Diarrhea with mucus - causes and treatment

In the human intestine, there is always mucus, which ensures a better glide of food. Normally, it can not be detected by the unaided eye, as it is in minimal amounts and evenly mixed with the feces. But if its content increases against the background of diarrhea, the cause of this is most often inflammatory or infectious diseases.

But the true occurrence of diarrhea can only be determined by this feature, since mucous inclusions can be completely different in appearance and quantity. In the case when the mucus during the diarrhea is transparent, the cause of its appearance may be a mild poisoning or foodborne toxic infection. This type of disease has a relatively favorable course. But when such a pathological impurity acquires a bloody, brown or greenish tinge, it always indicates a severe course of the inflammatory process in the intestine or the absence of the expected effect of its treatment.

In the case when such an ailment as diarrhea with mucus, the reasons for it lie in food intolerance, a person develop inflammatory bowel disease due to a decrease in the level of immune defenses of the body. Most often, this symptomatology corresponds to dysbacteriosis or is the initial sign of food allergy, which is expressed in intolerance to gluten of cereals( celiac disease), dairy products due to the presence of lactose or malabsorption in them. This type of diarrhea arises in this case, because a large number of formed slags and toxins require an increase in the amount of mucus necessary for their withdrawal and neutralization of the negative effect.

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There are also more rare, but at the same time, the most dangerous causes, due to which there is diarrhea with mucus. In the absence of appropriate therapy, they lead a sick person to death:

  • Cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic disease, can provoke these symptoms. This pathology also has extraintestinal signs, among which there is increased perspiration of the patient, increased salivation, frequent acute respiratory viral infection and a persistent cough with high content of sputum. Treat this pathology only with the help of surgery, in which most of the small intestine is removed;
  • Diarrhea appears with a lot of mucus and with diverticulitis in the intestine. In this case, the cause for the development of this type of diarrhea is the cavity formed in the intestine, in which pathological impurities accumulate in large quantities and can lead to an abscess of the intestine due to infection.

Treatment of diarrhea with mucus

To cure a patient of this pathology, complex therapy is performed, which is prescribed by a specialist only after the main causes that have contributed to its occurrence have been established. Regardless of the factor that provoked diarrhea with mucus, treatment should be directed not only to relieving the patient of severe symptoms, but also to restore the body after diarrhea and to prevent the development of all sorts of complications. First of all, the specialist, depending on the causes of the disease, prescribes adequate medication therapy aimed at restoring the biological intestinal balance.

If the cause of diarrhea with mucus is an intestinal infection or a dysbacteriosis, the patient is prescribed drugs for diarrhea, medications and a sparing diet. In this case it is possible to help the body with the help of folk remedies. For any type of diarrhea, treatment should also include detoxification and rehydration of the body.

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