Benefits and medicinal properties of lime color: from cough, temperature, colds

Lime blossom is one of the most popular and at the same time effective remedies for traditional medicine. To treat many diseases, you can apply not only flowers, but also other parts of the tree: leaves or bark. In official medicine, linden is used in a variety of medicines.

Lime blossom

In small flowers of linden there is a storehouse of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. They contain essential oils, due to which the plant has its own specific smell.

Of vitamins are ascorbic acid, carotene and almost all representatives of group B. Also, the dried raw materials contains:

  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • tanning agents;
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids;
  • kaempferol;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus and other minerals.

Lime-colored benefits and harm:

Treatment of ENT diseases

Lime flowers in folk medicine are used for various ailments. The effectiveness of this remedy is proven in the treatment of:

  • colds and viral infections;
  • of the inflammatory processes of the urinary system;
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  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • gynecological problems;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • skin irritation and eczema;
  • of diabetes mellitus.

Quite often the lime flower is used for diseases of ENT organs. He perfectly copes with such complex diseases as angina, laryngitis, otitis, sinusitis and even sinusitis. Phytotherapy in such cases is the best assistant to the basic treatment.

It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities that help cope with many infectious and bacterial lesions. In addition, preparations prepared on the basis of lime color, can strengthen immunity.

How to use

Symptoms of a cold will leave the patient very quickly if 2-3 times a day to take tea from lime flowers. It helps to lower the temperature, relieve cough even with chronic bronchitis. With tonsillitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis, the mouth and throat are rinsed with a warm broth. If there is no temperature, then it is possible to conduct steam inhalations with this agent.

In cases of skin diseases, lotions and tinctures are very good. Lipa quickly tightens the wound, copes well with purulent furuncles, burns and other skin lesions. This is promoted by the enhanced regenerative effect.

How to cook the infusion and decoction: recipes

For the treatment of bronchopulmonary and colds prepare infusion of linden flowers. For one glass of boiling water you need to take one large spoonful of raw materials.

The agent insists for about 40 minutes, then filter and take a glass 3 times a day. With this infusion, rinse the mouth and throat.

For the removal of pain in the joints, muscles, you can use medical baths.5-7 a handful of lime blossom is poured into a liter of water and brought to a boil.

The mixture is boiled for about 3-4 minutes, insisted for about half an hour, then filtered and poured into a bath. The bath time is 15 minutes.

How to brew a lime tea, see in our video:

Contraindications, side effects

The color of a linden has practically no contraindications. It is not harmful to the reception of children, pregnant women, nursing women, as well as elderly people. However, the sweating properties of this remedy can exert additional stress on the heart and kidneys, therefore it is not recommended to replace the daily tea with lime.

How to prepare

The properties of lime color largely depend on the correctness of its preparation. The tree blossoms only 14 days and at this time it is necessary to collect flowers.

They are picked up at dawn in dry weather. Drying raw materials is necessary, hiding from the sun's rays.

If you can not collect the flowers of linden yourself, you can buy it in the nearest pharmacy.

The product is available in two versions: dry raw materials in a paper bag or convenient filter bags.

Efficiency and feedback from

Patients who have tried lime blossom as a medicine for a while, leave only positive reviews about it. Colds and sore throats cure in a few days. The body comes into tonus. Thanks to the acceleration of metabolism, the work of the digestive tract improves. Many say that you can throw off even a few pounds.

Diuretic effect of linden will help get rid of edema of the legs. Her broths can be wiped face - it helps to eliminate small imperfections of the skin. Quite useful stop trays from this unconventional drug.

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