Otitis in pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment of purulent otitis media

Any infectious pathology during pregnancy can cause negative health effects. During this period it is forbidden to use most drugs.

Viruses and bacteria can cause serious disturbances. One of the most common diseases that often occurs during pregnancy is otitis.

Otitis in pregnancy

Otitis is the inflammatory lesion of the ear's mucosa. This disease can affect various components - the outer, inner or middle ear. In some cases, the abnormal process affects the entire auditory system, which only complicates the tactics of therapy.

It may be accompanied by only a slight fatigue or dizziness, but these symptoms are often mistaken for the natural course of pregnancy. As the disease progresses, such manifestations can occur:

  • general weakness and increased fatigue;
  • pain in the ear - they can be light or intense enough;
  • secretion of pus from the ear;
  • headaches;
  • stuffiness of the ears;
  • the appearance of tinnitus.

Detecting otitis can be difficult because during pregnancy, especially in the early term of the first trimester, the obvious symptoms of an illness do not always appear.

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In any case, the appearance of any malaise should be the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Etiology of the disease

Development of otitis is most often due to a weakening of the defenses of the body. During pregnancy, the body is more vulnerable to infection.

As a result of a decrease in immunity, any hypothermia provokes otitis symptoms, since active development of pathogenic microorganisms begins in the ear cavity.

To the appearance of acute otitis can lead to viral diseases and the presence of a propensity to ear diseases.

In addition, the ailment can be a consequence of chronic pathologies of ENT organs - rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

What is dangerous is

The main danger of otitis is for a pregnant woman, because the condition and development of the child does not affect the disease.

However, some viral infections still penetrate the placenta, which can cause hypoxia. Infectious diseases can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

The risk of otitis for the mother is also obvious. In some cases, the woman does not even have a fever, which is due to the weakening of immunity and the inability of the body to respond normally to infection. In such a situation, there is a risk of chronicling this process.

How to treat

Any diseases of ENT organs should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. At the initial stage of otitis, home therapy will suffice. If pathology becomes purulent, a woman needs to take antibacterial drugs. In some cases even hospital treatment is indicated.

If the cause of pain and stuffiness in the ears is in the presence of sulfur plug, which is a frequent phenomenon in whom there was secretory otitis, self-medication is categorically contraindicated. To cope with this problem only a doctor can. To avoid damage to the tympanic membrane, the ENT performs the following:

  • rinses the ear canal with warm water, releasing it from the syringe or syringe;
  • lubricates the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, which entails softening and excretion of the plug;
  • digs in the ears of special preparations - remo-wax, a-cerumen, which help to remove sulfur from the ear.


If the ear pathology is provoked by an infectious disease, such medications are used:

  1. Vasodilating drops. They are prescribed in children's dosage in small courses. As a rule, such funds are used for severe swelling of the nose and for getting pathogens on the Eustachian tube. In this case, you can use drugs such as vibrocil, nasivin, ximelin for children.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drops for the ears. They help to remove pain syndrome and successfully cope with middle and outer otitis media. Most often, otolaryngologists prescribe otipax drops. However, they are strictly forbidden to use when purulent discharge occurs.
  3. Drops for ears with antibacterial components. Also, doctors often prescribe combined drugs, such as polidex. They are not dangerous in the absence of a perforation of the tympanic membrane. If this problem exists, the use of hydrocortisone or ciprofloxacin is indicated. Turbids with candybiotic. This method of treatment is used for the external form of fungal otitis, which is not accompanied by perforation of the membrane.
  4. Systemic antibiotics. Such funds are shown with a purulent lesion of the middle ear. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed funds from the category of penicillins. These include flemoxin, augmentin. Also, funds from the group of cephalosporins can be prescribed - for example, suprax.

What procedures can be performed

When purulent discharge occurs, the ear is cleaned daily. Also, the doctor can prescribe the administration of turunda with candybiotic, boric alcohol or sulfacyl sodium.

As the membrane overgrows quickly enough, the purulent discharge can not be output. Usually this situation provokes an intense pain syndrome.

It can be removed only with the help of a special surgical instrument. In this case, the doctor perforates the membrane by himself.

If the auditory tubes are closed, they need to be opened by blowing. For this purpose, a special device is inserted in the vestibule of the nose. The second nostril is covered with a finger. By compressing the pear in the nose direct the air flow, which leads to the creation of a pressure difference. Thanks to this, the auditory tube opens.

A pneumatic massage of the membrane can also be performed. Similar procedures are needed in the exudative form of otitis and eustachyte. Literally in 1-2 weeks there comes a full recovery, which allows you to avoid the use of serious medications.

Traditional medicine recipes

To facilitate the manifestation of otitis, you can use useful folk remedies. However, home prescriptions can only be used as prescribed by the doctor. The most effective responses are the following recipes:

  1. Several drops of olive oil can be injected into the affected ear. This will reduce the pressure due to the accumulation of sulfur.
  2. Put the salt in a bag and heat a little in the microwave. Then attach it to the sick ear and leave for a while.
  3. To relieve the symptoms of otitis helps the inhalation of steam. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with the pain for a short time.

Before using any herbal remedies, consult a doctor. Many medicinal plants are dangerous for pregnant women, because they can provoke allergic reactions and even create a threat of miscarriage.

What to do if the ear hurts, see in our video:

The development of otitis in pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To avoid dangerous complications and avoid the use of serious medications, you need to see a doctor at an early stage of the disease.

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