Creatorrhea, steatorrhea, amylorrhea - causes, symptoms, treatment

In the event that, due to developing inflammatory or infectious processes in a patient, the lesion of any part of the intestine is diagnosed, he has a certain group of symptoms that characterizes the disease. If the pathological process takes place in the small intestine, two closely related syndromes accompany it: insufficiency of digestion and impaired intestinal absorption. Due to their symbiosis, the content of nitrogen in the stools considerably increases in the human being, which indicates the development of creatonrhea, which most often indicates the development of pancreatic insufficiency in the patient, which is one of the symptoms of pancreatitis. Clinical signs present with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased gas production and flatulence;
  • Constant podtashnevanie, turning into vomiting, having a recurrent character;
  • Weight loss due to loss of appetite;
  • General weakness and decreased physical activity;
  • In severe forms of maldigestia, a marked lag in growth;
  • Steaterorrhea, creatorrhea.
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The presence of such a sign as creatorrhea is detected in the laboratory study of stool. If in a healthy body muscle fibers in feces are almost completely absent, then in the case when this pathology develops, the analysis of stool contains a large number of them. And all of them are little changed, not having time to digest, having sharp ends and a retained striped pattern. In the case when the cystic fibrosis of the prostate develops in the person, in the clinical picture the leading symptoms are the expressed steatorrhoea and the creatorrhea. Studies of stool in this case, in addition to undigested muscle fibers, will show the presence of excessive amounts of fat.

Reasons for creator, steatorrhea and amylorrhea

Many patients are interested in what these features mean and why they appear. The most common disease, in which they are found in the coprologic analysis of feces, is chronic enteritis. Also, except for them in this pathology, the material under study contains many pieces of undigested food. In the case when the disease that has arisen due to digestive disorders takes a heavy course, the presence of incompatible inclusions in the fecal masses appears in large quantities:

  • This symptom of pathology, like amylorea, is manifested by an excessive content of starch in the investigated feces, which, if there is a disturbed digestioncan split into sugars, as it does in a healthy body. Also uncracked starch grains indicating the presence of pathology indicate that the patient has a broken carbohydrate digestion. This suggests that amylorea is also possible with pancreatic insufficiency;
  • The stethorrhea found during the study appears as a consequence of the fact that the digestion and absorption of fats are violated in the intestine;
  • Creator, like steatorrhea or amylorrhea, is due to the fact that, due to a decrease in activity and concentration of enzymes in the digestive organs, complete cleavage of the muscle fibers is not ensured. This is due to the fact that the patient has digestion.

In addition, in such a pathological symptom as creatorrhea, the causes of development are a consequence of the insufficient intake of chymotrypsin and trypsin in the duodenum and other proteolytic enzymes. The appearance of this symptom can be promoted by traumas or tumors of the pancreas, alcohol abuse, toxic substances trapped in the gastrointestinal tract. But, despite the fact that the creator was caused, the accompanying symptoms will be expressed in pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting and the presence in the stool of undigested muscle fibers.

Treatment of creators

The choice of therapy for this pathological symptom depends on what kind of disease it caused, as first of all it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. But in any case, the creator, as well as the disease that caused it, require complex treatment. If the pathology is in an aggravation stage, all therapeutic measures are carried out only in a stationary setting.

During the period of remission of the disease, which contributed to the development of creators, it is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of pathology and its signs by folk remedies. In medical practice, there are reports of a large number of cases when it was thanks to them that the patients managed to cure the disease completely. Also, with therapy aimed at relieving the patient of such a sign as creatorrhea, it is necessary to observe the appropriate diet, which is selected by a specialist. It should contain a high content of proteins.

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