Measures to prevent drug addiction: conversations, trainings, lectures, role-playing games

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The widespread spread of drug addiction has become rampant, and measures taken to prevent this dangerous phenomenon should be directed at all levels of society and constitute a complex of diverse actions with a high degree of effectiveness.

Activities to prevent drug addiction

Various types of activities, whose goal is the prevention of drug addiction, should be directed to identifying the available provocative factors and addictions to narcotic substances, as well as determining the causes of propensity to addiction. I also find it important to find ways to eliminate the possibilities and causes of this disease.

The main directions of measures for the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism are social, pedagogical and medico-psychological measures aimed at identifying existing problems and the possibility of their solution. The most important for today can be considered the implementation of preventive activities in the school, since it is the adolescents who are the category of the population most prone to someone else's( sometimes negative) influence. The joint work of teachers and parents can ensure the greatest impact of these activities.

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The most effective such events will be if the information is presented in the most simply perceived form and positive perspective, so as not to cause a reaction of rejection. This is especially important when working with adolescents, who, due to their age, often perceive everything new negatively. Its semantic load should be presented in a positive, life-affirming key - this approach allows to get a result when working with people who already have experience of using narcotic drugs.

Directions of

Application of several main directions for the development and implementation of methods of preventive work on the spread of drug addiction allows to maximally influence the target audience and to receive tangible results in the form of identifying cases of adherence to drugs and providing medical, social and psychological assistance to drug addicts.

The most important are the four main directions in this work:

  • Carrying out active educational and enlightenment work among adolescents and young people because of its special receptivity to drug addiction. Such work should be carried out in schools and educational institutions, and carrying it out in the form of polls, dialogues and properly constructed lectures will bring much greater benefits than compulsory attendance of lecture classes with a not so interestingly constructed work plan.
  • Sanitary and hygienic education of the population is based on informing the population about the dangers of drugs, their negative impact on all spheres of life, and such events are also conducted in the form of presenting the necessary information. This can be done with the help of media, television and radio.
  • Public struggle against the spread and use of drugs. Here an important component of success will be a personal example and information and the possibility of obtaining anonymous assistance, both medical and psychological.
  • Administrative and legislative measures are applied already in case of obvious violation of laws. And the fear of a fair punishment for the distribution and use of drugs can also be of great help in preventing the spread of drug addiction.

Types of prevention

In the work with the population, several basic aspects should be distinguished which allow correctly selecting prevention tools and systematically influencing all strata and categories of society. There are three levels of impact on target groups and the population as a whole.


The primary goal of primary prevention is to prevent initiation of narcotics.

The main strategies in this direction are:

  • social impact, which is carried out in interaction with the population;
  • psychological help allows to solve arising problems inside the person and at interaction with associates, inside collective;
  • pedagogical methods, providing the result of the result by training and cognitive conversations.

The assistance of the media in disseminating data on the negative impact of all types of narcotic drugs on health and social adaptation of a person can not be overestimated in this respect either. The help of volunteers who also organize and conduct educational work and help to find a solution for those who have certain problems and already feel their addiction.


The goal of secondary prevention is to maximize early detection of individuals who have had experience of drug addiction and may or have already received dependence on such substances. Also, secondary prevention deals with the prevention of relapse and return to drugs.

If the same secondary prevention is used tertiary.


If a drug addiction is found, measures are taken to restore them. For this, a number of medical and socio-psychological measures are being taken to eliminate this pathological craving for drugs.

The video report on modern methods and forms of drug abuse prevention:

The work of the social educator

The social pedagogue, being one of the most important links in preventive work in preventing the spread of drug addiction, fulfills many diverse tasks and can greatly help a person who is either inclined tomanifestation of drug dependence, or already has it.

The most effective methods of working with adolescents in the prevention of drug addiction include the following forms:

    1. Conducting a conversation that will become the most confidential - this approach will give the best results and will allow to establish contact. During the conversation, the main negative effects of narcotic drugs on social adaptation and health effects are revealed, as well as the consequences for the drug user and his surroundings.
    2. Discussion - involving a teenager in a conversation allows you to identify the presence of a problem or its possible appearance. With the right selection of scenarios, you can best achieve a trusting attitude and get the most information by offering the necessary assistance( medical and psychological).
    3. Lectures - this method allows you to convey the necessary data and to increase the degree of interest of the audience towards the prevention of drug abuse. The material presented during the lecture should be in the most convenient form, so that the teenager can perceive it and apply it.
    4. Role-playing games also allow you to recreate situations when the emerging dependence on narcotic drugs can be beaten in the process of such entertainment. For example, the game "Puppet" is based on the transfer of sensations in the management of human beings by others, and the game "Dependence-independence" in combination with the presentation of the film's personnel about the dangers of drugs allows you to feel the feelings of addiction and independence from drugs.
Diagram of effectiveness of role-playing games

  1. Psychogame - this method refers to the non-verbal method of exposure and allows expressive interaction in the group. With the help of such exercises, you can experience certain emotions, problems in addiction to drugs in this case are manifested through facial expressions, movements, pantomime.
  2. Training behavior - group classes allow you to develop socialization skills, the ability to communicate in a team. And the possibility of variation of behavior allows you to consider the different consequences of certain types of behavior.
  3. Methods of interviewing psychological and pedagogical research allow conducting questionnaires among adolescents, and this method is considered to be quite effective when working with adolescents. They can be done either verbally or in writing.
  4. Interviews and questionnaires. With the help of this technique, a specific effect on a person or a group of people is carried out. Thanks to the questionnaire, one can identify the views of a person on the existing problem, his attitude to drug abuse in general.

What results can be obtained with the use of the above drug prevention programs?

Expected results

Methods aimed at preventing drug addiction will bring tangible results with their integrated application and focus on results. Thanks to all methods of impact on the population, in particular on adolescents and young people, it becomes possible to carry out preventive measures that prevent the emergence of pathological dependence and cravings for narcotic substances, as well as solve the problem in the event of a pronounced dependence.

The formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the development of personal potential and the teaching of social communication skills make it possible to be more interested in all categories of the population in the absence of drug dependence.

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