Ginger root with angina: treatment, recipes, recommendations, reviews

Angina is a serious illness for the body, accompanied by severe pain in the throat, swelling and inflammation of the tonsils. Many folk remedies are an excellent addition to the basic treatment. One of them is ginger. It helps to eliminate some unpleasant symptoms and greatly alleviate the condition of the patient.

Ginger with angina: effect on the body

Ginger is considered one of the most commonly used and common spices. However, it is considered the best remedy for various diseases. The root of ginger helps:

  • to reduce the number of pathogens in the body;
  • slow the progression of the disease;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • to reduce temperature indicators due to sweating action;
  • to strengthen immunity.

Ginger is also considered a powerful preventive tool, which helps reduce the risks of health problems.

About the benefits of ginger our next video:

The benefits of treatment

In the treatment of angina, antibacterial and antiseptic properties of the plant are very important. Ginger helps reduce the swelling of the inflamed tonsils, stop the spread of foci of infection to other areas of the mucosa. Warm teas and infusions help to heal formed wounds, reduce the amount of pus produced in angina.

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For fast recovery, treatment with ginger should be started at the first symptoms of sore throat. For this, you can use the following simple recipes:

  1. On a conventional grater, a two-centimeter piece of root is ground. The resulting mass is poured into a glass of hot water, heated on a water bath for about 15 minutes. Next, the product is cooled to a warm state and drunk in small sips. The drink should wash the inflamed tonsils well, get to the farthest corners of the infected area. Use this tool can be 2 times a day. If the taste of the finished infusion does not cause delight, then it can put a couple of spoons of honey.
  2. You can prepare infusions for rinsing. In this case, you can use a root or powder. Half a teaspoon of ginger pour boiling water, insist, cool. This means rinse your throat for half a minute 4 times a day.
  3. If the angina is purulent and there are already large foci, you can add a spoonful of propolis to the above infusion.
  4. Ginger essential oil is quite effective. With it, you can do steam inhalations. The main conditions: there should be no heat and purulent foci. Heat during severe disease can provoke complications. For inhalation in a half-liter of boiling water, add a few drops of oil and breathe over the steam for no more than 5 minutes, hiding a towel.

Benefits and use of ginger tea in the treatment of colds:

What other diseases can I use?

Ginger is an effective tool not only for angina. Any catarrhal and viral diseases can be treated, including in the treatment of these medicinal roots. Ginger will help with:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngospasm;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • abscesses;
  • tracheitis;
  • fungal lesions of the throat.


Ginger as a remedy for angina is not allowed to all. Reception of teas and pharmacy preparations with ginger is strictly contraindicated in:

  • urolithiasis;
  • blood pressure changes;
  • pathologies of the heart;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage;
  • problems with the liver;
  • of individual intolerance.

To avoid adverse effects from the use of such a folk remedy, it is necessary to consult the treating doctor before starting treatment. He will be able to assess the risks of complications of the disease and will prescribe the correct treatment.

On the benefits and harms of ginger in our video:


There are many pharmacy products where the ginger root is used as the main or additional active substance. These include:

  • syrups Dr. Mom - used for colds and cough;
  • phytolor - a powerful expectorant;
  • kofol - anti-inflammatory dietary supplements;
  • zinaxin - for the treatment of inflammation in the joints.

How to prepare

Ginger refers to perennial herbaceous plants, but the root is used as a medicine.

Ripens it for about 10 months, so it is rather difficult to grow a plant in the middle belt. But you can put it in potted houses.

Digging ginger is best at the end of September, but on condition that it is still far from freezing. Yellow leaves and stems serve as a signal to this.

The roots are thoroughly cleaned from the ground, rinsed with water, dried in natural conditions. Store the roots in a dark closet, basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Efficiency and feedback

Thanks to the effectiveness of ginger, he has received many positive reviews. Roots are allowed for adults, children and even pregnant women. Delicious tea, infusions with the addition of honey or propolis - the best solution for the treatment of angina and other diseases of the throat. This supplement to the basic treatment can greatly accelerate recovery and maintain a weakened organism.

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