Paraproctitis - fistulas of the rectum, after surgery, treatment of chronic fistulous form of the disease

One of the most unpleasant diseases is the paraproctitis in chronic form, which is the inflammatory process of the interspersed space and rectal pararectal tissue. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a fistulous course and the release of pus. As an act for the fistula, an anal crypt may occur, where inflammatory processes occur.

Fistula paraproctitis has its own characteristics, so the classification was created:

  • Intrasfincter fistulas are the most simple type of disease. Their course is rather slow, and the inflammation itself is not pronounced.
  • Transsfincter fistulas are common enough. Their courses will be localized in the subcutaneous layers, while they have branching. It is worth noting, the farther the formation of the underlying fistula from the sphincter, the more it will be formed.
  • Extrasfincture fistulas are the most dangerous form of paraproctitis, however, can be detected only in 20% of cases of rectum disease. Its localization falls on the internal sphincter, and the outlet is located in the section of internal crypts.
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The greatest danger is represented by pathologies that have a wide internal outlet, surrounded by purulent scars, and the cell space is affected by purulent cavities.

Symptoms of fistula paraproctitis

To understand the principle of paraproctitis therapy with fistulas, one must understand what symptoms the disease has:

  • The appearance of frequent purulent discharge and the presence of itching and irritation in the anus.
  • Accompanying defecation with painful sensations, not strong, but quite noticeable.
  • Wavy flow of paraproctitis: exacerbation and remission.
  • No reduction in pus volume.

Fixation of fistulas in paraproctitis

Experts after the diagnosis of chronic paraproctitis always recommend surgical intervention. This is explained simply: only this type of treatment will help to completely get rid of the disease, in which not only the inflammatory foci are removed, but also the affected area of ​​the skin. The operation is performed as follows:

  • Fistula is dissected when entering the rectal cavity.
  • The purulent pocket will be drained.
  • The fistula is excised when the sphincter is sutured.
  • The internal fistula opening is removed during the operation in the subcutaneous mucosa area.

Fistula after paraproctitis

Paraproctitis treatment after surgery includes preventive and wound-healing measures. So, as the basic procedures are:

  • Compliance with the diet.
  • Wound care.
  • Application of folk remedies.

In the first few days after the operation, the patient should consume sparing food with low calorie content. It is forbidden to use too salty, sharp, fried, smoked dishes, as well as foods with a high content of carbohydrates. It is worth noting that this diet should be adhered to full recovery. Also it is necessary to drink enough water. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks with paraproctitis are under strict prohibition. After 5-7 days, the expansion of the diet is allowed, however, in any case after paraproctitis all food should be cooked in any way, except frying. Do not completely abandon the use of vegetable fats, as some groups of vitamins can not digest without them.

Care of the wound should be thorough, but the procedure of care is quite simple. After the operation, dressings with ointments and rectal suppositories can be prescribed. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. Regarding bandages when removing fistula, they are aimed at healing the wound, and also to protect it from infection. Bandaging can be done alone or with the help of a specialist. For this, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antibacterial ointments are used. It should be noted that the ointment itself should not be applied to the wound cavity, which remains after removal of the fistula during paraproctitis, as the outflow of liquid will be blocked, which is undesirable. After the defecation is completed, the wound should always be treated with antiseptic agents, or simply it must be washed. It is worth noting that if you found spotting on the bandage, then this is quite characteristic when removing the fistula, and it urgently needs to be replaced.

Also used to care for the wound from the removal of the fistula are sessile tubs with various solutions. So, you can apply mummies, medicinal plants, and sea salt. For the first case, in 5 liters of water, the mummy is bred. Decoctions of medicinal plants with paraproctitis can be diluted in 5 liters of water. Sea salt baths provide for dilution in 5 liters of water 2 tablespoons of raw materials. All such drugs have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effects.

To folk remedies for treatment of the fistula in paraproctitis with an operation already performed, one can include enemas with medicinal plant infusions. They are the most simple and popular methods. As a present, you can take a decoction of chamomile, yarrow and sage. It is worth noting that the drug enema should be carried out only after carrying out a purification, in order to improve the effectiveness of the method.

Home treatment of paraproctitis will be effective only when following the recommendations of a specialist, and in conjunction with official medicine. Phytotherapy is an adjuvant, and for a complete cure of chronic paraproctitis, the fistiform shape does not fit. Regardless of the fact that you can meet a large number of positive reviews about a particular tool, you should not trust them completely.

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