Treatment of otitis media with home remedies in children and adults

Otitis is a pathology of the ear, which is mainly inflammatory and is caused by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the hearing organ. Treatment of an ailment is best conducted under the supervision of a specialist. However, sometimes the people's means are not bad at all. When choosing them, it is important to take into account the nature of the pathological process.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

The causes of the development of the disease can be different:

  1. Otitis externa - often the result of a violation of hygiene. It can provoke incorrect attempts to cleanse the ears. As a result, the ear canal gets an infection, which leads to the appearance of external or fungal otitis.
  2. Average otitis media - usually the result of infection in the middle ear. This often occurs in viral diseases, angina, etc.
  3. Internal otitis media - this pathology is a complication of the middle form of the disease. Infection penetrates deep into the ear, which leads to the appearance of a labyrinthitis.
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  1. With external otitis, intense pain occurs, which increases when the ear is pressed. Also, discomfort can have a tugging character. In addition, there is a risk of formation in the parotid cavity of the tumor and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Do not exclude the discharge that is observed with diffuse otitis. In this case, instead of severe pain, itching may appear.
  2. For middle otitis characterized by acute throbbing pain, which appears in the form of lumbago. In the ears, there is congestion, hearing impairment and an increase in temperature are observed. Also often there is noise and purulent discharge.
  3. Internal otitis is associated with a stronger pain syndrome. A distinctive symptom is dizziness. This symptom is often supplemented by nausea and vomiting. Independently to treat this form of otitis is strictly prohibited, because it is capable of provoking a serious deterioration of hearing.

Localization of different types of otitis

Treatment of

To properly select home methods for treating inflammatory damage to the hearing organ, one must take into account the form of this pathology.


External otitis media therapy should be aimed at eliminating the boil. In addition to medicines, the doctor can advise the following procedures, which can be performed at home:

  1. A warming compress. It is carried out with a warm alcohol solution. To make it you need to mix 50 ml of alcohol and water. Vodka is also suitable for this purpose. In the resulting product, moisten the gauze, then squeeze it and put it to your ear. You need to do this so that the sink is open. It is pre-treated with baby cream or petroleum jelly. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.
  2. An excellent remedy for the external form of the disease are compresses from the leaves of plantain. You can also use baked onions for this. The procedure should be carried out before the furuncle rupture.
  3. A good means of therapy is a decoction of bay leaf.5 leaves must be combined with a glass of water and brought to a boil. Leave to insist. Take 3 tablespoons twice a day. Also, 10 drops should be injected into the ear canal.

Warm up for 3 minutes, then wipe the face with a damp towel. The procedure is carried out 10 times. Thanks to this, one can get rid of discomfort in the area of ​​the nose, ears and throat.

Means for the treatment of external otitis

Middle ear

To cope with the defeat of the middle ear, you need to use the following recipes:

  1. Rub garlic with vegetable oil. After this, cover it with a lid and put it on for 10 days to insist. Strain and add glycerin. You can also use eucalyptus oil. The received solution is buried with ears. It is recommended that the product be heated before use.
  2. Place the patient on its side and insert 5 drops of heated and diluted alcohol into the affected ear. Leave this bath for 20 minutes. Thanks to this it will be possible to reduce the pain syndrome.
  3. On an open fire bake a clove of garlic. Cool the medication into the ear canal. The procedure is carried out 4 times a day.
  4. An excellent means for eliminating pain and inflammation are clay compresses. To do this, the raw material is diluted with water until a thick mass is obtained and applied to the fabric. In the auditory hole, you should insert a fleece, and then apply a compress for a couple of hours.
  5. Take the bulb, cut off the top and make a groove in it. Put seeds of cumin there and cover with a tip. Bake in the oven for half an hour. After the specified time, squeeze the juice, which is injected into the ears for a week. Single dose - 3 drops. They need to drip before going to bed.
  6. To cope with inflammation and normalize hearing, 10% of tincture prepared on the basis of birch buds helps. In this tool, you need to moisten the cotton wool and place it in the affected ear. The procedure is carried out several times a day.

Folk remedies for the treatment of otitis media


To cope with the acute form of exudative or adhesive otitis media, it is worth using these remedies:

  1. Minimize the sheet of geranium into a tube and place it in the affected ear. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with inflammation and lumbago.
  2. Take for the compress flowers chamomile and white elderberry. Stir, steam and apply to the affected area. This tool perfectly copes with the pain.
  3. Calendula tincture 70% used for compresses on the parotid and behind-the-ear zone.
  4. Insert cotton wool soaked in alcohol tincture of juniper berries in the ear canal.
  5. Clean and wash the beets. Cut it into slices and cook with honey. Apply to the affected ear in the form of a compress.
  6. Before going to bed, insert in your ears tampons moistened in a 2.5% solution mummy. With severe pain syndrome, change them several times a day. With the appearance of excretions, insert into the ears a mummy in combination with furatsilinom. After the session, the ears should be warmed.
  7. Drip in the ears for 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil and melted honey. After that, for 1 hour, it is recommended to cover the auditory aperture.

Folk remedies for the treatment of acute otitis


If otitis has become chronic, the following recommendations can be used:

  1. Make a cake based on 2: 1 diluted camphor alcohol, flour and a small spoonful of flaxseed oil. On the finished product put the paper and attach it to your ear, wrapped in a woolen shawl. Perform the procedure before bedtime until complete relief of the pain syndrome. It is recommended to store the remaining product in the refrigerator. It must be divided into portions.
  2. Put warmed aloe juice into your ear, diluting it with water. Top with cotton and put on a hat. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. Be sure to do it before bed.
  3. Squeeze the juice of 2 lemons, strain several times, then pour into a glass container. The product must be stored in a dark place. It is recommended to inject in the ears 5 drops twice a day. This can eliminate pain, inflammation and improve hearing.

How to treat chronic otitis


If chronic otitis has acquired a purulent character, you can use these tools:

  1. Grind the roots of raspberries, take 3 tablespoons of raw material and mix with 1 liter of water. Leave for 12 hours to insist. Take twice a day for 3 cups. Therapy is carried out for a month.
  2. Dip the cotton pad into a 20% propolis tincture, then attach it to the ear canal. The course of therapy is 1 month.
  3. Melt a piece of wax in the size of 250 ml of vegetable oil. Add semolina of boiled yolk. Strain the remedy and use it for insertion into the auditory orifice. You can also treat the skin in the ear region.

Treatment of purulent otitis with the help of traditional medicine

Advice on what can and what can not be done

Otitis is considered a very serious violation, therefore it is very important to treat the treatment. To prevent mistakes, you need to adhere to such rules:

  1. Do not inject alcohol into the ears in large quantities. This can accelerate the development of microorganisms. In addition, alcohol provokes burns of mucous membranes and even damage to the tympanic membrane.
  2. Do not do wet warming compresses when the purulent form of the disease. This treatment relieves pain and can help with external otitis. However, when the temperature rises, any warming procedures are strictly prohibited.
  3. Do not put undiluted juice of aloe, garlic or onions into the ear canal. This provokes the multiplication of microorganisms and the destruction of mucous membranes. These funds must be mixed in equal proportions with distilled water.

Can otitis treatment be treated with folk remedies

You can not treat otitis exclusively with folk remedies, even the most effective, otherwise there is a risk of complications. Folk remedies help to improve the condition, but if misused, there is a threat of development of negative consequences.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies, see in our video:

Prevention of otitis

To prevent otitis, you need:

  • to strengthen immunity;
  • wear a hat in cold weather;
  • in time to treat allergy;
  • deal with cold medicine;
  • to quit smoking;
  • remove liquid from the ears after water procedures.

Otitis is a serious pathology that requires the help of a doctor. As a supplement to the basic methods, you can use folk remedies. However, you can do this only after consulting a specialist.

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