Moisture or wetting areas on the skin: symptoms, treatment, classification

Today we will talk about wetting as a symptom of problems from the sphere of dermatology. We will tell you in detail how to eliminate such a sign. What is

Moisture Moisture - a weeping skin area arising due to abnormal process which is expressed in exudation( allocation) serous, purulent or bloody fluid( exudate) via minor erosion( damage) of the epidermis( upper layer of the skin). Moisture is not a disease, it is a sign of a pathological process occurring in a particular area of ​​the skin or a symptom of internal disorders and dermatological diseases.

leading risk factor for weeping erosions due to exudation consider:

  • increased vascular permeability( capillary venules - small veins) as a result of inflammation or aggression allergens;
  • as well as an increase in pressure in the vessels of the affected tissues due to hyperemia( blood overflow).

Moisture behind the ears of the child( photo)

How to identify it in yourself

To reveal the mocculation in itself is quite simple. In the area of ​​skin lesions against the background of inflammation, swelling, redness, multiple point damage( erosion), covered with moisture, is visible. The skin looks wet, shiny.

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This phenomenon is observed in the following conditions:

  • inflammation( viral, bacterial, fungal nature);
  • autopsy of vesicles( vesicles, blisters);
  • intensive combing;
  • superficial and deep wounds, ulcers;
  • burns, frostbite. On

any violations might indicate

symptom in most cases moknutie as symptom characteristic of the following diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis weeping, all kinds of pruritic dermatitis;
  • exudative psoriasis;
  • moknushchy lichen - eczema;
  • bladder dermatosis, including pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis;
  • is a contagious impetigo;Bedsores and diaper rash;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • omphalitis serous or purulent( "sinking navel") in infants - a pathology with characteristic exudate from umbilical wound and slow healing;
  • moknushchy hemorrhoids( III - IV stage of the disease);
  • burns and frostbite;
  • chicken pox;
  • Purulent skin lesions, including: diffuse and ulcerative streptodermia( ecthyma), intertriginous streptodermia( streptococcal intertrigo).

How to deal with such a sign

Since mocclusion is a symptom-phenomenon, a complete cure for it is possible by curing a causative disease in which this symptom arises. So, with wet eczema, therapy aimed at eliminating neurotic disorders, neuroendocrinal disorders, will affect the external signs of the disease, including wetting.

Local preparations that are used externally, can significantly reduce the severity of this unpleasant manifestation, reduce the inflammation of the tissues and the intensity of exudate discharge, dry the wound area, soothe itching and burning. General guidelines

soak or vesicles( blisters) with exudate usually indicate an acute stage of the disease when the skin is easily infected, primarily - staphylococcus and streptococcus flora.

Many experts insist that at the stage of fluid isolation, non-anti-inflammatory oily ointments should be used that can worsen the condition of the affected areas, but only creams, emulsions that do not interfere with the evaporation of moisture. In severe exudation against various skin lesions used podsushivayuschee, astringents zinc-based creams and emulsions, lotions and wet-drying bandage with medical solutions, non-steroidal and serious hormonal ointments antiexudativ action.

Than to treat and how to process moknutija at an atopic dermatitis, will tell this video:


One of the simple and effective ways to mitigate the wetting of the inflammatory processes( dermatitis, eczema) are cold lotions and wet-drying with medical solutions. The mechanism of action is based on the evaporation of water, cooling the skin, knitting and drying effect. When cooling the skin, the blood vessels in the affected wetting area narrow, which leads to a decrease in the expression of mocculation and inflammation.

For lotions use:

  • Burov liquid( 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water);
  • boric acid 2%;
  • silver nitrate 0.025%;
  • tannin solution 4%;
  • Dimexide solution( including erysipelas, eczema, deep burns) 25 - 90%;
  • Resorcinol 1%.

It is not uncommon for experts to advise you to make lotions, not with alcohol, in case of "wet" skin changes, so as not to overdry or burn the damaged skin, but on water or physiological saline. The most gentle action is possessed by:

  • furacilin( 1 tablet per 200 ml of water);
  • solution of potassium permanganate( 0.05% potassium permanganate) of pale pink color;
  • broths with oak bark, black currant leaves, tricolor violet, chamomile, birch buds, sage, laurel leaf, mother-and-stepmother grass;
  • weak tea leaves from black tea;
  • solution mummy( 3 grams per glass of water).

It is desirable to hold the solution for lotions in the refrigerator. In it, a wide bandage folded in several layers is moistened, squeezed very well, and applied to the affected area. As soon as the lotion begins to warm up( after 5 minutes), repeat the procedure with a cool solution. Duration - up to an hour and a half, twice a day.

For bandages use up to 12 layers of gauze, top put a little hygroscopic cotton wool( natural), freely fix with a bandage and change after 1 to 3 hours as it dries. Bandages act like lotions, but less effectively.

Separately, it should be said about a sinking hemorrhoids. To reduce the wetness in the anus area, use lotions and baths with a mountainous pochechuinym, chamomile, burdock root, oak bark, eucalyptus, rowan. Add the mummies, garlic juice, onion shell decoction, propolis, birch tar and sea buckthorn oil.

Closure of the skin of the rear of the hands

Preparations for inflammatory processes with exudation

In the combined treatment of wet areas, except for lotions, use external means of varying degrees of effectiveness.

External medications that help with sowing:

Preparation Pathologies
Desithin cream
  • Atopic, diaper dermatitis, drowsiness, intertrigo;Pressure sores;

  • drowsing ulcers, eczema.

Especially recommended for young patients due to a minimum of "pobokchek"
Tsindol, talker
Zinc paste
"First Aid".Powder natural Drying agent for various damages with wetting. Anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, healing effect
Powder Baneocin
  • wetting contagious impetigo;

  • drowsing ulcers;wet eczema;

  • bacterial diaper dermatitis;

  • varicella vesicles;

  • umbilical infection with mocclusion;

  • Wounding Wounds and Seams

Powder and Powder Xeroform
  • Dermatitis of various nature;

  • ulcers, erosion, eczema, burns, pressure sores, intertrigo;

  • purulent and sinking wounds;

  • umbilical wound of newborn babies.

Low toxicity, no irritation, minimal adverse reactions
Fukortzin Use with caution to avoid drying and burning of the skin. Possible severe burning.
Methylene blue
Diamond green( "green")
Elidel( stronger analogue - Protopic) Atopic dermatitis, dandruff eczema( other than microbial)
Elocom cream, lotion;Moment Cream
  • Wet eczema,

  • dermatitis,

  • psoriasis.

With caution in children and with a large lesion area
Hormonal agents
Synaflan liniment( high-activity glucocorticosteroid) Wet dermatitis, eczema, intertrigo and exudative exudate, exudative erythema, psoriasis
Advantanum, highly active Used for acuteand chronic dermatitis, eczema accompanied by exudation. Suppresses inflammatory reactions associated with increased exudation, leading to a decrease in mocculation, itching, pain, irritation
Afloderm cream( moderate activity) In particularly sensitive areas( face, chest, genitals).Allowed for infants from 6 months of age who are breastfeeding and pregnant
Flucinar gel( high-activity) For wet eczema and dermatitis with wetness
Lokoid Krelo,
emulsion( weakly active), cream Lokoid
Wet areas for various cutaneous pathologies

Active non-hormonal agents in severeerosion

In case of dermal damage on the skin, it should be borne in mind that the treatment of the symptom is carried out in stages, taking into account the stages of the pathological process in these zones. First, dry it, then protect it.

Strong non-steroidal agents:

  1. Ointment Stellanin PEG. Stellanin PEG with antimicrobial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory action in contrast to ointment Stellanin is used precisely for wetting skin pathologies with attachment of infection:
    • trophic wetting ulcers, pressure sores;
    • wetting areas for burns;
    • strong brushing after insect bite.
  2. Solcoseryl gel. It is the therapeutic form of Solcoseryl in the form of a gel that does not contain fat, reduces and prevents exudation and wetting of wound zones, stimulates the formation of collagen fibers.

If the exudate ceases to stand out and the process of "drying" is going on, you can start using Salcoseril, Stellanin, and Actovegin ointments that create a protective film.


Today physiotherapy using physiotherapy with

  • helium-neon laser irradiation is used to remove the expressed exudation;
  • of ultraviolet rays;
  • therapy for microwave and UHF.

On how to get rid of the dampness of the cheeks and other parts of the body with dermatitis, the video below will tell you:

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