Powder for diarrhea( diarrhea) for children

Diarrhea in children, especially those in infancy, is very common. Many parents are worried about the question of how to treat this pathology in children, because, despite the variety of medicines that can protect the crumb from this disease, not everyone will like it. To children many preparations intended for elimination of diarrhea, which are used by adults, are contraindicated. But to treat a pathology in any case is necessary, since it can lead to very terrible consequences, which among infants often end in a fatal outcome. Therefore, manufacturers and produced special powders from diarrhea.

These are sorbents, which bind and deduce toxins and pathogenic microorganisms with dead masses. These medicines are prescribed to babies from the moment of occurrence of a liquid stool. In addition to influencing the consistency of stool, all the powders used in children's diarrhea have a good protective and detoxifying effect. They act only in the intestine and are not absorbed at all. To understand the great variety of them, it is necessary to dwell in detail on each of those that have won the greatest popularity:

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  • Smecta. It is a popular intestinal adsorbent, available in the form of a powder, which is most often used for diarrhea caused by poisoning, both in children and in adult patients. The drug is based on clay with the addition of natural flavors. The effect of this powder with diarrhea is not only to fix the stool and stop the liquid stool, but also to increase the mucus in the intestines, which has a protective effect against long-term diarrhea from toxins, poisonous substances and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Another one of the most effective enterosorbents for babies is Polysorb MP.It has a very high adsorption capacity and a unique mechanism of sorption, which allows you to stop diarrhea in a very short time. Fine particles of the powder completely isolate the toxin from the impact on the body, surrounding it from all sides even before excretion from the digestive tract. It also does not affect the functioning of intestinal peristalsis;
  • Also in demand for diarrhea in a child such a drug as Polyphepan. Although sorbing properties it has not very high and slower stops diarrhea, many attract its price. This powder from diarrhea costs an order of magnitude cheaper than other enterosorbents.

Diarrhea powder for children

Although the exact instructions for their preparation are clearly indicated in the annotations to recommended children, there are also general rules that must be observed when treating small patients with diarrhea with powder preparations:

  • The agent is poured into slightly lukewarm water at a constantstirring. This avoids the formation of lumps;
  • For the treatment of a child, only a freshly prepared suspension is used;
  • If the baby does not like the taste of the prepared mixture, it can be masked by mixing with juice, tea or milk;
  • The infant is added to the babies in a bottle with expressed breast milk.

Powders from diarrhea in children should never be diluted in hot beverages, because this reduces their activity. Also, be sure to observe the interval between eating, using other medicines and taking sorbents. Due to the fact that these drugs slow down the absorption, it should be at least 2 hours. In the event that the baby has constipation, the sorbents are canceled.

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