Closters and diarrhea in a child

Prevalence of worms is large enough, more than a quarter of people are carriers of such parasites. Helminths affect various organs and adversely affect the general condition of a person, causing various symptoms of the disease. These parasites enter the body together with food and water. Therefore it is important to monitor the observance of personal hygiene, and that vegetables, fruits that are eaten, were processed. Otherwise, the probability of infection with helminths is high, one of the symptoms of whose presence is diarrhea.

When an infection occurs, adults or children develop similar symptoms. In addition to disturbing the stool, patients have headaches, nausea, and depression.


Diarrhea in worms can alternate with constipation, with frequent loose stools that can cause weight loss and general malaise. There is also a constant feeling of hunger. When the helminths are in the intestine, they contribute to the disruption of the digestive system. There is frequent diarrhea, sometimes constipation, pain in the abdomen and flatulence are also noted. The severity of these symptoms can be different - it depends on the degree of infection by parasites. Diarrhea occurs due to the fact that some types of parasites release substances that help to remove watery food particles from the body.

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Diarrhea and worms in a child

Worms can masquerade as other intestinal diseases. Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and nausea are symptoms that occur in a variety of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is very problematic to determine whether a child has worms independently.

In children, the presence of such parasites in the body causes not only weakness due to diarrhea, but there is a possibility of deviations in physical and mental development, growth retardation. Helminths act on the intestines in such a way that irritations and inflammations of the intestinal mucosa appear.

Not always worms can be found in feces, it is important to observe the symptoms in children. When diarrhea is accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger, then this is one of the main symptoms of the presence of parasites.

To determine the cause of diarrhea in children, it is not enough to observe two or three symptoms, since diarrhea can be provoked by simple food poisoning, and a poor appetite can quickly recover. The first thing to do is to probe the intestines. If such actions cause painful sensations and even the location of the worms is felt, then urgent measures should be taken to get rid of them.

Treating worms and diarrhea

To get rid of diarrhea it is important to destroy the cause that caused it, namely - worms. There is a large number of medicines aimed at getting rid of parasites. Only the doctor can prescribe the necessary preparation, having previously conducted the study. Such drugs are quite toxic, the dosage depends on many factors - the age and weight of the patient, the treatment regimen, the degree of infection.

In addition to medicines, various herbal decoctions are used to help get rid of diarrhea and worms. The most effective means is the use of pumpkin seeds, as they have a powerful anthelmintic effect.

It is important to take a variety of vitamins, which have a strengthening effect on the body, they will help the child regain strength after prolonged diarrhea. Severe diarrhea in children is dangerous because the loss of fluid can very quickly lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Therefore, in parallel with taking anthelmintic drugs to get rid of parasites should drink more fluid.

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