Treatment of hemorrhoids with honey at home, do honey candles help with oil, which recipes to cure?

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Long since natural honey is famous for its useful properties. This wonderful product is not only useful, but also tasty, it is loved by both adults and children.

Honey cope not only with respiratory diseases, but also helps against hemorrhoids. It is enough to use this product correctly to get a universal medicine.

Natural honey has the following useful properties:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Painkillers;
  • Healing;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Before using it for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home, it is necessary to determine the method of application.

Honey from hemorrhoids in external means

Some patients, knowing about the beneficial properties of the product of beekeeping, ask whether it is possible to treat them with hemorrhoids? Of course, since it is a universal product, which has a lot of useful substances.

Most often, patients with hemorrhoids prefer to use external means. Honey against hemorrhoids will be effective only if the treatment is performed correctly.

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First of all, you should pay attention to the honey candles from hemorrhoids. You can make them yourself:

  • You will need natural candied honey, not younger than 2 years;
  • From it it is necessary to make suppositories, if they spread, they should be poured into a mold and put in a refrigerator;
  • Ready suppository inserted into the anus before bedtime. To make it easier to enter the rectum, it should be lubricated with oil;
  • The procedure should be performed for 10 days.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with honey can be carried out not only with suppositories, you can also use lotions:

  • You need oil thistles and honey in equal proportions;
  • Ingredients are thoroughly mixed;
  • A cotton swab or bandage is wetted with the resulting mixture;
  • Apply the lotion to a sore spot, keep it for at least 3 minutes. If it is inconvenient to hold hands, you can use an adhesive plaster.

Also as a lotion from hemorrhoids, you can use aspen leaves as an additional component, you need to make a lotion using the following recipe:

  • Some fresh aspen leaves will be needed;
  • The aspen leaf is smeared with honey, and then applied to the sore spot;
  • The lotion should be on the sore spot for at least an hour.

For efficiency of treatment, the aspen leaf can be kneaded slightly to allow it to drain juice.

Sometimes, patients ask if honey from hemorrhoids will help if it is used as an ointment? This natural product is able to cope with the disease in any form. To prepare the ointment you will need:

  • A spoonful of honey and 3 tablets of streptocid;
  • Tablets are ground to a powdery state;
  • All components are mixed;
  • Smear hemorrhoids, best at night before bedtime.

It should be noted that there is a possibility to stain not only underwear, but also the bed. To avoid this, it is recommended to use a feminine hygiene pad.

Drinking honey inside with hemorrhoids

In order to quickly get rid of hemorrhoids, patients are advised not only to use the above-described recipes for candles and ointments, but also take folk remedies orally.

First of all, it should be noted that it is possible to treat hemorrhoids with natural honey simply by eating it before eating. To quickly achieve results and cure hemorrhoids, it is better to combine it with other products.

One such means is a mixture of honey and onions:

  • Onion is best passed through a blender to make juice;
  • The resulting juice is mixed with honey. If you have a rowan tree nearby, you can use it instead of a bow;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey is taken half a cup of juice;
  • Take the syrup you need before eating.

It is necessary to know that such a medicine has a laxative effect, therefore it will be useful to all who suffer from difficulties during defecation.

Unfortunately, one use of folk remedies is not enough inside. Many experts believe that honey helps against hemorrhoids in combination with microclysters. For the enema it is necessary to prepare a solution:

  • Honey with water is thoroughly mixed;
  • To put an enema should be at night;
  • A single dose is 50 milliliters.

If side effects occur when treating enemas, you should consult your doctor.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with honey?

If there is no individual intolerance, patients are not just possible, but need to consume this natural product. As for pregnancy, it is best to coordinate them with your doctor before treating hemorrhoids with folk remedies.

If you do not comply with the dosage, you can disrupt the work of the intestines, and in pregnancy it is better not to do so. When treating at home, the complexity of the pregnancy and its duration are taken into account.

Categorically it is not recommended to treat hemorrhoids with honey if the patient suffers:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Heart disease;
  • Asthma.

Another contraindication is the high temperature. Once the body temperature is normal, patients can again use this method.

It should be noted that dark varieties of honey contain several times more iron and copper. As for magnesium, it is 14 times less in light varieties. Beekeepers recommend taking honey, collected from different colors.

If the above contraindications do not apply to the patient, he can cure hemorrhoids with honey in a short period of time. It is important to comply with the treatment at home, all the prescriptions of the doctor, and prepare funds strictly according to the instructions.

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