Heavy drugs: types, effects on the body, addiction, overdose

Absolutely all drugs provoke serious complications for health, but those of them that are considered severe, cause physiological addiction after a few uses. All metabolic processes quickly adapt to these drugs, so rejecting them becomes painful for a person. As a result, he takes one dose after another, thereby shortening his life.

Heavy drugs

According to statistics, most people start using light drugs - marijuana, hashish. These drugs are considered harmless, but in reality they destroy the body. Their main danger is that the pleasure gradually weakens.

Dependence is formed even from the grass, so at some point a person begins to look for new sensations that are found in heavy drugs. Although all these drugs are illegal in almost all countries, it is quite easy to get them. Dealers build their own business on them, which brings millions of profits, and are not going to give up a lot of money.

There are 3 main features of heavy drugs:

  • instant addiction( sometimes it causes 1 dose);
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  • irreversible effects on internal organs;
  • irreversible mental disorders.

Even after completing a full course of rehabilitation, human health will not be fully restored. With the consequences of heavy drugs he will have to live a lifetime. Many are infected with HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and dezomorphin-dependent ones do begin to rot from the inside and quickly lose limbs.

No less dangerous are psychiatric disorders that cause severe drugs. They in a short time lead to degradation and dementia.

Types of

There are many natural and synthetic drugs that are classified as heavy.

The most common of these are :

  • heroin;
  • desomorphine;
  • methadone;
  • amphetamine and methamphetamine;
  • Pervitin and ephedrine;
  • cocaine;
  • ecstasy;
  • LSD.

Heroin, desomorphine and methadone are opiates. After their admission the person reaches euphoria, he has an illusion of well-being.

Heroin is not only a white powder, but also injectable solutions, tablets. One of the most dangerous drugs, because it causes the strongest dependence with almost the first dose.

Methadone is a heavy drug that used to be widely used as part of substitution treatment for drug dependence treatment. He was given to the patient to ease the breakdown, and then gradually reduced the dose, but it turned out that the dependence on this drug is much stronger than from heroin. Now it is used for medicinal purposes less and less.

The most dangerous drug from the group of opiates is dezomorfin, common in Russia as a cheap analogue of heroin. People cook it themselves from tablets with codeine and a combination of toxic substances, including gasoline and solvents.

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are CNS stimulants. They relieve fatigue, give a rush of vivacity and self-confidence. Under their action, a person can not sleep for several days.

Pervitine and ephedrine are crude handicraft stimulants that are brewed from ephedrine and are cheap analogues of amphetamine. Intoxication after taking these drugs lasts a maximum of half an hour, but for him you have to pay with dementia, which comes very quickly.

Cocaine is a white powder, and its crystalline form is called crack. It is made from coca leaves and is most often sniffed. It stimulates the nerve endings in the brain, which leads to euphoria, quickly becomes addictive, and getting rid of dependence on this drug is extremely difficult.

Ecstasy is a drug from the 1990s, when party lovers started using it. He gives a charge of energy and allows you to dance in the club all night, experiencing vivid emotions. The drug is considered heavy, because the toxins formed after it are hardly removed from the body, and this leads to severe poisoning, destruction of the liver, irreversible changes in brain biochemistry.

LSD - another youth drug, but it appeared in the 1960s. It is one of the most toxic and powerful in its action drugs. A miserable dose of LSD can lead to hallucinations, which are delayed for 12 hours and are accompanied by bliss, then horror.

Exposure to the body

Heavy drugs, like the lungs, artificially stimulate the pleasure center in the brain, but they do it with more force. For example, opiates increase the release of dopamine, which has an exciting effect on the central nervous system. Cocaine inhibits the utilization of this mediator, so it excites the same cell many times.

Different drugs differ slightly in effect, but they all interfere with metabolic processes. The organism is completely rebuilt for them.

Thus, opiates inhibit the function of the cardiovascular system, which causes a drop in pressure and a decrease in the pulse. Amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine and other stimulants, on the contrary, increase the pressure and pulse rate, which leads to spasm of the vessels of the skin. The heart is overloaded, can not cope with them, so heart attacks and strokes develop.

Under the influence of heroin, breathing is disrupted and the cough reflex disappears. This creates the basis for the development of pulmonary infections.

All drugs are addictive, but when you take their heavy varieties, addiction is formed after a few uses. Against this background, the central nervous system rapidly degrades, and schizophrenia develops. LSD leads to catastrophic disturbances of the psyche - this drug accumulates in the tissues and continues to poison all organs even after the cessation of its use.

Regular intake of heavy drugs worsens the synthesis of digestive enzymes. Food is not normally digested, constipation occurs. Therefore, dependents are rapidly losing weight and suffer from general exhaustion.

Heavy drugs are highly toxic, especially the "crocodile", in which aggressive chemical components are added. The liver's ability to remove poisons is not unlimited, so it surrenders under the influence of large overloads.
In the video, the consequences of using a heavy drug "Crocodile":

All drugs reduce libido and lead to impotence, and LSD even with a one-time reception is able to change the chromosomes. In addition, due to regular poisoning of the body immunity decreases, there is a calcium deficiency.

Dependence development

Heavy drugs can be divided into "fast" psychotropic drugs and "slow" opiates. One of their main differences from light drugs is that physical dependence is often formed after a couple of uses. Psychological addiction also develops very quickly - for this, for example, only one dose of heroin is enough.

"slow" drugs include heroin, methadone, desomorphine. They lead to the development of persistent dependence after taking 4-5 doses. Many initially control themselves more or less and use the drug a couple of times a month, but soon switch to a daily reception.

Severe drugs cause debilitating and painful withdrawal symptoms, in which a number of symptoms occur:

  • pain in the body and all organs;
  • feeling as if the limb twists;
  • runny nose;
  • strong tear;
  • acute back pain;
  • continuous sneezing;
  • vomiting.

These symptoms resemble a cold, but their intensity is much stronger. They can last from 3 days to several weeks.

Signs arising from abstinence are the body's signals of danger. If a person continues to use a drug, such symptoms disappear. They do not come even with severe intoxication, because the defenses of the body are depleted.

Every drug addict knows that his physical condition will instantly improve if he takes a dose, and he will experience pleasant sensations, improving his mood. Therefore, he can not resist and lends itself to his dependence. Soon the form of intoxication completely changes: the euphoria no longer comes, and the drug serves only to maintain a normal state of health, because the organism is already completely reconstructed under its effect.

If a person, experiencing withdrawal, does not find a dose, he continues to suffer from insomnia and fetid perspiration. All other manifestations of abstinence are also preserved.

"Quick" drugs are amphetamine and methamphetamine, cocaine, pervitin, ecstasy. They are also called "velocities", because they give a long charge of energy.

On the video about the danger of cocaine:

These drugs have a pronounced psychotropic effect, so against the background of their intake, psychological dependence is developing rapidly. People who use "fast" drugs do not sleep for days, they are active, they constantly need to go somewhere, do something.

"Speeds" are often taken in front of discos to be able to dance all night. They are mistakenly considered harmless, and their use is perceived as pampering.

When a psychological dependence is formed, a person begins to consume "fast" drugs just like that - a persistent conditioned reflex is formed, which many can not overcome until the end of life. Being under the influence of drugs, the patient finds himself some kind of hobby or occupation, from which he does not get distracted for hours or even days. This can be both drawing and cleaning.

Dependent on the "speed" suffers from hallucinations, paranoia, he is always afraid of being persecuted. From the outside it seems that this is crazy.

A person focuses on finding a drug to re-energize. From this moment, he can experience pleasure and joy only from psychostimulants.

Consequences of using

The consequences of taking heavy drugs can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Social problems( disagreements with relatives, dismissal from work).
  2. Criminal( punishment for possession and distribution of drugs, crimes committed in a state of intoxication).
  3. Deterioration of health( incurable diseases and death).

Taking heavy drugs causes severe intoxication. Euphoria can last up to 5 hours, during which the behavior of a person becomes inadequate, especially for people who use "speed".These drugs have a powerful effect on the psyche.

For example, under LSD, a person before 12 o'clock sees hallucinations, including nightmares. In this state, he can inflict bodily injuries on someone or commit more serious crimes.

Heavy drugs cause problems with physical and mental health, including:

  • psychoses;
  • liver disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • convulsions.

Drug addicts do not follow the rules of hygiene, several people use one syringe. Therefore, they are often infected with viral hepatitis and HIV infections.

Intervening in all metabolic processes, heavy drugs disrupt the work of each organ, lead to poisoning and rapid wear and tear of the body. Overloads that the heart feels are poured into heart attacks and strokes, and because the liver is working hard, not having enough time to excrete poisons, cirrhosis develops. Psychoses, protracted depression, dementia are just a short list of mental disorders that cause severe drugs.

Desomorphine drug addicts do not live for more than two years. In places where they injections, at first appear non-healing trophic ulcers. Then the tissues begin to die, the veins become inflamed, and the human skin becomes like a crocodile.

The body under the action of desomorphine rot, from the skin with pus pressure flows pus. In the collapsing veins, it becomes impossible to make an injection, so the person begins to put the injections in the muscles, and they also start the process of decomposition. As a result, the body gets a putrid smell, and six months later the patient becomes a living corpse, which can not be saved.


Since 2012, the number of overdoses of heavy drugs has doubled globally. In Russia, they are tested every tenth drug addict.

There are several reasons for overdose:

  • combination of different types of drugs with each other or with alcohol( this enhances their effect);
  • increased tolerance to drugs( to achieve euphoria you have to increase doses, but with them it's easy to overdo it);
  • decreased immunity;
  • reception of substandard drugs( they often add impurities to the weight);
  • long breaks between doses( resistance to the drug again decreases, so the usual dose may be excessive).

The use of heavy drugs quickly becomes addictive, while the resistance to their action increases in parallel. To achieve the desired stage of intoxication, a person exceeds the initial dose by 4 or more times. However, he does not think about the consequences.

Very often, overdoses occur because of forced pauses between doses of the drug. During these periods, tolerability of drugs is reduced. However, a person does not know or does not think about it, so he takes a dose that has become familiar, but it causes severe intoxication.

When an overdose of heavy drugs occurs:

  • superficial and rare breathing;
  • point pupils;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • blue lips, nose, limbs or whole body;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • chest pain;
  • increased pressure;
  • rare or rapid heart rate;
  • throbbing headache;
  • panic fear of death;
  • increased sweating;
  • foam from the mouth.

Treatment of

Treatment of dependence on heavy drugs is a complex and lengthy process that takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Detoxification and normalization of physical condition.
  2. Psychological assistance.
  3. Post-Alert Support.

At first, the body cleanses of toxins accumulated in it. To alleviate the symptoms of abstinence, intravenous injections are carried out with a polyionic saline solution restoring the balance of electrolytes. Also, the patient is given a number of drugs, including diuretics, vasodilators, hypnotics and sedatives.

Detoxification takes about a week. Then, to restore the body's defenses, a person is prescribed a course of vitamins and minerals.

On the video about detoxification of the body after heavy drugs:

After removal of the breakdown, a long period of rehabilitation comes. Now many programs have been developed for the return of drug addicts to normal life. However, the ideology of the "12 steps" remains the most widespread and effective one.

This program is valid in 100 countries of the world. It helps a person to recover as a person, to find motivation for full recovery, to abandon drugs forever.

The peculiarity of the ideology of the "12 steps" is that for the group sessions, the former dependents are involved. They share their personal experience of fighting addiction and provide support to those who also want to return to normal life.

Another popular method of rehabilitation - a group of anonymous drug addicts. Their ideology formed the basis of the "12 Steps" program.

Anonymous drug addicts are a non-profit organization. The meetings are held regularly, but they are held without training and classes with psychotherapists. Participants share personal experiences, they support each other morally in an effort to get rid of dependence, including outside the community.

The Marshak method is based on the program "Detox" and "yoga-therapy".First, the body is thoroughly cleansed of toxins under anesthesia, then the invited coaches conduct classes, teaching drug addicts to control the energy of the kundalini. It is assumed that these exercises in combination with psychological techniques will allow drug addicts to achieve euphoria, close to the sensations of drug intoxication.

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