Atheroma behind ear or lobe in the child: treatment at home, photo

specialists consider atheroma to be a benign entity. Such a fat globule can form in any part of the body( arms, back, head).Wen can cause the development of severe consequences. This pathology is better to treat without delay.

Classification in the ICD 10

Different atheromas have similar manifestations. This pathology is included in the ICD-10, as a disease of the epididymis of the dermis. The code according to the International Classification of Diseases this pathology has 170.9.It is referred to as diseases of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue.

Cyst on the lobe

Atheroma is represented by the formation, which is caused by the clogging of the sebaceous gland. Education, formed on the earlobe, is a spherical cyst.

Its inside lining the layer of the epidermis, inside it contains a curd, the color of which can vary within white, light yellow. Inside the cavity of this formation are dead cells, fat masses, hair. Dimensions of atheroma are different( 3 - 40 mm).

At visual inspection, a dense ball is noticeable, it usually hangs from the lobe. The dermis that covers the atheroma does not change its color, structure.

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Education atherod does not depend on the age factor, sex - it can manifest both in the child and in the adult.

Reasons for

Such formations usually occur in areas of significant accumulation of sebaceous glands, more precisely: back, face, neck, eyelids, scalp, chest.

The reason for their appearance is:

  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

Atheroma behind the ear

Sometimes, atheromas do not appear on the earlobe, but behind it. Such cones behind the ear can appear, then disappear for a while.

Normally, such an education does not present any danger. But in some cases complications can arise:

  • increase in the size of education;
  • infection of atheroma;
  • is an inflammation.

Reasons for

The formation of an atheroma behind the ear can be a consequence of various factors:

  • hyperhidrosis, increased sweating;
  • metabolic disorder of the body;
  • hygiene non-compliance;
  • infection of the duct of the sebaceous gland. This may result in piercing;
  • negative impact of the external environment;
  • malfunctioning of the endocrine system, hormonal failures;
  • trauma to the dermis in the presence of acne, seborrhea;
  • rare genetic diseases;
  • enhanced production of the body of sebaceous fat.

What is atheroma, causes and provoking factors of education:

Symptoms of occurrence of

Usually atheroma grows to 5 - 45 mm. A person can not even notice it at the early stages of its formation, when the dimensions are still small and it does not manifest itself in any way. After inflammation, infection of education, the size of the atheroma can significantly increase. Inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • sharpness of the outlines of education;
  • pain manifested by touch;
  • mobility of the subcutaneous capsule;
  • redness;
  • burning, itching behind the ear;
  • is felt for the formation of a free liquid.

In some cases, these symptoms manifest themselves, and then disappear after a couple of weeks. This may change the character of the cyst. Such changes are caused by the replacement of secretion of sebaceous glands by connective cells.

This process provokes an active growth of atheroma. Neoplasm already clearly seen. The specialist did not record the spread of metastases to neighboring organs.

Doctors say that the atheroma that has arisen on the earlobe behind the ear should be removed. It can expand, affect neighboring tissues, organs. When re-infected, inflammation may occur.

Causes and symptoms of ear atheroma, reviews about the treatment in our video:

Diagnosis( analysis, research)

Very important is the diffusion of atheroma with such diseases: lipoma, hygroma, fibroma. What are the features of atheroma?

  1. It arises inside the duct of the sebaceous gland, which is clogged. It is not a true tumor formation, it is included in a group of typical cysts.
  2. Atheroma can be inflamed, inflamed.
  3. In its center, the appearance of the sebaceous gland is visible to the outside.
  4. Atheroma prefers hairy areas of the body, the head( groin, armpit, head).

The diagnosis of education consists in its primary examination by a specialist. The doctor initially examines the atheroma, then conducts the palpation necessary to determine its mobility, density. The specialist should detect the outflow duct to differentiate atheroma from other tumors.

If necessary, remove atheroma, the doctor takes the contents from the capsule for histological examination. This study enables the specialist to distinguish atheroma from other formations, pathologies, to clarify the nature of the disease, to determine the method of its therapy.

Differential diagnosis is also needed because atheroma is similar in appearance to the following formations, as:

  • Syphilitic gum.
  • Lymphadenitis( its initial stage).
  • Bartholinitis.

For experienced specialists( surgeon, dermatologist) there is no particular difficulty in diagnosing this pathology.

On a photo of an atheroma of an ear


The considered pathology in itself does not disappear. It should be treated immediately after detection. Experts consider the only one-hundred-percent method of treatment surgical removal.


No ointments or antibiotics are treated with atheroma, because it is a cyst that does not pass by itself.

Folk remedies

Znachari, of course, are treated with folk remedies. Even atheroma. But doctors question the effectiveness of such treatment. Can it be cured atheroma by sprinkling with ashes, rolling out a chicken egg, vodka compresses, conspiracies, putting silver objects?

Modern medical technologies will cope with this pathology instantly, and people's ways can only harm their inefficiency.

Surgical intervention

The specialists can eliminate new growth by means of various equipment:

  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • instruments for surgical treatment.

Using local anesthesia, the patient can undergo surgical treatment using the following methods:

  1. Dermal dissection in the atheroma region followed by opening the incision, extracting the cyst by pressing.
  2. Dermal dissection in the region of the protrusion on the cyst. In this case, the contents of the formation are squeezed out, the grip of the capsule is carried out by means of a clamp. Then the capsule is removed, the cavity is scraped.
  3. Double dissection of the dermis. It is used when removing large atterms. After this, the cyst is removed, the wound is sealed.

Demonstration of an operation to remove an atheroma of the ear:

Possible complications of

Self-deletion of education is unacceptable. This action can lead to infection, suppuration, which is accompanied by the formation of an abscess, phlegmon. Suppuration of lesions in the ear region is dangerous due to the development of a dangerous complication( venous sinus thrombosis of the brain

Prognosis, the probability of recurrence of

If the complications did not occur, the prognosis will be good Malignant degeneration of the pathology was recorded very rarely Atheroma is prone to recurrence


To prevent the appearance of atheroma can:

  • treatment of all chronic diseases;
  • proper nutrition;
  • dermal care.
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