Diarrhea( diarrhea), to which doctor to apply?

It is usually possible to get rid of diarrhea within one to two days if the cause of its development is a certain situation. But in some cases, despite the measures taken, it continues and then the doctor can not do without the help. It is necessary to go urgently to the medical institution if the feces clearly show traces of blood, or the feces have a dark, almost black color.

Indigestion is dangerous to dehydration of the body and if it comes to severe diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, especially in a small child, you should see a doctor if you can not cope with diarrhea throughout the day. With diarrhea, the doctor will determine the presence of infection and the water level.

In diarrhea, a child is referred to a pediatrician and an adult to a therapist. Based on the examination and laboratory tests, the therapist can refer for consultation to a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. In case the diarrhea becomes chronic and lasts for more than a week, an appeal to the gastroenterologist becomes a necessity. The list of functional duties of the gastroenterologist includes the treatment of all organs that are directly involved in the process of digestion and digestion of nutrients from the body.

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Assign the following studies:

  1. Laboratory analysis of stool for the presence of bacteria, parasites, other signs of infection.
  2. Establish a diet that excludes allergic foods to analyze how these changes will affect the stool.
  3. Recto-manoscopy or colonoscopy to rule out the causes of diarrhea due to intestinal disease.

The doctor prescribes the treatment of diarrhea based on the results of the study and laboratory tests, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound, fluoroscopic examination. If the cause of diarrhea is an infection, it is advisable to consult an infectious disease specialist. This doctor prescribes additional tests:

  • sowing and a smear on the flora;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • serological diagnosis of intestinal diseases.

The gastroenterologist is usually treated only for serious violations of the quality of life, when diarrhea does not allow normal functioning. However, it should be noted that postponing a visit to a doctor with prolonged or complicated diarrhea, a person provokes self-poisoning of the body. As a result, somatic disorders develop, the general condition worsens and immunity weakens. To what doctor to address at a diarrhea the person defines independently. The main thing is that this visit is not delayed.

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