Propolis with angina: how to cure tincture, rinse for children, benefit and harm

Propolis treatment can significantly strengthen immunity, soothe irritated mucous throat, nose, and destroy germs.


Propolis is a bee product that is presented by sticky substance. It is produced by honey bees.

This bee-keeping product is used by bees as a building material. It is needed by insects to smear the walls of the hive, clogging the cracks in the honeycombs where honey is stored.

Buy propolis recommended in the apiary. But most often we buy propolis in the market. You need to be very careful not to buy a fake.

How to choose a real, quality propolis? It is necessary to pay attention to such items when buying this beekeeping product:

  1. From propolis. Even if he is from the apiary, you need to know where it is located. It is important that there are no factories, roads, factories nearby. After all, propolis from such an apiary is enriched with heavy metals, harmful chemistry, radiation.
  2. Southern or northern propolis. Experts argue that the bee product from the northern apiaries is more expensive because of high quality( there are no roads, dust, businesses nearby).It is considered cleaner environmentally.
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  3. Appearance. Even the most experienced specialist can get confused here. The product of beekeeping can look different. Its color varies from light yellow to dark brown. Sometimes even black propolis is found( it is not recommended to take it).
  4. Odor. It should be pleasant, spicy-balsamic, a note of honey should be felt.
  5. Taste. The mass is endowed with a complex mixed taste, bitterish.
  6. Appearance. It can be in the form of crumbs, pellets, briquettes. Experts recommend taking a baby( she did not undergo treatment).

Medical properties

In medical practice, propolis is used for a long time. Its value is due to the excellent antibacterial, anesthetic effect. In addition, he has such actions:

  • immunostimulating;
  • antiseptic;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • wound-healing;
  • antipruritic;
  • antioxidant;
  • is bactericidal.

Comments on the benefits of propolis and ways of using it, see in our video:

Indications for use

The high efficiency of propolis in the destruction of microbes is noted. This product is inferior to antibiotics in its therapeutic effect, but it does not suppress the intestinal microflora and is less toxic.

Propolis is used in the therapy of such diseases:

  • skin ulcers;
  • sclerosis;
  • gastritis;
  • headache;
  • mycoses;
  • intestinal infections;
  • of female genital diseases;
  • frostbite;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • gout;
  • eczema;
  • cancer;
  • influenza;
  • arthritis;
  • internal disease;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • periodontal disease.

Propolis is very good for angina and other colds.


It is prohibited to take propolis for a long time. For more than one month to use systematically this beekeeping product is prohibited. Propolis can be used to treat diseases not for all people. There are a number of contraindications, in which it is forbidden to use for therapeutic purposes:

  • presence of liver diseases;
  • tumors;
  • of biliary tract disease;
  • allergy to beekeeping products;
  • pancreatitis( you need to use propolis very carefully);
  • kidney stone disease.

How to treat propolis with angina and other throat disorders

Angina, which is an acute infectious disease, can be treated with propolis-based drugs if the patient has no contraindications to the use of this beekeeping product.

Experts believe that the antibacterial effect that propolis exerts is very strong.

Propolis in the treatment of sore throat can be used as follows:

  • to ingest a pure beekeeping product;
  • chewing propolis;
  • use propolis oil;
  • application of alcohol tincture.

Propolis oil is also used for angina. It increases the body's resistance to infection, strengthens, promotes early recovery. Oil is consumed after it is mixed in milk( 1 tablespoon is enough for a glass of milk).You need to take the medicine before meals three times a day.

If the purulent form of angina develops, propolis water can be used. It is a tincture of propolis, which was diluted with water( 50:50).

The solution is taken in the mouth, it is kept near the tonsils, then spit out. Such procedures should be done 5( you need to keep between them an interval of 2 hours).They are needed for the purging of festering plugs. Relief will be noticeable after 2 days. And full recovery will come after 5 days.

How to treat angina with propolis, see in our video:

Sprays and aerosols

Sprays made from propolis can be used to treat diseases of the throat, nose in children, adults. They are used most often to eliminate pain, moisturize the irritated mucosa.

In use, the spray is the simplest medicine. Spray the drug for inspiration( for 2 seconds).To start using a new vial of the drug, you must remove the safety cap from the bottle, put the nebulizer with the tip on the valve stem.

For uniform irrigation of the inflamed part of the mucosa, it is necessary to press the sprayer 3 to 4 times, after the tip has been directed into the oral cavity. Most often, experts appoint:

  • "Proposol".
  • Propolis Spray.

For example, a tincture of propolis can eliminate the pain in the throat for 5 minutes rinsing, and "PropoSol" for a single use pain does not take away. The alcohol in its composition burns the sore throat.

"Spray propolis" is very convenient in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza. The spray has a mild effect on the mucous, while killing bacteria, microbes, it helps to remove mucus.

Sprays and aerosols based on propolis


Inhalations with propolis are also considered very effective. Vapors of this bee product help with:

  • rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis.

Before using the tincture of propolis in a nebulizer, it should be dissolved with boiling water( 1:20).Inside the apparatus, 3 drops of the finished solution are poured. The procedure should be 10 minutes, no more. Inhalation facilitates nasal breathing, relieves an acute cough, softens the throat.


To prepare an ointment from propolis, you need to prepare a water bath. Then mix petrolatum, propolis. The ratio should be 1: 1.Prepared in this way, the mixture is kept in a bath, the temperature should be below boiling.

The heated mass should be filtered, placed in a container of glass. The ointment is stored in a dark, cold place. Such an ointment can be inhaled. Procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 - 3 times a day. You can also take it inside with milk.

Tinctures of

For severe form of sore throat it is better to use tincture. Take it three times a day for 5 days. Single dose is 1 tablespoon. For local therapy, rinsing, inhalation, treatment of the oral cavity, nasal sinuses is usually performed.

To process the larynx use propolis tincture( 20%).Before lubricating this area, propolis should be diluted with water with honey( 50:50).Inhalations are performed with propolis ointment, prepared on the basis of vaseline oil.

Ointments and tinctures based on propolis

Folk recipes

For pains in the throat, it is recommended to chew propolis. This method is considered the most effective, especially if you chew the beekeeping product for several hours per day. Elimination of symptoms of angina is already observed on the second day.

You can drink milk with dissolved propolis oil( 1 tbsp.).Take the healing oil three times a day.

How to prepare alcoholic tincture of propolis, see in our video:

Application features

Propolis( tincture based on it, ointment, oil) is considered very effective in treating colds for adults and children. This product of beekeeping is endowed with many useful substances.

Benefit and harm

This remedy helps not only with angina, but also with pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis. But when using it, you should follow the recommendations of specialists. When the first signs of an allergy occur, therapy should be stopped. Treatment can begin only in the absence of contraindications.

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