Panangin and alcohol: whether it is possible to combine, possible consequences, reviews

Panangin is a source of potassium and magnesium involved in metabolic processes, involved in the synthesis of DNA, proteins required for cell growth. But will this drug benefit if it is combined with alcohol, treat a hangover?

Panangin and alcohol

Panangin is a medicinal preparation in tablets and ampoules for injections from a group of mineral-containing, antiarrhythmic combined agents. The composition of Panangin includes aspartate potassium, magnesium aspartate.

Panangin supplies the body with potassium and magnesium. Due to aspartate is involved in the utilization of endogenous ammonia, turning it into urea. Aspartate is an aspartic acid salt, serves as a neurotransmitter - involved in the transmission of a nerve impulse.


Panangin is allowed to treat alcoholism as part of a complex therapy. The main purpose of the drug - the maintenance of the heart muscle( myocardium).A drug is used to treat abstinence, when alcohol is no longer present in the patient's blood.

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The drug is also used in a hangover, combining with other medicines. But as an independent agent that can alleviate a severe hangover, the drug is not used.

Combine Panangin with alcohol should not. Alcohol lowers blood pressure, causes dehydration of the body, caused by a diuretic effect. With these conditions, the use of Panangin is contraindicated.

Possible consequences of

Contraindications for the administration of Panangin indicate dehydration, acidosis. Just these conditions occur when you drink alcohol when you are hung over.

Alcohol abuse is called among the main causes of acidosis. This condition is characterized by:


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  • malaise;
  • with nausea, vomiting;
  • by the rapid heartbeat;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
  • confused consciousness;
  • shock.

This state is caused by a shift in the acid-base balance toward the acidification of the blood, is treated with the intake of preparations containing organic acids( succinic, citric).

It is the symptoms of acidosis that are painful during a hangover. Taking Panangin in a small dosage is useless, and with higher doses of the drug will cause unpleasant side effects.


High concentration of potassium - hyperkalemia, characterized by arrhythmia, changes in the frequency of cardiac contractions with a decrease in the pulse rate( bradycardia) or an increase( tachycardia).

With the overdose of Panangin, it is possible to develop a health hazard such as fibrillation of the ventricles of the heart - a disorganized contraction of the myocardium with a frequency of up to 300-400 beats per minute.

In this condition, blood circulation is disturbed, there is no pulsation of large arteries. With a high concentration of potassium in the blood, which is much higher than normal, cardiac arrest is possible.

High potassium concentration in the blood is dangerous because of the risk of stopping breathing and heart. Hyperkalemia develops when the excretory function of the kidneys is disturbed, when drugs containing potassium are overdosed.

In the treatment of abstinence in a hospital, potassium deficiency, which is almost always observed in alcoholics, is eliminated by the introduction of intravenous potassium chloride. On the first day of treatment of the withdrawal syndrome, only 50% of the required amount of this macronutrient is administered because of the danger of exceeding the dosage.

And the concentration of potassium in the blood is measured every 24 hours.


A deviation of the concentration of magnesium in the blood causes life-threatening conditions. Receiving Panangin without prescribing a doctor, without taking into account the state of health of the patient, can cause an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the body fluids - hypermagnesium.

With an increased concentration of magnesium in the blood, the respiratory center may be depressed, the heart, coma, and the heart.

Alcoholism patients are almost always deficient in magnesium, which is manifested by drowsiness, weakness, seizures, heart rhythm disturbances. Replenish the lack of magnesium magnesium gluconate. Panangin is used in hospitals, but as an additional agent, gluconate, magnesium oxide is injected more often.

In an organism there can be a lack of potassium at normal concentration of magnesium. Taking Panangin to replenish potassium in the blood, you can overdose the concentration of magnesium. And vice versa.

This is not about 1-2 tablets taken with a hangover. If you take such a drug from a hangover, you should not worry. But to repeat this mistake does not follow, self-assignment of any medicine without preliminary analysis, the appointment of a doctor can lead to unexpected consequences.

Symptoms of hypermagnesia

Is it possible to combine

The intake of Panangin after alcohol has no practical significance. In small doses, he does not improve the patient's condition in any way, but the drug will not cause harm in such quantities. You can take the drug in the first 2 hours after awakening in a dose of 1-2 tablets.

As the dose increases, repeated administration increases the risk of overdose. It is very dangerous to take even such a seemingly harmless drug without knowing how low the concentration of potassium and magnesium is.

You can not treat Panangin with a hangover alone, use it concomitantly with alcohol. The condition for the safety of Panangin is the control of the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, which can not be done at home.


Panangin is prescribed for heart disease. And if a person taking a drug in the dosage prescribed by a doctor will drink alcohol at the same time, it will not do much harm. But such treatment will not be useful, but the patient's condition will worsen.

According to reviews, the use of strong drinks aggravates cardiac arrhythmia. After drinking alcohol, new drug use is often required, changes in the dose due to deterioration in health. And the reception of Panangin does not save the situation, it can not neutralize the harmful effect of alcohol.

There is no sense in tachycardia with a hangover to drink Panangin, to calm the pain in the heart. No benefit of taking 1-2 tablets of the drug in this situation will not bring, although there are recommendations of doctors to take the drug to eliminate violations of the water-salt balance within 3 days of the pill morning and evening.

This will result in the person not receiving the necessary treatment, the time will be lost. With a severe hangover, complex therapy of all the multiple changes triggered by alcohol in the body is needed. Do not expect a miracle from taking Panangin tablets, replenishing only the deficiency of magnesium and potassium.

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