Features of discoid lupus erythematosus:

Skin lesions bring a lot of unpleasant experiences to the patient, and the possibility of a significant aggravation of the pathological condition with loss of skin attractiveness and serious organic negative changes in internal organs should be considered one of the most dangerous consequences of such diseases. And discoid lupus erythematosus, which is one of the many types of dermatological diseases, is a real danger to the body, affecting not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also negatively affecting the functionality of certain systems of internal organs.

The causes of the development of discoid lupus erythematosus are still disputed by the world's scientists. There are a lot of hypotheses that highlight the causes and factors provoking this defeat, but all of them have only a theoretical basis, practically none of them has been proved. For the discoid variety of lupus erythematosus is characterized by infectious nature, and there are signs of an organism's destruction by a virus that provokes the development of pathogenic microflora in the upper layer of the epidermis. Imbalance in the hormonal system, impairment of the functioning of the gonads, and changes in metabolism is not yet a complete list of pathologies that result from the aggravation of discoid lupus erythematosus.

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Features of the disease

This disease provokes in the first place a significant deterioration in both the appearance of the skin and the degree of its functionality. The oppression of the adrenal cortex, as a result of which the skin state changes, deeper layers of the epidermis with manifestations of melting of individual cells make this disease one of the most difficult to cure.

Discoid form of lupus erythematosus( photo)

General information

Damage to the skin surface is the most common cause of the development of the ailment in question. It is especially susceptible to exposure after frostbite, mechanical damage, exposure to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet. It is in the areas of damage and the foci of this type of red lupus appear.

On the face, as the disease progresses, the appearance and gradual increase in the area of ​​red spots that have a swollen structure is noted, with a long flow of the spot merge, forming significant areas of damage. Further, the spots become more pronounced, dry flakes begin to form on their surface, which are attached at the base of the hair follicles. With the independent( forced) removal of such scales, the patient experiences painful sensations. Under the dry particle after its removal, a dry spike is found, which is a keratinized plug from the hair follicle.

In case of a prolonged course of the disease, the affected parts of the skin become thinner, in the middle of this area the skin becomes especially soft and susceptible to any mechanical action: it can even be collected into numerous folds. Such atrophic processes occur in all areas of the lesion, the rate of gradually atrophic pathological changes increases. The most rapid pathological process of atrophy of affected areas is reached by the disease on the scalp.

Discoid lupus erythematosus is discussed in detail in this video:

Difference from systemic lupus

The systemic and red disco variety of lupus have a part of similar external manifestations that can differ in the localization of the pathological process( discoid lupus has manifestations mainly in the ash of the face and scalp, andsystemic can have manifestations throughout the body, mainly on the mucous membrane).

Also, when classifying an identified lupus to a specific type, it should be remembered that the discoid variety of this disease is more prone to manifestation as foci of lesion, which gradually merge to form large areas with altered skin. Systemic lupus does not tend to unite certain affected areas.

Classification of

Due to the ability to classify this disease when diagnosing it, it is easier for the doctor to offer the patient a proven treatment regimen that will eliminate the most characteristic symptoms in the shortest possible time and ensure the elimination of the probable cause of the illness.

Classification, which today adhere to doctors dealing with skin lesions( dermatologists), looks like this:

  • acute lupus , which manifests itself by a sharp increase in the rate of manifestation of the most characteristic symptoms, while the patient feels a sharp deterioration in the state of health, a fever may arise with an increasebody temperature;
  • chronic form of the disease is observed with its long course, all manifestations are also characteristic for this disease, but the deterioration of the patient's condition occurs gradually.

Today, the process of studying such skin diseases as red discoid lupus is ongoing, because both the reasons provoking it and the possible risks with its aggravation are not fully understood.

Localization of discoid lupus erythematosus

Discoid lupus erythematosus is most often manifested in open areas of the face - cheeks, nose, chin, less often - on the cheeks, and also on the scalp, and on the head under the hair it progresses much faster.

In the chronic form of this disease and a significant aggravation of the characteristic symptoms of its manifestation, it can be noted even on the trunk - mainly in those places where hair can grow: chest, back, shoulders and hands. Some manifestations of the disease are noted even on the surface of the fingers.

Causes of

Today, dermatologists continue to study probable causes that can cause the development of discoid lupus erythematosus. The most common reasons for its occurrence include:

  • mechanical skin damage - most often with rough exposure to the skin of the face( mainly), the initial manifestations of the disease are noted, its functioning worsens, and signs of atopic processes with subsequent atrophy of the upper layer of the epidermis are noted;
  • frostbite of the skin - even small areas of frostbite become the main centers of inflammatory and atrophic processes, where the skin loses most of its elasticity, becomes thinner and more susceptible to mechanical influences;
  • infectious diseases that undermine the protective functions of the skin;
  • taking a number of medications.

The general decrease in immunity, the presence of a number of latent current diseases also become the cause of the development of this type of lupus. The skin also loses its protective properties with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet( artificial and solar) rays, when exposed to excessively high and low temperatures.

Symptoms and first signs of

The first signs of this skin lesion include the following manifestations:

  • appearance of red spots on the skin that stand out on the skin due to its puffiness and changed color;
  • the surface of these spots is gradually dried and covered with dry particles, which can be removed on their own;
  • spots are constantly increasing in size, the middle part becomes more thin and subject to mechanical influences;
  • spot gradually merge into one large lesion area.

There is also infiltration of the skin in the lesions, the puffiness becomes more pronounced, the skin in places of greater manifestation of the disease is covered with scales, under which there are cornified skin plugs in the form of sharp thorns.


Detection of a dermatological disease, such as red discoid lupus, is performed with an external examination of the affected areas of the skin, when analyzing the subjective feelings of the patient. Also, to clarify the preset diagnosis by a dermatologist, the following tests and studies can be assigned:

  1. Histological examination of samples of the affected skin allows distinguishing this disease from eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis of various nature.
  2. Microscopic examination of scaly skin and hair samples.
  3. Immunological study - based on the interaction of antigens with antibodies.

Differential diagnosis of red discoid lupus erythematosus from psoriasis( in psoriasis, the skin becomes completely dry and covered with scales; in this type of lupus there is a partial lesion of the skin with a tendency to increased dryness and loss of skin elasticity, which is not diagnosed in psoriasis), fromeczema( skin particles with fatty eczema and no dry spines characteristic for lupus), from seborrhea( in seborrhea, the particles are also fatty, separating them from the body does not cause painful ouscheny patient).


The treatment depends on the type of disease, the degree of its neglect and the localization of the main lesions. The doctor-dermatologist appoints a kind of therapeutic effect, which will allow in the shortest possible time and for a long time to eliminate the characteristic manifestations of this disease.

  • Adults are treated with antimalarial drugs, the dosage and duration of use of which is prescribed by the physician. When the therapeutic effect is carried out, it is obligatory to monitor the doctor for the patient's well-being.
  • Children are also treated with funds prescribed by a doctor. However, the dosage in childhood is half the dose from the adult intake dosage. Duration is also shortened and treatment is controlled by the attending physician.

Therapeutic method

To strengthen the protective functions of the body, the patient is prescribed a certain diet, the diet includes foods containing a significant amount of nicotinic acid: buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, cod liver. Also, work and rest time are normalized, causes for stressful situations are eliminated.

Drug method

First of all, when diagnosing red discoid lupus erythematosus, the infectious and inflammatory processes in the body are treated. Also, metabolic and endocrine functions are normalized.

On the foci of defeat, a drying and reducing ointment is applied;the most commonly used drugs that have shown positive results in the treatment of malaria. This is primarily Hingamin, Rezokhin and Chlorokhin. These funds are administered orally at 250 mg per day, while the doctor must monitor the treatment to adjust the effect if necessary( lack of positive dynamics, when allergic manifestations are detected during treatment).

Also used is nicotinic acid, which helps the body cope with the manifestations of this skin lesion and stimulates the protective function of the body. Rashes should be treated with ointments, which are based on zinc and lanolin.


Surgical intervention in detecting the discoid form of lupus erythematosus is not performed.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine methods can be an additional option for treatment of this type of lupus. They help to stimulate immunity, eliminate excessive dryness of the skin. Preparations based on honey and other bee products in their internal reception and external application to the affected areas eliminate the increased dryness of the skin and accelerate the process of recovery.

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the occurrence of a discoid variety of lupus erythematosus, it is necessary to exclude the causes that can cause it. This warning of frostbite, integrity of its integrity, elimination of opportunities for mechanical damage to the epidermis.

It is also necessary to maintain a high level of body immunity, in time to heal existing chronic forms of inflammatory and infectious lesions.

Complications of

Complications in the absence of treatment of red discoid lupus erythematosus can be violations of the work of certain organs and their systems: respiratory, cardiac, excretory, sexual. Also, the acute form can pass into the chronic, which is much more difficult to treat and has a lot of negative consequences for health.


In most cases with a timely diagnosis of the disease the prognosis is favorable. Complete cure is possible with the initial stages of the pathological process.

More useful information about DKV can be found in this video:

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