Exostosis of external auditory canal: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Exostosis is a proliferation of bone tissue. The disease in the ear looks like a round growth under the skin. Usually it is located on the back / front wall of the ear canal.

Exostosis of the external auditory meatus ICD-10

According to ICD-10, the disease code H61.8 - other specified diseases of the external ear. This ailment is a hyperplastic proliferation of skin tissue. Microscopically it looks like a spongy or compact bone with an erratic arrangement of osteons.

The disease is more often found in representatives of the stronger sex than in women. The number of cases is about 1% of all patients with ear diseases. There are two types of such benign lesions:

  • on the stem, which originate from the outer ring area of ​​the bone portion of the external passage, the
  • are flat, having a wide base.

The latter can be located on one or several walls of the ear canal. The sizes of the formations vary from a small pea to a size that completely covers the auditory canal. Small growths are detected by chance, since they do not cause any discomfort.

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What are exostoses of the external auditory canal

Causes of

Exostoses can be congenital and acquired. The influence of hereditary factors is proved. If a person in the family has not suffered from such a pathology, a mutation can occur in the body. Then such a benign neoplasm can manifest in children.

Acquired disease often occurs in swimmers. They sometimes do not notice him, but they go to the hospital because of hearing loss. The cause for complete occlusion may be:

  • external otitis media,
  • earwax cluster,
  • other problems.

Often find a problem in people who work in cold climates. In 1999, studies were carried out. It was found that 73% of surfers have this pathology. If a person has been involved in this sport for more than 20 years, the likelihood of appearance is approaching 100%.

Symptoms of

Small bone formation does not lead to symptoms. If the exostoses are large, they overlap the auditory meatus. In the remaining gap often accumulates sulfur and epidermal cells. Because of this, appears:

  • hearing loss,
  • tinnitus,
  • headache( rarely).

If the formations appear in different places, but come into contact with each other, there are strong enough painful sensations.

On the photo exostoses of the external auditory meatus of different degree


For the diagnosis the doctor collects an anamnesis. If necessary, otoscopy and sounding are carried out. At an early stage, you can see the problem only with the use of X-rays. The doctor will see the changes on the photo.

Diagnosis of skin growths in the auditory canal:

Treatment methods

Surgical method is used to remove the formation. In this case the expediency of its carrying out depends on the clinical picture and the peculiarities of the patient's organism. If the exostosis has a leg, then the removal occurs endaurally. Before the procedure, anesthetics are introduced. Then, using the chisel of the required width, the foot is cut.

Plane species operate under anesthesia through a bite incision. The lumen of the auditory canal is enlarged using special instruments. The same technique is used when it comes to multiple build-ups.

In the postoperative period, special constructions are established, which do not allow the auditory passage to narrow during the scarring of tissues. When a large size is created, a physician can also apply medication. Rehabilitation is carried out in a hospital.

Removal of exostosis of external auditory canal:

Possible complications of

With large formations and a decrease in the recurve in the ear, pus may appear. Its outflow is hampered by accumulated sulfur and epidermis.

Such otitis is treated only in a hospital.multiple foci injure other tissues. This leads to chronic inflammatory processes, as well as to a violation of the protective properties in the ear.

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