Acute, bullous ear myrgitis in children: ICD 10, symptoms, treatment

Myringitis is an inflammation of the tympanic membrane. At risk are those patients who have suffered from water entering the auditory canal, children and those who suffer from pneumonia.

It is worth pointing out that these pathogenic factors provoke a particularly acute type of myringitis. The etiology of the chronic form of myringitis has not yet been studied by medicine.

Muringite, ICD-10

When the patient is diagnosed with mylingitis, the doctors imply an inflammatory process of the tympanic membrane of an acute type. This problem can be both an independent and provoked by other diseases an ailment. Most often, mylingitis occurs against the background of external or otitis media, the therapy of which was not performed in a timely manner.

The cause of myringitis, as an independent ailment, are chemical, thermal effects on the eardrum itself, as well as a variety of viral infections.

Causes and provoking factors

The cause of myringitis most often become various diseases of the middle and outer ear. Less commonly, mylingitis is found as an independent disease.

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Exception is the cases of injury to the tympanic membrane. There are also other causes of acute myringitis. Among them:

  • sepsis;
  • various infectious diseases, influenza and measles, as well as other ailments;
  • combination with a variety of diseases of the middle and outer ear.

Children are more often affected by illness. In any case, if any symptoms of the disease are found, the patient should consult LOR.The doctor will help determine the type of illness and its neglect.

Types of

Myringitis is a fairly serious disease that can have absolutely different stages of the flow, each of which is characterized by its own set of symptoms and signs. Depending on the available indicators, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment and preventive measures.

In medicine, there are three main types of myringitis:

  • Acute type of myringitis;
  • Chronic type of myringitis;
  • Hemorrhagic type of myringitis.

Each type of ailment is unique in its own way and has its own specific set of characteristics.


Acute inflammatory process in the ear develops as a result of exposure to all sorts of thermal, mechanical, chemical factors. The disease manifests itself quite actively and clearly expressed. So, inflammatory defeat makes itself felt through sharp painful sensations. In a sick person, the body temperature is significantly overestimated, and there are also soup secretions from the ear.


The chronic stage of myringitis is much more common than acute. It is characterized by a diffuse inflammatory process that affects the auditory canal. Inflammation affects not only the tympanic membrane as a whole, but also sometimes its individual parts. The disease manifests itself by the presence of purulent formations that have an unpleasant odor.


Hemorrhagic form of myringitis is considered one of the most specific, since it is characterized by the severity of the leak. During this stage, the patient has small blisters that fill with blood. These education data are quite painful and create a tangible discomfort.

In some cases bullous formations can appear not only inside but also outside the auditory canal. Of the additional symptoms, there is a slight decrease in hearing, fever, and bloody discharge.

On the photo inflamed eardrum with bolls

Diagnosis, necessary analyzes

The diagnosis of myringitis is established by ENT, based on a physical examination and anamnesis. Also the most important element of the diagnosis is the sensitivity test. It is he who allows us to reach the cause of the disease.

The most difficult diagnosis of this disease is the difference between myringitis and acute otitis media. The otitis exclusion is not always possible only on the basis of the otoscopic picture. In favor of the fact that in the patient it is the myringitis that usually speaks of the absence of noise of the perforating type, which can be detected by purging.

Also, the diagnosis of myringitis is given to those patients who have such symptoms as insignificant hearing loss and preservation of the eardrum movement.

How to understand when hearing loss is a symptom of the disease, see in our video:

Treatment of

Treatment of myringitis should be carried out only after preliminary diagnosis and consultation of the treating doctor. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences that will affect not only the process of the disease course, but also the general condition of a person.


In the treatment of acute and chronic myringitis, medicamentous therapy is predominantly used. It involves the use of a solution of carbolic glycerol( 2-3%) or resorcinol solution.

In the case of an acute stage of the disease, it is recommended that the painful vesicles be opened by applying a paracentesis needle.

In case of presence of chronic myringitis, the injection of boric acid powder positively proves itself.

A complete cure can be achieved within a short period of time. However, a real result can be achieved only if all the recommendations of the doctor are observed.

Folk remedies and other methods

Ears are a fairly complex system that is responsible for the quality of audibility. The use of folk remedies for its treatment should be discussed with the attending physician beforehand, since their incorrect use can not only not bring the desired results, but also significantly worsen the general state of the organism.

With myringitis, the following can be used most optimally:

  • Onion( baked);
  • Drug Chamomile;
  • Olive oil;
  • Hydrogen Peroxide;
  • Garlic.

Several simple prescriptions for ear pain in our video:

Possible complications of

The absence of timely seeking medical help and ignoring myringitis can lead to very disastrous consequences. The main complications of the disease are:

  • perforation of the tympanic membrane;
  • diffusion of purulent masses in the membranes of the brain;
  • lesion of the facial nerve, its paralysis;
  • partial or complete deafness, hearing loss;
  • mastoiditis;
  • labyrinthite;
  • sepsis.

Complications are very dangerous to the patient's health and often require surgical intervention. To avoid these health and life-threatening ailments, it is necessary to pay attention in time to the symptoms and contact the doctor.

Otherwise, complications can lead to complete deafness, which significantly spoils the patient's quality of life and is an almost incurable problem.


It is not difficult to get rid of myringitis, but it is much easier to prevent the onset of this ailment in time. For this purpose, it is worth taking care of prevention.

  1. It is very important to monitor the hygiene of the ears and to fight the sulfur plugs in time. Ears do not suffer procrastination.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention in time to the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body that can lead to illness.
  3. Do not forget about strengthening your own body. This measure includes moderate physical activity, correct, balanced nutrition and sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the daily diet.


Myringitis is a disease that relates to completely curable ailments. Coping with it is easy enough if you pay attention in time to pain, discomfort, hearing loss and other screaming symptoms.

Also, some particularly professional and experienced doctors are able to cure not only acute, but chronic myringitis. Conditions for a positive prediction are several:

  1. Proper care of the ears.
  2. Timely contact with a doctor.
  3. Follow all recommendations given by your doctor.

Do not be scared of the doctor. Diagnosis, as well as treatment are painless and not too long. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor early. This can save health, and in some situations the life of the patient.

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