Celestoderm: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Modern preparations designed to improve the skin condition are now offered in a wide range. And among the products that have a unique degree of efficacy and have a minimal amount of negative manifestations in the application, it is necessary to allocate the preparation Celestoderm, which has gained considerable popularity.

The qualities of the Celestoderm are strictly in accordance with its composition, health is guaranteed by the manufacturer. The ease of use and the many positive responses of those who have already applied the drug in the treatment of various skin diseases have become the most significant criteria for choosing this drug. This article will tell you about such concepts as instructions for the use of ointment and cream Celestoderm, their price, analogues and reviews. We will also answer the question whether hormonal or not is Celestoderm.

Features of the preparation

Representing a glucocorticosteroid drug with local effects, Celestoderm can be used in the treatment of a large number of skin diseases. Its action begins immediately after its application to the skin area in need of treatment. And there was no negative impact on healthy surfaces.

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Having the most balanced composition, the preparation perfectly penetrates into the epidermis layer, eliminating allergic manifestations, removing itching and burning, allowing to start acting more quickly the natural immunity of the body. By stimulating the upper layer of damaged skin, the Celestoderm removes metabolic products from the body, stabilizing skin cleansing processes, helps improve the gas exchange processes in the skin.

Features composition allows us to understand the reason for the high degree of effectiveness of the use of Celestoderm, and the reviews of those who used this tool in the treatment of dermatological lesions will give an opportunity to assess the popularity and relevance of the drug.

The treatment of psoriasis with Celestoderm and its analogues will be described by a specialist in this video:

Composition of Celestoderm

Active ingredient with a high rate of absorption into the skin and penetration even into the deep layers of the epidermis is betamethasone. Its content in various dosage forms of the preparation may differ slightly, however approximately the same: in the Celestoderm cream of active substance in 1 g of cream contains 1 mg of betamethasone, and in Celestoderm ointment - in 1 g of the agent contains 1.2 mg of active substance.

Additional components of the preparation include the following substances:

  • in the Celestodermium ointment, in addition to the active substance, there are such components - white soft paraffin, paraffin liquid;
  • in the Celestoderm cream contains, in addition to the active substance, purified water, cetostearyl alcohol, chlorocresol, liquid paraffin, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid.

The balance of the composition of both dosage forms of the drug makes it possible to achieve the greatest effect even with advanced stages of the disease, eliminating the main symptoms and improving all processes occurring in the skin.

Dosage forms

Today in pharmacies are offered for sale two dosage forms of the drug: ointment and cream. Both these species are equally effective, quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no oily traces on the clothing. Both the ointment and the Celestoderm cream have the same concentration of active substance, are easy to use and can be used to treat a variety of dermatological diseases.

  • Ointment is sold in the form of an aluminum tube with a volume of 30 g. Packaging is a cardboard box with an insert instruction that indicates precautions when using the drug, the dose and duration of treatment at reception, as well as the manufacturer and expiration dates.
  • Tselestoderm cream is sold in pharmacies according to the prescription, the volume of aluminum tube is also 30 g. The packaging is a cardboard box and the accompanying instruction.

The cost index of the drug also has a significant effect on purchasing power. And the drug under consideration can be classified as the most affordable for most of the buyers, regardless of their financial capabilities: the price of the drug ranges from 310-345 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

Having a high rate of absorption into the skin, the drug quickly manifests its medicinal effect. This is facilitated by its balanced composition, as well as a significant content of the active substance in any dosage form.

Having a pronounced glucocorticosteroid effect and showing itself locally, at the site of application, Celestoderm can be considered one of the fastest-acting medicines for treating the skin. Already after 2 days on the surface of the skin there are noticeable improvements: reducing burning and itching, eliminating redness and flaking, less sources of inflammation.


Manifesting himself as an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic agent, Celestoderm handles even the neglected forms of diseases, improving the general condition of the skin and having a calming effect on it. Due to the high content in the preparation of the active substance, the release of inflammatory mediators is inhibited, the degree of permeability of the surface of the internal veins decreases.

With the regular use of this drug, active release of lipocortins is observed, which are responsible for edema formation and allow to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.


Fast absorption, fast effectiveness with regular use of the drug for the time prescribed by the doctor, as well as a minor amount of adverse side effects - these are the characteristics that fully characterize the pharmacokinetics of the drug in question.

The following are the indications for the use of the cream ointment Celestoderm.


So, what helps ointment or cream Celestoderm? The use of the drug is determined by its high efficiency in skin relations due to contributing to the improvement of all metabolic processes in the skin, eliminating the main symptoms of dermatological diseases.

To the indications for the use of the drug should include the following situations and conditions:

  • psoriasis;
  • of various types of eczema;
  • solar and radiation burns;
  • anogenital itching;
  • dermographic, thermal, cold urticaria;
  • neurodermatitis at all stages of development.

Contact, as well as seborrheic dermatitis, are well treated in complex therapy using Celestoderm.

On the Celestoderm and other hormonal ointments in the treatment of diseases in children, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in this video release:

Instruction for use

Used by Celestoderm when given by a doctor. The course of treatment and its duration depend on both the diagnosis and the subjective manifestations of the disease.

  • So, with dermatitis of any nature, the preparation both in the form of ointment and cream is used exclusively externally with application to the affected surface. During the day, the agent is applied 3-5 times, no rubbing is required. Duration of application is 1-1.5 weeks. If any signs of an allergy or a poor tolerance of the drug appear, use of it should be stopped.
  • Eczema requires a longer treatment: the duration of the Celestoderm is 2-3 weeks, then a break for 5-9 days, after which the course is repeated. Also, constant monitoring by the attending physician is required. The drug is applied to the affected areas in the daytime and in the evening, after absorbing the surface of the skin does not require washing.
  • With psoriasis , the use of Celestoderm can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease. The principle of use is similar to that with eczema, the duration of treatment with good tolerability of the drug can be up to two months with regular interruptions.

However, there are a number of cases in which the use of the drug may be excluded or limited.


Contraindications for the use of the Celestoderm are the following conditions:

  • is a congenital intolerance to any component of the remedy;
  • susceptibility to allergic manifestations;
  • period of bearing the child;
  • when the newborn is breastfeeding;
  • early childhood - up to six months.

Side effects when using Celestoderm also can complicate the treatment of the underlying disease.

Side effects of

  • The appearance of severe itching and burning of the skin surface, which is treated with this drug, the appearance of hyperpegmentation on it, can be attributed to manifestations of a negative nature when using the drug.
  • It is possible to increase the degree of sensitivity of the skin, it can cause foci of inflammation and acne.

Special instructions

Pregnancy, child age and lactation require monitoring by the doctor when using the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect of Celestoderm in complex treatment with drugs with similar effects is enhanced.


Positive feedback suggests a significant improvement in the condition of damaged skin even with a large area of ​​damage. Decreased manifestations of eczema and psoriasis within a week from the time of application.

The availability of value is also noted by buyers as an important component of the popularity of this tool. And the simplicity of application and the expressed result in a short time since the beginning of treatment made Celestoderm one of the most popular dermatological agents.

Pro cheap cheesestoderm and preparations at a higher price will be discussed below.


It is customary to refer to analogues preparations Sinaphlan, Flucinar, Kutiveyt, Acriderm, Cinaph-ointment.

About the Celestoderm and other drugs in the treatment of the specimen will tell the video below:

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