Oats for gastritis, decoction, oatmeal and bran oatmeal

The medicinal properties of oats have long been widely used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. It has long been believed that this plant has a set of useful functions that have a beneficial effect on human health. It is known that the cereal improves metabolic processes in the body, normalizes the acidity of the gastric juice, is used in the preparation of dietary nutrition, in the fight against insomnia, etc.

The plant became most popular as a medicine in the fight against gastritis. Today, a huge number of people suffer from this disease. It is believed that this disease of the XXI century, which is triggered by the use of harmful food - malnutrition. The danger of it is that if you ignore the treatment, it grows into an ulcer, and then into cancer.

Many decoctions, based on oats, are used to combat gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases. They act as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, capable of curing stomach ulcers.

Therapeutic decoctions of oats with gastritis

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In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to contact highly qualified specialists and choose a personal diet. As auxiliary methods of treatment of a gastritis it is possible to accept broths of oats. The following recipes will help to accelerate the moment of recovery.

The first decoction, consisting of three glasses of unrefined oats and three liters of pure water, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes its recovery, which is very important in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For cooking, mix the ingredients and cook over a small fire for about 3 hours. After that, strain the liquid through the cheesecloth. Use this medicine should be warm, half the glass, on an empty stomach, before eating.

Another miracle recipe - oatmeal jelly. It is deservedly called Russian balsam, as it is very effective and effective. Oats jelly removes toxins and toxins, speeds up the metabolism, enriches the body with essential trace elements, prevents the development of gastritis. To prepare a drink you need: 450 gr.oats, one and a half liters of clean water and a pinch of salt. The grass is placed in water and left to stand in a warm place for about one and a half days. After that the mixture is filtered, the resulting liquid is boiled until thickened and salted. When the oat jelly cools, it takes on a jelly-like shape. From this moment it can be used.

Bran with gastritis

Many believe that it is oat bran with gastritis that will help cope with the disease. But they are only a minor tool in the treatment of ailment. Bran saturates the body with useful vitamins and improves metabolism. You need to remember that they need to be included in the diet gradually. It is best to brew them and use them as porridge. If the taste is not pleasant enough, you can add a small amount of fruit. Some doctors advise adding them to bread products, salads, vegetable dishes and minced meat. This is the best way to strengthen digestion and prevent gastritis.

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