Iodine for diarrhea( with diarrhea)

Many people resort to alternative medicine in the treatment of such a pathological condition of the body as diarrhea. And the point here is not only in the prices of medicines sold in pharmacies, but also in the proven effectiveness of prescriptions from the treasury of folk wisdom. Often, experts on these methods of treatment can be heard that iodine is used to get rid of diarrhea. Yes, the most well-known antiseptic, usually used for external application for early healing of wounds. Some suggest that when a liquid stool appears, drop 5-7 drops of this drug in 100 g of water and drink in a gulp.

There is no rationale for the effectiveness of such treatment from traditional medicine, although some of this solution does help. Only before taking it into service, one should think about the fact that iodine can very easily provoke a burn with a weakened diarrhea of ​​the intestinal mucosa, therefore it should be used with great care. And in no case do not resort to such experimental treatment of children.

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But, surprisingly enough, iodine for diarrhea still helps, but it's not about the drug that we used to see in our medicine kits, but about its blue analog, which has the same properties. Yes, and recent reviews of doctors agree that it can be effective in the treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which are always accompanied by a liquid stool. Blue iodine in diarrhea is most often used in cases where diarrhea is caused by neurogenic factors or food poisoning. The liquid stool is treated with 2 ways:

  • Throughout the day, drink 20 teaspoons of the drug in equal doses;
  • You can take it once in combination with blue clay. In this case, the pharmacological action is based on the fact that iodine effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms that provoke diarrhea, and clay draws slag from the body.

Many patients who have heard about this method of treating liquid stools are interested in what is its effectiveness and why is the remedy for blue iodine from diarrhea completely safe, despite the aggressive bactericidal properties of natural iodine? The thing here is that the composition of this analogue of the drug, known to everyone, is starch. The combination of these two substances creates a unique mixture that is very effective against diarrhea and helps to rid the body of a number of concomitant infections and disinfect it. Store the drug at room temperature in a well-closed glass bowl.

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