Indonesian remedy Vasir( Wasir) from hemorrhoids

Medicinal products against hemorrhoids are divided into those that combat the symptoms of the disease and those whose action is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Vasir is an Indonesian remedy for hemorrhoids, which belongs to the second category.

The Indonesian remedy for hemorrhoids Vasir is produced by the company "Dami Sarivana".In our country, it is registered as a biological supplement( BAA).

There are 2 types of dietary supplements: nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. The former are used to replenish the lack of useful substances in the body, the latter suggest a complex action, strengthening the whole organism of the patient for better resistance to unfavorable factors. Vasir belongs to the second type of additives. The form of release Vasir - tablets or capsules.

The composition of the substance includes only extracts of plants:

  • turmeric;
  • of the Pluhee;
  • of the cryptophyllum.

Wasir( Vasir) - a remedy for hemorrhoids complex action because of its unique composition. It promotes:

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  • relieving inflammation;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, by feeding the body with vitamins and microelements( K, C, B);
  • normalization of metabolism in the rectum;
  • restoration of normal gastrointestinal function;
  • protection against viruses and bacteria;
  • pain relief;
  • eliminating burning and itching;
  • protection of vessels from harmful effects of free radicals;
  • healing of damaged areas of cavernous tissue;
  • normalization of blood flow.

Vasir application for hemorrhoids

Vasir from hemorrhoids should be used according to the general rules for taking dietary supplements:

  • To begin with, you should look at the reaction of the body to the capsules, so it is recommended to start with a small dosage.
  • It is better to take capsules with food.
  • If the content of calcium in the substance, its use should be postponed for half an hour after eating, so as not to break acidity in the stomach.
  • It is recommended that you take capsules during the day so as not to disturb the sleep process.
  • Some dietary supplements containing live microorganisms must be stored in a cool place. The user should carefully read the instructions.
  • Keep the packaging in a dry and dark place.

You need to take the capsule after half an hour after eating 2 times a day, necessarily washing down with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

The drug from hemorrhoids Vasir relieves the person of the causes of the disease, so it can no longer return, but only if the lifestyle changes.

Treatment can be repeated if required, but you do not need to delay the intake of dietary supplements, since it has the property of accumulating in the body.

Vasir is not a medicinal product, although it actively participates in the cure. It should be used in conjunction with other drugs against hemorrhoids, then the effect will be better. These capsules make the body stronger, feeding it with useful substances. They should be taken during remission of hemorrhoids or at its initial stage.

Benefits of dietary supplements Vasir:

  1. completely natural base;
  2. no side effects;
  3. successfully helps to treat any stage of hemorrhoids;
  4. result is felt after 1 week of use.

Contraindications to a preparation from a hemorrhoids Wasir

As such Contraindications Vasir does not have. Do not take it only to those who have intolerance components or allergic reactions.

Overdoses of dietary supplements are rare and can lead to a lowering of cholesterol in the blood and irritation of the stomach, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting.

Vasir should not be used with:

  • kidney disease;
  • jaundice;
  • obstruction of the bile duct;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • under the age of 14 years.

There are many good reviews about using Vasir in the successful fight against hemorrhoids. Undoubtedly, its effectiveness is proven. But one should not prescribe one's own treatment without consulting the proctologist. After all, in fact, this is not a medicinal substance, but a preventive one. Do not expose yourself to the risk of complications, completely trusting information about the drug.

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