Can I take Diclofenac( injections, pills, spray) with alcohol: compatibility, consequences

Diclofenac has been used in medicine for more than 50 years, and during this time the list of indications and dosage forms of the drug has significantly expanded. Gel or tablets of diclofenac are stored in many home medicine kits, and doctors recommend injections, suppositories and capsules of the drug for a variety of diagnoses. But there is one feature - despite the popularity, the medicine has an impressive list of contraindications and side effects. And diclofenac with alcohol, regardless of the strength of the drink, is a very dangerous combination. What is Diclofenac?

Diclofenac( in chemistry - the sodium salt of phenylacetic acid) belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs).Like other drugs from this list, it has a complex therapeutic effect: it destroys pain, relieves inflammation, and knocks down the temperature.

This healing and calming effect is achieved by the action of phenylacetic acid on the enzymes of cyclooxygenase, or COX, which are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones. It is these hormones, neurotransmitters, which are the conductors of nerve impulses, in many respects responsible for inflammation, pain and fever in a weakened organism.

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The list of indications for diclofenac drugs is quite large and largely depends on the form of release of NSAIDs:

  • joint pathology( gout, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);
  • inflammation in the musculoskeletal system( osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis);
  • consequences of injuries: bruises and sprains;
  • pains of very different origin( neuralgia, migraine, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the ENT organs, biliary and renal colic, etc.);
  • eye fatigue and non-infectious inflammation of the eyes( including after trauma).

Interaction with alcohol

Despite proven effectiveness in treating a variety of problems, diclofenac has a fairly serious list of contraindications. Among them, exacerbations of ulcers, hypertension( for some forms of phenylacetic acid), hemopoiesis disorders, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation of the baby, etc.

One of the most acute items in the instructions for the use of diclofenac is its combination with alcoholic beverages. Sodium salt of phenylacetic acid with long-term use has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, provokes liver and kidney diseases, stimulates an increase in blood pressure.

If you drink a medicine with alcohol of any strength, these effects can increase at times. The degree of destructive alcohol-diclofenac effect depends primarily on the dosage form of the drug.

Today pharmacies offer the following drug options, in which the main active ingredient is diclofenac:


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  • Ampoules with a solution of medicinal sodium salt for intravenous and intramuscular injections( used no more than two days, then you need to switch to tablets or candles).
  • Candles( for rectal administration).
  • Cream and gel( for external, local use).
  • Tablets and capsules.
  • Drops for eyes.
  • Spray for topical use( taken as an analogue of creams and ointments).

Consider whether it is possible to combine diclofenac with alcohol - depending on the type of drug:

Form Interaction with alcohol
Ampoules for injection Combine alcohol with alcohol is strictly prohibited in the instructions for use, and alcoholism is listed here as a contraindication. The drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood, and in combination with alcohol can provoke the most serious side effects from the kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
Candles It is forbidden to use in a state of intoxication - indicated as a contraindication. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, and in combination with diclofenac candles it can cause bleeding, internal or external( from the nose).
Cream and gel It is allowed to combine with alcohol, but on one condition - the skin should not have scratches and open wounds to exclude the possibility of diclofenac entering the blood. If a person has an allergic reaction( even minimal!) To medicinal creams and gels, alcohol can not be consumed.
Tablets and capsules The tablets and capsules of diclofenac require the same requirements as for the injectable solution. With alcohol, they can not be combined in any way. Such a "tandem" can provoke not only kidney complications( most often severe swelling), but also exacerbation of gastrointestinal ailments, indigestion and allergic reaction.
Spray Spray is used in exactly the same way as gels with ointments. You can use alcohol at the same time, but only if there are no open injuries on the skin( even the smallest ones).Patients who are allergic to alcohol during the "diclofenac" treatment will have to be forgotten.
Eye drops Eye drops with diclofenac are the only form that can be combined with a small amount of alcohol - but only in the absence of allergies. In combination with alcohol, such treatment can sometimes cause side effects( burning in the eyes, headache).In this case, you need to immediately wash your eyes with water, if discomfort does not pass - immediately to the doctor.

Possible consequences of

The effects of diclofenac treatment on the background of alcoholism or even a single use of alcohol can be fatal. This is indicated even by the instructions to most medicinal forms of the drug. One of the most dangerous complications is internal gastric bleeding. Its risks are several times higher with chronic alcoholism and long( more than 5 days) treatment with tablets( capsules), especially in combination with injections.

Dangerous complications in the compatibility of diclofenac and alcohol( of any strength) can be as follows:

  • digestive system - nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, internal bleeding;
  • cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, degeneration of myocardial tissue, as a consequence - an additional risk of heart attack;
  • urinary system - swelling, accelerated obstruction of the renal tubules, acute renal failure;
  • liver - degeneration of liver tissue and weakening of organ functions;
  • nervous system - dizziness, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, loss of coordination in space;
  • allergic reactions - itching, hives, eczema.

Rules for combining

The instruction on the use of diclofenac preparations usually refers to the single rule of combining the drug with alcohol - so long as there are traces of at least one of these toxic substances in the blood, the other should be hidden away.

But the sodium salt of phenylacetic acid has several dosage forms, and each has its own nuances of use:

  1. When taking pills, capsules or diclofenac injection, make sure that there are no traces of ethanol in the blood. Depending on the strength of the drink, the dose and the weight of a person, the time for removing the products of ethanol decomposition can be from half an hour to 29-30 hours.
  2. Diclofenac metabolites release time also depends on many factors, primarily dose and dosage form. The longest period is 5-6 hours. The same time is the answer to the question, how much you can drink alcohol.
  3. When using external diclofenac preparations( ointment, gel, spray) after a helping of alcohol, make sure that the skin is free from any open wounds, scratches or other damage. The active substance in the medicine should not penetrate into the blood!
  4. Be sure to check beforehand individual reaction to diclofenac preparations for topical use. Even a small allergic reaction can at times increase the dangerous effect of alcohol.

But in some cases, a combination of a small dose of alcohol and diclofenac can be resolved. For example, if the drink is low-alcohol, and the person suddenly took a sharp back, stretched ligaments or urgently needed drops for tired eyes from the computer. But in such cases it is important to use diclofenac exclusively for local use and observe all necessary precautions. And if there are dangerous symptoms or if there is an allergy - urgently to contact the doctor.

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