Dimethyltryptamine( DMT) as a drug: action, effect, consequences, dependence

Drugs from a group of hallucinogens are very dangerous to the health and psyche of a person. Not the exception and the strongest psychoactive substance DMT, which users of banned drugs often synthesize independently, and its consumption threatens an unpredictable outcome.

Dimethyltryptamine - what kind of substance?

Dimethyltryptamine( DMT) is a drug of the tryptamine class, which in its structure is similar to serotonin, the neurotransmitter of the human central nervous system. In minimal amounts, dimethyltryptamine is even synthesized in the body. In addition, it was proved that it is released in a much larger number at the time of clinical death, which causes often described by people visions, strange dreams in this period.

Drug addicts prefer to use chemically synthesized DMT - a powder of white, reddish, yellowish hue. The history of its creation begins in the 30s of the last century, and a little later the scientists began to isolate the substance from the roots of mimosa and some other plants.

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Mechanism of action

Dimethyltryptamine is a psychedelic that, after entering the body, causes powerful visual, auditory hallucinations, disrupts the perception of time and events, creates a "new reality".Its psychoactive properties are due to the similarity with serotonin.

It is believed that the "natural" DMT that is produced in the body is used to create visual effects during sleep( dreaming), as well as in a number of severe conditions close to death( agony, clinical death).Presumably, the drug molecules can replace the molecules of serotonin, which is involved in the regulation of many systems. Therefore, all effects from DMT are realized through serotonin receptors, but not only through them. The substance acts on dopamine, acetylcholine, catecholamines, changing the order of reactions and leading to hallucinations. In the blood after taking DMT, the levels of cortisol, prolactin, beta-endorphins, growth hormones increase.
Video review of substance dimethyltryptamine:

Effect of

Usually, when administered through the mouth, there is no trip, because the active substance is rapidly degraded in the body. A strong narcotic effect occurs when smoking or injecting, but it lasts only 30-40 minutes. Feeling of drug use is difficult to describe, almost impossible. Words that have experienced them can not express, but all experiences are very vivid.

At many sensations are reduced to strong erotic, sexual hallucinations. Others make "flights" to planets, communicate with extraterrestrials, other extraterrestrial, fairy-tale characters. In general, the effect of using DMT is the occurrence of incredibly powerful hallucinations that can not be described as dependent.

Symptoms of using

As already noted, narcotic intoxication from taking dimethyltryptamine is accompanied by strong auditory, tactile, visual hallucinations. The perception of reality is violated, the person is overflowed with joy, happiness, but sometimes - sharply negative emotions.

Symptoms of drug use can be as follows:

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increase in heart rate;
  • Increase pupil size;
  • Tremor of the hands;
  • Pale;
  • Dryness of the skin;
  • Severe overexcitation;
  • Coordination violation
  • Often - complete lack of self-control;
  • Panic attack;
  • Feeling that a person is going crazy;
  • Those who often use DMT - depressive psychosis, apathy, mental disorders.

Consequences of abuse of

Dimethyltryptamine, when inhaled, often leads to discomfort in the airway, to shortness of breath.

Other side effects from taking DMT can be:

  • Nausea, vomiting just before choking;
  • Strong fear, panic;
  • Anxiety, paranoia;
  • Aggression to others;
  • Confusion.

The most severe consequences are the regular use of DMT.A person has a lot of problems, the perception of reality is distorted. Often there are complications in the form of dementia, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. To go crazy a drug addict is also capable of single use, since he can not cope with strong emotions from powerful hallucinations. In combination with antidepressants that inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, dimethyltryptamine can cause death.

Dependence of

It is believed that the psychological dependence on the use of dimethyltryptamine is weak, there is no physical dependence. Nevertheless, the thirst to once again "find ourselves in the parallel Universe" attracts drug addicts, they again use the prohibited drug and, ultimately, become patients of a psychiatric hospital.
Documentary "Spirit Molecule DMT":

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