First aid at home with acute, severe pain in the ear

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Tinnitus can be caused by various causes. Sometimes it is associated with infection, a change in atmospheric pressure, infection or trauma. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause of the development of pain syndrome.

Diagnostics at home

At home, the examination should be carried out in order to:

  • detect signs of infection,
  • detect the presence of a foreign object,
  • check the presence of sulfur plug.

No special preparation is required for the inspection. The best option when the house is still a person who can conduct an inspection. An adult complaining of pain, it is better to sit with his head inclined to the side. Begin the examination with a healthy ear. This will easily reveal the difference.

If there is an otoscope, then take it so that the tip of the funnel is pointed toward the person's nose. Slowly change the position to see the canal walls and eardrum. To suspect a problem it is possible in the event that the ear canal is swollen, there is an accumulation of pus, redness. In this case, any touch to the outer ear will cause pain.

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For diagnosis, pay attention to the eardrum. Evidence of the disease is the presence:

  • redness and swelling,
  • amber fluid or vesicles,
  • holes in the membrane,
  • of whitish scars.

With secretory inflammation, tenderness is of a short-term nature, a feeling of ear congestion appears. With inflammation of the middle section, unpleasant sensations are constant. Over time, their amplification occurs.

First aid

The very first solution should be a visit of an otolaryngologist. He will send for examinations, write various recommendations. But if you can not get to the reception, you can use the following first aid methods:

Take pain medication. This is the easiest way. You can take not only any complex preparations, but also a regular tablet of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. And the last version of the drug is considered more effective for both adults and children, because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

You can drip drops in your nose. Drugs with vasoconstrictive effect will immediately ease the condition if it was caused by a runny nose.

What to do with ear pain, see in our video:

If the ear is cold and shoots

When the ear starts to shoot, it is a sign of an inflammatory disease. Lumbago occurs in otitis, angina and some other diseases of the pharynx. Usually, with symptoms caused by hypothermia or viruses, such drops are prescribed, such as:

  • Otypax,
  • Otinum,
  • Naphthysine.

In the absence of purulent defeat, boric alcohol will help. It is best to wait for the doctor to prescribe the medicine. Be sure to prepare a sick leave sheet and lie down at home for the time of illness.

Folk remedies use geranium leaves. They are kneaded and inserted into the ear canal. It is necessary to change every two hours until the lumbago ceases.

Acute pain and temperature

For severe pain and high temperature, the use of antipyretic agents, as described above, will be an excellent solution. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen have a complex action, so reduce the intensity of pain and reduce the temperature. Do not use dry heat. An increase in temperature can be associated with the attachment of a purulent infection.

If the house has ear drops with antibacterial effect, they can be dripped. But if there are signs of perforation of the tympanic membrane, then such means are not used. Among the methods of rapid anesthesia:

  1. If the temperature is below 38 degrees, insert a gauze moistened with boric alcohol.
  2. Put a piece of cotton wool in the ear canal for the night. Compress necessarily wrapped with a warm kerchief or scarf.
  3. Grind a clove of garlic and lightly heat in a teaspoon. Mix with sesame oil. Ready mixture is buried in the ears for three drops.


When emergencies appear, urgent medical attention is required, as they may be purulent. For mild diseases, the use of local antibiotics is recommended. At an average degree Amoxicillinum, Azithromycin are appointed or nominated.

First aid is to take NSAIDs, for example, Naise, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. Help vasoconstrictive drops in the nose and ear drops with anesthetics.

You can make in-mouth compresses with vaseline oil or boric alcohol. If there is no perforation of the tympanic membrane, then it is possible to conduct a pneumomassage.

Among the folk remedies used mummies and sea buckthorn oil. They are mixed in a 1:10 ratio. Drip in the ear twice a day for three drops. Do not try to clear your ear from secretion. It should only be removed from the auricle.

After an

injury It can occur after a bruise, a sudden increase in pressure inside the eardrum or the presence of a foreign body. If the cause of the pain is trauma, then the first day you can apply cold. It can remove swelling and inflammation.

On the second or third day, conduct warming procedures, for example, iodine mesh or warming compress. In case of severe injuries, contact the emergency department.

If an ear burn occurs, the actions can be as follows:

  1. In case of redness, treat the area with alcohol solution. When bubbles appear, apply a bandage and consult a doctor.
  2. If the injury results in rupture of the eardrum, cover your ear with a cotton swab and contact the hospital.

How to quickly cure ear pain folk methods:

After ear cleaning

Discomfort after ear cleaning can be caused by external otitis. If there is a microtrauma, it should be treated with antiseptic solutions, for example, hydrogen peroxide. A doctor can appoint Polidex in this situation. These are ear drops, which are used for external and average otitis media.

The pain also arises if you pushed the sulfur plug closer to the eardrum. Under the influence of various factors, for example, when the humidity rises, it can begin to swell. Get rid of it will help hydrogen peroxide 3% or phyto-candles.

When pain gives to the ear

Not all cases require immediate treatment. Pain in the ear can occur due to other diseases:

  • Caries. It often provokes intense pain in the ears. This condition develops against the backdrop of incorrectly established diseases.
  • Diseases of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, the pain is associated with arthrosis, arthritis, dislocations. The otolaryngologist in such a situation can not always be useful, the best solution will be offered by a dentist.
  • Diseases of the cervical spine. Between them and the ears are common nerve messages, so osteochondrosis, neck injuries often lead to earaches. The latter do not pass when taking local anesthetic drugs.
  • Inflammation of the throat. In this case there will be pain in swallowing additionally. If there are neoplasms, then such pain when eating is usually absent. With this pathology usually only one ear hurts.
  • Neuralgia. Severe pain, which radiates into the ears, is caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve or glossopharyngeal.
  • Sinusitis. This is the most common cause, which leads to the accumulation of mucus in the ear canal. They exert pressure and lead to a painful syndrome. In addition, there may be a headache, general weakness.

The advice of Dr. Komarovsky in our video:

The Danger of Self-Medication

Any ear diseases are dangerous because they can lead to deafness. A prerequisite may be a non-treated viral disease, an avitaminosis or the administration of certain antibiotics. Often self-medication leads to the fact that even the simplest disease can develop into a chronic one. In this case, long-term treatment is required.

In some diseases there may be a disruption of coordination in space. If there is such a symptom, consultation of an otolaryngologist is necessary.

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