Abundant, creepy, terrible, terrible diarrhea( diarrhea)

Liquid stools, often appearing in patients of different age categories, usually differ in both quantity and consistency of stool. This depends on the location of the pathological process that causes diarrhea. In the case when it is in the upper parts of the intestine, there is abundant diarrhea. One of the main reasons for the appearance of a watery eerie diarrhea is an intestinal infection. It is caused in patients of any age by pathogenic viruses or bacteria. The appearance of these microorganisms occurs fecal-oral route if the rules of hygiene or the use of poor-quality products are not observed. The liquid stool in this case is not only copious and has a watery consistency, but is also accompanied by concomitant symptoms:

  • Pain sensations and terrible rumbling in the abdomen;
  • Significant temperature increase, especially in children;
  • Bloating and flatulence.

Also, copious diarrhea in this case can be accompanied by a terrible vomiting and complete loss of appetite. The nature of the stool that appears as a result of human infection with pathogenic microorganisms varies depending on the type of infection that provoked it. In the case when the digestive organs are affected by bacteria or viruses, an inflammatory process occurs in the intestine. The abundant diarrhea becomes greenish in this case. May include in it and the inclusion of blood or mucus. Scary diarrhea is also often accompanied by false urge to defecate. Appear terrible diarrhea can and because of rotavirus infection. In this case, in abundant excrements, allocated with it, there may also be impurities of blood. But with developing enterocolitis or the infection of staphylococcus in watery stools, there is usually a large amount of mucus.

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What is dangerous for terrible diarrhea?

The appearance of an abundant liquid stool in a person not only disrupts the quality of his life with severe symptoms and sudden, sometimes irresistible urge to defecate. Abundant diarrhea always conceals a hidden danger of dehydration. Especially often it affects children and the elderly. At them dehydration of an organism can lead to terrible complications down to a lethal outcome in connection with that along with loss of water the necessary salts, minerals and vitamins are washed away also.

Very often patients can be asked the question, what to do in this case, to prevent the development of terrible consequences? Experts recommend that if a person experiences profuse diarrhea, first of all, take measures to replenish the water-salt balance. In the case when the patient is placed for therapeutic measures in a hospital, special droppers are prescribed to him, with the help of which the amount of liquid lost is compensated.

At home, the increase in the amount of fluid consumed will help cope with the consequences of copious diarrhea. For this, a special solution is used, sold in pharmacies without a prescription or mineral water. But the use of juices or sweet soda is strictly forbidden. Alcohol is also inadmissible in any quantities.

Also in case of abnormal diarrhea, it is necessary to stop any eating. Only in the case when the intestines rest, he can more effectively resist the developing terrible pathology. You can start about a day after the appearance of the acute form of the disease. But the diet of the patient in this case should be quite scarce. He is allowed a liquid rice porridge on the water and bananas. Enter the rest of the products should be only after the termination of severe symptoms.

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