Diet with diarrhea( diarrhea, stomach upset, liquid stool) in an adult, table number 4, which menu for the elderly?

The sudden upset stomach gives a person a lot of problems with their negative manifestations. Frequent liquid stools disrupt the habitual quality of life for several days. Any patient who has had such unpleasant symptoms caused by diarrhea, aspires to get rid of it as soon as possible. But only the reception of medicines, even the most effective, can not solve this problem completely. Help in this case can have a special diet. When diarrhea is very important to adjust the diet and remove from the diet all foods that contribute to irritation of the mucosa.

Preparing the right menu is necessary for patients of any age, because only with it can help the body cope with the problem most effectively. Very often, patients are asked what kind of diet for diarrhea adults need, and what is best to include in the diet of an elderly person, so that diarrhea ceases as soon as possible? In order to understand this, it is necessary to consider the principles of nutrition in this age-related disease in more detail. The general rules are exactly the same here, and table 4 is used as the basis for diarrhea.

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Diet No. 4 for diarrhea

During the disease, the general direction of this table is the maximum chemical and mechanical shaking of the gastrointestinal mucosa, and a decrease in putrefactive and fermenting processes in it. Such a diet is indicated for diarrhea of ​​all kinds, therefore it is prescribed during any diseases of the digestive organs. The general characteristics of this diet for a stomach disorder are as follows:

  • The prescribed diet contains a normal amount of protein, but significantly limits carbohydrates and fats, down to the lower limit of the norm. The purpose of this diet in the liquid stool is to reduce the inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa by maximum chemical and mechanical ironing;
  • All dishes offered to patients should be steamed, boiled or baked without ruddy crust. In addition, they must necessarily be scraped;
  • Excluded from diet number 4 are foods and meals that increase peristalsis in the intestines and, accordingly, diarrhea. Also, the diet should not have dishes that can provoke the appearance in the intestines of putrefactive and fermenting processes. In particular, this refers to fresh vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber, legumes, sweets and whole milk. Exceptions are also spices, hot snacks and sauces that stimulate the secretion of the stomach, causing in it a disorder that ends with diarrhea.

The diet, which provides a menu of diet number 4 for diarrhea, fractional, at least 5-6 times a day. Since this variant of the diet is physiologically inferior, it is prescribed for no more than 2-3 days.

Diarrhea diet in adults

The nutritional features during diarrhea in middle-aged patients are as follows:

  • Complete exclusion of foods that roam and rot in the intestine, as well as substances that irritate the liver;
  • Increase in protein content;
  • Maximum restriction of carbohydrates and fats;
  • Exclusion of food irritants of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Diets for diarrhea in adults should be hypochlorous, and rice should be included in the diet. It is its strengthening properties that help to stop the liquid stool fast. But it is recommended to use it as a thin cereal, boiled on water and small portions several times a day. Do not avoid bananas, because this fruit with a mild form of diarrhea can stop watery excrements, even without the use of medicines. Also very good in dietary nutrition for diarrhea in adults are apples that help restore normal microflora, and carrots containing a large amount of vitamin A, improving the overall condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa. But milk and spicy dishes are strictly not recommended. Do not use alcohol in case of stomach upset.

Diarrhea diet in the elderly

The scope of this diet for diarrhea in elderly patients should be clearly indicated, since dehydration, the main satellite of the disease, is especially dangerous for this age group of the population. Due to anatomical features in this category of people, most of the diseases of classical symptomatology simply can not be cured. Therefore, before you listen to any recommendations about a diet for diarrhea in an elderly person, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Older people follow the standard dietary guidelines listed above, but you should increase the amount of water you drink. With diarrhea in an elderly person, you can add to the general menu, consisting of rice porridge, apples, bananas and crackers, also baked potatoes, hard cheese and boiled chicken meat. On a question of patients about what diet for diarrhea is required in old age, you can answer in one word - the most sparing.

All meals that are irritating to the intestinal mucosa, as well as spicy, fried and fatty foods are categorically prohibited. To drink with a diet prescribed during diarrhea in patients of this age category, follows compotes of dried fruits, kissels, live kefir, sweet tea and still mineral water. Any fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as milk, it is best to leave until the liquid stool stops. There are also some common recommendations with other patients:

  • If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, do not eat solid foods. All products for the diet table should be wiped;
  • It is very good to diversify the diet menu with liquid stools with mucous soups, mashed potatoes from various vegetables and cereal casseroles;
  • If diarrhea is caused by taking antibiotics, it is useful to include natural yoghurts that contain bifidobacteria in the diet.

As symptoms ease, you should gradually return to normal diet. But if diarrhea, despite a change in diet and a strict diet, continues in older people for more than two days, you need an urgent appeal to a specialist. It should also be exactly if it is accompanied by pain and cramping in the abdomen or has an admixture of blood and mucus. There are general principles of diarrhea diet. Whatever diet for diarrhea in the elderly is not chosen by a specialist, it will be ineffective if you do not follow certain rules when preparing and eating food. They are as follows:

  • The temperature of dishes intended for a person suffering from a stomach disorder should not exceed 30-35 ° C.This kind of food has the greatest thermal shading of the gastrointestinal mucosa, and is maximally absorbed by the body;
  • The frequency of eating at least 5-6 times a day and the smallest portions. This makes it possible to reduce the functional load on the intestine;
  • All dietary dishes intended for a patient with diarrhea should be welded in water or cooked in steaming, and immediately before consumption, they must be crushed or wiped well.
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