Recipes of dishes with gastritis with photos, a delicious diet for a sick stomach, cooking first and second

If the patient showed unpleasant symptoms of digestive tract diseases and when he was diagnosed with gastritis, a real scourge of the present, do not panic immediately. It is better to pay close attention to your lifestyle and nutrition. Only 2 of these items are the underlying causes of the onset of the disease.

Therefore, having corrected them, that is, by filling your diet with the right dishes and learning to lead a normal lifestyle, you can not only get rid of the most unpleasant symptoms accompanying gastritis, but also avoid the more terrible consequences associated with its complications.

Principles of preparation for gastritis

In order to permanently forget about this disease with rather unpleasant symptoms, you should, together with your doctor, take care of creating a special menu that includes only dietary meals, so necessary for the inflamed stomach. And do not worry that their cooking can cause problems.

The main thing is to remember a few basic rules for compiling menus. After all, for patients with gastritis, the diet should contain such dishes, which are prepared not only from special products that do not irritate the mucosa, but also according to special rules. There are 3 conditions for its preparation:

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  1. Chemical conditions. They consist that in a diet of the patient all products which can excite a digestive secretion should be absent. It is mandatory to exclude from it such products as black bread, strong broths( all soups are prepared exclusively on light soup), white cabbage;
  2. Mechanical condition. It is that the recipes for gastritis dishes should not contain foods that contain coarse fibrous fiber( turnip radish, rutabaga, wiry meat).Also, products that are fried in oil should be completely excluded;
  3. Thermal conditions. In no case should you eat too cold or very hot food, as this will have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. In addition, cold dishes with gastritis can not quickly be absorbed by the body. The average food temperature for patients should be between 15 and 60 degrees Celsius.

The composition of the products that are necessary in the recipes of dietary dishes prepared for patients with gastritis should be:

  • Meat products: veal, rabbit or chicken without skin. About pork, lamb, duck and goose meat should be forgotten;
  • Seafood and river fish. Only lean species are allowed from sea fish. For example, pollock or cod;
  • From greens and vegetables the best option is salad, parsley, green onion, green peas, tomatoes without peel, beets and carrots.

Also patients with gastritis should be aware that in their dishes should be present all cereal products, pasta only from solid varieties of wheat, eggs, skim milk, not sour cottage cheese fermented and kefir with low acidity.

Therefore, do not be upset that the diet has some limitations. With such a variety of permitted products, a person suffering from gastritis will not make absolutely no problems making his diet not only varied, but also delicious.

Moreover, it will not be a problem to find the recipes of the delicious dietary dishes allowed with this stomach disease with a photo. And it's very easy to cook them.

Recipes of first courses with gastritis

Culinary possibilities of dietary cuisine are wide enough. Therefore, patients who have acquired such a stomach condition should not be upset that they will have to settle for lunch only with an empty soup.

One has only to look at the photo attached to the recipes allowed for gastritis dishes, as soon as the appetite wakes up, they look so tasty. And cooking them is quite simple. Here are just a few delicious first courses that will become a worthy start to dinner and will not cause an exacerbation of gastritis:

Broth from chicken with rice dumplings:

  1. Of chicken without skin( it is not recommended in dishes of patients with gastritis due to the presence of harmful substances in it) broth is cooked. When the cooking will come to an end, it can add a little salt and allowed greens and vegetables( parsley, celery, carrots);
  2. Now, until the soup comes on low heat, you can do dumplings. In a very thick rice boiled on the water add egg, a little milk and butter. From the received mass to roll small balls, to roll in a flour and to lower in доваривающийся a broth. After 5 minutes.switch off.

And one more recipe for the first dish for those who prefer vegetarian food.

Shchi "Summer freshness"

This first dish is prepared from those vegetables that are allowed for gastrointestinal diseases. Since all of them manifest themselves against a background of reduced or increased digestive secretion, the vegetable set is selected only on the recommendation of the treating doctor.

All vegetables allowed for gastritis are finely chopped and added to boiling, slightly salted water alternately. Before the end of cooking green is added, which will give this dish a unique aroma.

Ready soup with a blender turns into a puree, which is mandatory for patients with gastritis. The highlight of the recipe is that all the ingredients for it are taken exceptionally fresh. Before serving, you can fill it with a small amount of cream and add half of the egg.

Recipes of second courses with gastritis

The second for patients with gastritis can be prepared no less satisfying and tasty. This is great to say their photos presented on the site. Here are a few recipes for dietary dishes that can not harm the stomach:

Potato zrazes with meat stuffing

Judging by the presented photo, this dish looks very appetizing, and besides it is very nutritious and a very small portion is required for satiety, which is important for gastritis. Yes, and make it very simple:

For 1 serving will take about 100g.boiled lean meat, 150g.potatoes, eggs and chayne.spoon sink.oil.

To the boiled mashed potatoes, oil and milk are added, the whole mass is mixed, and cakes are molded from it. They put on boiled meat passed through the meat grinder, the edges are fastened and the resulting zrazes are brought to readiness for a couple.

As you can see, this dish is perfect for patients with gastritis. If desired, the second can be served and steamed cutlets from low-fat meat. For them it will take about 150g.meat of low-fat varieties recommended by a specialist, 20g.wheat bread, a teaspoon of butter. Breadcrumbs are also needed.

Meat with the wheat bread soaked in water is passed through a meat grinder, slightly salted, a plum is added to it.oil and a little water. After that, the mass is well knocked out and the cutlets are cooked from it, which are cooked for a couple of minutes.

As you can see by the composition of the products and the methods of cooking, all the dishes offered are ideal for patients with gastritis. After all, there is nothing in them that could irritate the damaged mucous of the digestive organ. In addition, they are all very tasty and hearty, which is also important for a sick person.

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