Diarrhea on the nerves, emotional diarrhea from stress, indigestion from the nerves - symptoms, treatment, psychosomatics

In the modern world a lot of problems are falling on a person, which cause nervous tension. Everyone at least once had diarrhea due to stress. Most often, this problem is faced by the female half of humanity, although it also concerns men.

The main cause of diarrhea has always been considered a digestive disorder against somatic diseases and infections. To date, scientists have proven that not only physical illnesses can cause diarrhea, but also psychosomatic.

Psychosomatics of Diarrhea

Nervous diarrhea develops on the basis of the fact that a stressful situation affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the intestine. The parasympathetic nervous system begins to predominate over the sympathetic nervous system, strengthening the intestinal peristalsis. Violated regulation of contraction and relaxation of the muscular layer of the intestine. Alcohol, caffeine, fatty and spicy food can only strengthen diarrhea on the nerves, translate the acute process into a chronic one. In addition to violations of intestinal motility, there is an increase in pain sensitivity and feelings of intestinal overflow, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding symptoms. It should be noted that the development of diarrhea on nervous soil is more often in people whose parents have suffered a psychosomatic disorder, therefore, heredity has great influence. Nervous diarrhea is one of the symptoms of PMS in women, this is due to imbalance of hormones.

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Mental disorders that can cause nerve diarrhea:

  • depression;
  • psychoses;
  • neuroses;
  • manic-depressive disorder;
  • panic attacks;
  • feeling of fear;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • psychopathy.

Stressful situations lead to disturbances in the intestines, causing nervous diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. In other words, diarrhea from the nerves is a purely psychosomatic pathology. There are three clinical pictures in IBS.Next, only one will be considered that deals with the topic of nerve diarrhea.

Symptoms of diarrhea on nervous nerves

Let's analyze the signs of IBS that arise when diarrhea predominates:

  • stomach discomfort and bloating;
  • false desires;
  • pain in the side of the abdomen and below the navel.
  • associated with the autonomic nervous system( headache, "com" in the throat, numbness of the extremities).

Desires for stools may appear immediately after a meal or during a meal. Diagnosis of diarrhea on nervous soil is often not difficult. One of the main criteria is that it terminates as soon as a stressful situation passes. For the final diagnosis, it is still desirable to do a bacteriological study, as well as to carry out a series of studies for the presence of somatic pathology and get a consultation from a psychologist or psychiatrist to confirm the presence of psychosomatics.

Treatment of nerve diarrhea

First of all, whatever the cause of diarrhea, you need to monitor the diet. As it was written above, some food products can strengthen the stress effect on the intestines. Full and regular nutrition is the main aspect in the treatment of any diarrhea, since it is nutrition that reduces the risk of stress in the human body. In advance of the alleged emotional shake, it is necessary to include in your diet products that have a fixing effect. It can be different cereals. A special place should be given to rice, it certainly will protect the body from the development of emotional diarrhea. Also beneficial is the consumption of flour, pears, quince and chocolate. You must use yogurt and sorbents. The latter will protect the wall of the intestine. Yoghurts will participate in the normalization of microflora. To normalize intestinal peristalsis in the treatment of indigestion on nervous soil, Imodium is prescribed, herbal teas with blueberries and bird cherry, which have astringent action. Calming herbal remedies or chamomile tea will help calm nerves and relieve stress. Vitaminotherapy must necessarily be included in the course of treatment of diarrhea on nerves.

The Danger of Nervous Diarrhea for Health

Stress for a person can become chronic, and nervous diarrhea can last from a couple of days to several weeks. If diarrhea lasts for several days, there is no danger to health. But if the course of the disease is delayed to several weeks, there are undesirable consequences. The first and most severe is the dehydration of the body, which occurs when diarrhea on the nerves lasts more than a week, at least 3-5 times a day. In the gastrointestinal tract, useful substances such as vitamins and minerals do not have time to digest. All this leads to the exhaustion of the body. For prevention, rational nutrition and maximum reduction in the impact of adverse psychological conditions are necessary.

It is very important to create comfortable psychological conditions for a person suffering from diarrhea from nerves. It is about giving sufficient attention and providing moral support, if necessary. During the therapy of nerve diarrhea, you need to monitor sleep, maintain good light in the patient's room, make sure that he is sufficiently in nature. All this will contribute to strengthening nerves and help to establish a psycho-emotional state of the patient.

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