Scheme of treatment of worms( helminthic helminthiasis, helminthic invasion) in adults

When a parasite is found in the body by results of laboratory and ultrasound studies, the helminthologist prescribes a course of therapy aimed at eradicating worms and rehabilitating the body after helminthic invasion.

Despite the presence of numerous anthelmintic drugs, there is a general scheme of treatment for worms. It consists of three main stages: preparatory, medication, restorative.

The general scheme of treatment against worms

Before appointing a course of preparations against worms, the specialist-parasitologist clarifies the anamnesis, clarifies the features of the patient's life: working conditions, diet, the presence of chronic diseases. In addition, factors such as:

  • species of parasites are taken into account;
  • localization of worms in the body;
  • degree of affection of the organ or system;
  • level of parasitic intoxication of the body;
  • type of helminthiosis: acute or chronic.

Only with the evaluation of these factors can be appointed effective scheme of treatment of worms, which will give the maximum positive effect and will not cause significant harm to the body. What kind of harm is it? The fact is that all medicinal anthelmintic agents are toxic( it is through this that they kill worms).When they are taken, there is a risk of damage to the health of the body, which is already weakened by the presence of parasites.

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Scheme of treatment of helminths: stages of the standard course

Before starting to remove the worms, the body should be prepared. Therefore, the doctor appoints the patient vegetable oils, which allow to purify the body of the products of the vital activity of worms, and sorbents that promote the elimination of toxins. Preparation for treatment of helminths is carried out from five to seven days according to the following scheme:

  1. Flaxseed oil is taken on a teaspoon three times daily before meals.
  2. Sorbent( Polyphepan, Cholestyramine) is recommended for adults to take 2 tablets three times daily after meals.

After the completion of the preparatory stage, as a result of which, due to the effect of vegetable oil, a part of the worms will come out on their own with feces, the doctor prescribes antihelminthic tablets. The scheme can be used drugs from wide-spectrum worms or drugs of a narrow purpose, used for certain types of parasites. Scheme of treatment for worms in adults and the duration of the course is described in the light of the anamnesis and can be supplemented with herbal preparations. The most common are anthelmintic tablets and suspensions( for children) of a wide spectrum of action: Levamisole, Pirantel, Albendazole and their analogues.

At the third stage of treatment, worms are prescribed drugs that restore the functions of the gastrointestinal and liver organs, increase immunity, normalizing metabolism. They are taken either according to the standard scheme, or by the course recommended by the attending physician.

As a rule, these are medicines with an extract of milk thistle, which is the strongest hypoprotectant.

Scheme of treatment of helminthiases with herbal preparations

Drug therapy is used most often for adult patients. If the worms are found in children, pediatricians are often advised to try to drive out parasites by folk remedies. It is important to understand that natural anthelminthic drugs do not help in all cases, therefore, the treatment regimen should be developed by a specialist taking into account the characteristics of the disease, such as worms and the severity of helminthic invasion.

Many experts are sure that the best way to remove helminths from the body is to take decoctions and infusions on the basis of herbal preparations. The supporters of phytotherapy argue their point of view by the fact that our ancestors successfully treated herbs with parasites. In addition, natural remedies do not cause such harm to health as their pharmacy counterparts.

Traditional plants used in anthelmintic therapy include

  • dandelion root, yarrow inflorescence
  • ,
  • root of ara,
  • wormwood,
  • tansy,
  • thyme,
  • clover red,
  • garlic.

A decoction of the fruit of the pomegranate is a good help, which is drunk for at least 21 days.

The scheme of taking herbal preparations from worms is more complicated, and the course is longer than the treatment with tablets, however, natural remedies are safe for both the adult and the child. In addition, they usually carry additional functions:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tone the body;
  • removes toxins;
  • includes useful micronutrients;
  • normalizes the work of internal organs.

Which drug is chosen by each patient for himself, but the treatment plan for worms must necessarily be agreed with the parasitologist physician.

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