addict realizes who he is, understands everything that is happening around him, but he does not leave a feeling of unpleasant odors from him and others, it seems to him that insects are jumping on him, that he is gnawed from inside by unknown worms. The fever lasts from several hours to several days.
  6. Hallucinatory-delusional syndrome. The final stage of the stimulatory process. From this state, the addict himself will not quit. Ends with either death or a psychiatric clinic. The psychosis lasts for days and months. Characterized by the presence of firm beliefs that he is persecuted, conspiracy( delirium of persecution), control thoughts and actions( delirium control), he is changed( delirium of betrayal) and other mental abnormalities.

On the video effect and the consequences of the use of pervitin:

Harm to the body

In addition to changes in the psyche with which the addict lives permanently, there are more serious complications. They are described in the literature under the name "pyrogenic shock" - a very high fever rises sharply, an epileptic seizure begins. The adolescent can begin to have salivary salivation, he shakes, as in a fever. Pyrogenic shock ends with cerebral edema or pulmonary edema and death. The drug addicts consider this condition a side effect of the dose taken and do not see anything dangerous in it.

In addition to the diseased liver, poorly functioning kidneys, persistent hallucinations and disorders in the heart of a screw addict, like any drug addict who takes injecting drugs, sick worn veins are observed. To prevent the disease from guessing ahead of time, adolescents try not to prick in the elbows, but choose places on the body that are not entirely suitable for the introduction of the drug. These are the femoral veins, the calcaneus, the area in the groin. More experienced drug addicts know that to stab the drug in the legs is to "open the lid of the coffin."

This is the strongest inflammation of the vein with the formation of a blood clot in it - a thrombus. Gradually, there is a venous insufficiency: the blood stagnates in the legs, there is a lot of pain when walking, legs swell, become black, are affected by ulcers. The treatment of the syndrome is very long, often associated with the restriction of drug use. Sometimes the disease goes so deep that it is treated exclusively surgically - the patient amputates limbs.

In the photo, the consequences of using the screw


. No matter how many people say that there is no "breaking" when the screw is refused, this is a myth. The screw, in the first place, is the strongest psychostimulant and if it is impossible to get the next dose or if you want to quit drugs, the adolescent will inevitably have a withdrawal syndrome, or as doctors call it - an abstinence syndrome.

The first phase of withdrawal lasts about a day, sometimes two. At this time, the teenager is strongly drawn to take a dose, he is irritable, he can get fever, jump pressure, there are severe headaches.

The second phase of withdrawal is much longer and heavier. At this time, the following symptoms are observed:

  • reduced body temperature;
  • lethargy, severe drowsiness;
  • apathy, depression, self-flagellation;
  • a sharp change of mood, a sudden increase in fear and anxiety, accompanied by a strong desire to urgently take the drug;
  • loss of sense of reality and the inability to imagine your life without drugs.

This stage is accompanied by a sense of derealization, in which the patient is as if in a half-demented state, everything around him is perceived as unreal, distant and illusory. Time in this state is slow, the sounds seem deaf, the colors around are dim. In such turbidity the teenager is for a rather long time - up to two months. Being at this stage of abolition, the teenager falls into depression, begins to blame himself for all sins, painfully reacts to ridicule and comments of others. There is a desire to take a drug to increase the acuity of feelings.

The second phase can last up to six months. After it comes the third stage - the stage of recovery. The desire to take the drug over time fades, but in conditions close to those in which previously taken the drug, the desire to repeat the use of the drug becomes stronger. Such a remission can last several years.

Complete recovery from primary dependence is rare, a teenager needs to have a very strong will not to return to previous habits. To rake out the consequences of receiving a screw, alas, will have the rest of his life, so irreversibly he acts on the brain cells and psyche. In order not to rake, it is better not to start at all!

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