Why there is a buzz in the ears and how to deal with it

1 The main symptoms of

By itself, the buzzing in the ears is already a symptom that accompanies other diseases. Usually the problem of noise in the ear area is accompanied by intolerance of sounds or increased sensitivity to sounds from outside. A very unpleasant symptom is hearing impairment, which, if not consulted in time, can lead to a partial or even total loss of hearing. In addition to the above symptoms, some complain of intolerance to light and even pain in the ear. According to experts, to the obvious symptoms relating to the buzz in the ear, you can include the following:

  • pain in the ears and head;
  • pressure inside the ear;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • ear discharge.

If these symptoms appear, consult a specialist immediately.

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2 The main sources of hum

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In fact, the person's ear is arranged in such a way that it constantly reacts to various noises and extraneous sounds. Being in absolute silence, any person can notice a small noise. This noise is explained by the work of internal organs in the general body system and is considered normal. But with the appearance of more pronounced noises it is worthwhile to ponder over the root cause of their appearance.

In most cases, the noise that a person notices in the ear area has more serious prerequisites.

In addition, it gives discomfort and can cause serious concern. The doctor, to whom you should first turn, is called an otorhinolaryngologist. It will help determine the existing causes of buzz in the ears. In general, experts identify a number of sources that contribute to the appearance of noise in the ears. In 30% of cases this is a hearing loss analyzer, in other cases it can be problems such as diseases characterized by a metabolic disorder, chronic middle ear inflammation, auditory nerve tumor, Minier's disease, sensorineural hearing loss, hearing loss under the influence of recurrence rates,related to the heart or kidneys.

3 Kinds of hum

Before calling a doctor, you need to determine your complaint. First of all, it is necessary to focus on exactly what problems exist and how they manifest themselves. To do this, it is necessary to understand what types of hum can occur. Among them we can distinguish:

  1. Objective - this noise is distinguished by the fact that not only the patient is able to hear it. Determine this type of buzz the patient himself is not able to, because to assess the problem will need a device called a phonendoscope;
  2. Subjective - hum, in which a person can not find a logical reason for his appearance. The ear is not comfortable, it reacts to irritants, which can cause hum, noise, ringing, squeaking, rustling, buzzing. This type of hum develops when the auditory analyzer is damaged and is characterized by the pathology of the cochlea;
  3. Monotone sound - characterized by hissing, hissing, wheezing;
  4. Complex sound - voices, music( this kind of hum is referred to as psychopathology or auditory hallucinations);
  5. Vibrating hum - sounds that the ear itself produces, such sounds are heard by both the patient and the doctor;
  6. Non-vibrating hum - various sounds in the ear, the cause of which is the disruption of the auditory nerve, inner ear or central auditory canal.


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Each of the types of hum that is observed in the ear area requires a detailed assessment of the doctor to find a solution to the problem.

In any case, only in the presence of correctly and clearly described symptoms, the specialist will help determine the type of disease and offer appropriate diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis.

4 Diagnosis of the disease

After visiting an otolaryngologist, most likely, you need to visit such doctors as an endocrinologist, psychotherapist, cardiologist and neurologist. Often, MRI and CT of the temporal region are prescribed, this allows you to accurately detect the root cause of problems in the ear and find the right treatment.

When diagnosing an important role play such types of examination, as anamnesis, pneumotoscopy, audiometry and tympanometry. These procedures are prescribed in each specific situation, if necessary and according to the doctor's prescription. On how clearly the diagnosis will be determined, it is possible to judge the correctness of the appointment of treatment to the patient.

5 Medical treatment

To date, treatment of tinnitus is a fairly global problem. Modern doctors and specialists in this field have deduced the main methods of medical treatment, which allows to eliminate in time the problems associated with buzz in the ears, and to prevent occurrence of such problems in the future. But even after consulting with a doctor, understanding the methods of treating a particular problem will help to avoid poor-quality treatment, because the choice of therapy does not always correspond to a specific situation. Awareness in this matter will help the patient to independently control the treatment process in order to avoid the appearance of negative consequences.

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The most widespread methods of treatment of a hum in the ears are: pharmacological therapy, psychotherapy, and also the hardware method of treatment. Pharmacotherapy means the possibility of treatment with medications that are designed to affect the blood circulation of the brain. It can be zinc preparations, psychotropic drugs, various kinds of vitamins, histaminolytics, anticonvulsants, etc.

The hardware method of treatment implies the alleviation of the main symptoms with the help of hardware effects. This method can reduce the level of hum in the ears, but can not completely remove the root cause of its appearance. They also use such methods of noise treatment as exposure to its source by means of an electromagnetic field, a laser of low power or pneumomassage.

Many of the patients do not have the desire to go to the hospital, because they believe that this problem is not dangerous. Some ignore the clear signals that the body has diseases that need treatment. Despite the fact that the buzzing in the ears causes great discomfort, affects normal sleep, causes a feeling of anxiety, can lead to stress, and in some cases even puts a person in deep depression, this is not for some reason the reason for an immediate visit to a professional.

Having analyzed in detail the types of noise, their main causes and prerequisites, it is necessary to think that the slightest hearing impairment, and even more pronounced symptoms, which appear as noise or buzz in the ears, can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to immediately go through the examination and identify the main reason to understand how to eliminate it. Negligent attitude to health can bring a number of negative consequences. In medical practice, cases in which, due to insufficient attention to the problem of a buzzing in the ears, patients deliberately did not address a specialist were noted more than once. This behavior led to complications in the form of cancer.

The human body is designed in such a way that it always preliminarily reports possible diseases in the form of various signals. And the sooner such signs are discovered, their cause is determined, the faster will be given the necessary help in eliminating the problem. Listening to the signals of the body is one of the most important tasks of modern man. After all, our habitat did not leave us another way. Therefore, before ignoring your body, you need to think about the consequences that may arise in the future.

Many often resort to the help of traditional medicine, believing that they themselves are able to determine the disease and find the right way to treat it. But, unfortunately, more than once such a decision resulted in the appearance of new complications. Therefore, in a situation where there are unexplained noises and buzzing in your ears, you should also consult your doctor, because self-medication may not be appropriate.

To control one's health is one of the most important goals of a person, therefore, when any symptoms appear, measures need to be taken. Fortunately, to date, medicine has moved far ahead and is able to determine the disease before it has negative consequences.

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