Microscopy: the method of research, price, conduct, evidence, interpretation of results

The researches carried out with the help of a microscope make it possible to obtain the maximum amount of information about the object under study, because with this tool one can get the clearest idea about the material being studied. The microscope used for this method of obtaining information is a device with wide possibilities, it is used for a variety of purposes, and the quality of the information obtained is the highest. Microscopy, as a method of research, has been widely used, but this type of obtaining information in medicine is the most important, where the information obtained makes it possible to effectively combat the most dangerous diseases for a person and make effective schemes of therapeutic effect.

Today, different in terms of power and device microscopes, providing good research results. For different purposes, different models of these devices can be used.

General definition of microscopy

Being in general terms one of the most informative methods of research, microscopy consists in a detailed study of a tissue sample when it is multiplied. This makes it possible to reveal the structure of the tissue, the disturbances in it, and the processes that flow in the living body.

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With the help of a microscope, it is possible to record the changes occurring in tissues, which allows to determine the pathological processes and the degree of the effect of the treatment being performed. Today, there are several types of this research procedure, which has several different purposes and is implemented in appropriate ways.

Microscopy device( photo)

Variety of analysis

Using different in terms of power and device microscopes, physicians have the opportunity to conduct the most diverse studies. There is a certain classification of types of microscopy, which is determined by different approaches in the studies.

The following types of microscopic examination are distinguished:

  • multiphoton study;
  • optical microscopy;
  • laser version of microscopic examination;
  • X-ray examination;
  • electron microscopy.

All varieties of this research provide the most complete information.

What is a microscope, the video below will tell you:

Features of

The application of a certain algorithm of actions that determine a high result is due to the chosen technique of conducting a study using a microscope of any kind and design. It was developed once, and the high accuracy, as well as the informativeness of the data obtained, determined its constant use in carrying out this type of research.

With the help of microscopy it is possible to detect, among other things, such ailments as:

  • epidemic pemphigus of newborns,
  • vulgar pemphigus,
  • otomycosis of ear,
  • pustules,
  • chromomycosis,
  • pseudomycosis,
  • keratomycosis,
  • candidiasis of esophagus, etc.

Optical, luminescent, light, electronic and other types( methods) of microscopy are described below.

Basic techniques of

The most common method used for microscopy is to consider a light version of such a study. Its main characteristics are the following:

  • sharpness of the resulting image;
  • maximum information content of all processes within the material under study;
  • simplicity of carrying out such research;
  • the possibility of adjusting the original data of the device to ensure that more information is obtained.

Light microscopy has a number of varieties that differ in the location and extent of the light beam, the direction and intensity of light. Luminescent, ultraviolet, infrared, contrast, dark and light field method - all these types of light tissue research are used in studying the structure of tissues and processes inside it.

Studies using the

microscope The advisability of using a device in medicine that has been known for a long time, as a microscope is scientifically sound and very promising. After all, the continuous improvement of this tool for carrying out a variety of diagnostics makes it possible to study the living body cell more and more carefully, which is the most informative material for obtaining an idea of ​​the state of health and the prospects for therapeutic effects.

The following methods are considered the most informative, in which microscopy is used:

  • study of urine and its sediment;
  • study of blood samples;
  • study of the smear.

Each of the above methods of microscopic research is a set of specific actions that reveal the structure of the cells of the material under investigation, processes within the cells and, on the basis of the data obtained, makes it possible to make predictions and formulate treatment regimens.

How the microscopy mask is produced, the video below will tell:

Urine study

Since urine is the final product of kidneys, its study provides the most complete picture of both the work of these organs and the processes that occur in them. Urine cells can determine the presence in the kidneys of current inflammatory processes, the presence of infections, fungi and other microflora, which is hazardous to health.

About urine is also judged by such indicators as its transparency, color, presence of sediment, reactivity. In addition to the kidneys, urine contains information about the general condition of the body and blood. With the help of microscopy of urine, cystinuria, renal failure, and other nephrologic abnormalities are revealed.

Blood microscopy

The study of blood samples under a microscope of cells allows specialists to get an idea of ​​the current processes in the body. This becomes possible due to the analysis of the composition of cells, because in normal state and good health they contain a certain number of different components that fulfill a certain role: leukocytes are called to fight infectious cells that penetrate into the body, red blood cells enrich all internal organs with oxygen. And with a change in their number, we can conclude about the changes occurring in the body.

With the help of a microscopic examination, it is possible to determine what the effectiveness of the medication is. Next, microscopy of urogenital and other types of smear is described.

Smear in this study

Blood smear, also providing a significant amount of information, allows you to determine more accurately all the pathological processes available in the body, the degree of their neglect. After all, blood, representing one of the most important environments of our body, contains complete information about it.

With the help of a blood smear microscopy reveals such processes as the degree of blood coagulation, the maturity of leukocytes in it. And this allows us to get the most complete picture of the treatment, as well as chemotherapy and laser treatment.

The main parameters of the microscope for smear microscopy, urinalysis, feces, sputum and sputum are described below.

The main parameters of the microscope

The use of a microscope in medicine and biology is most justified. A large amount of information obtained with its help, relative ease of use makes it possible to obtain the most informative picture. The most indicative characteristics of any microscope should be considered resolution and contrast, which provide clarity of image and information.

  • The resolution of the is determined by the degree of sharpness of the image of the two points closest to each other. The index of resolution of the human eye is 0.2 mm: two points located closer to this distance merge into one, which leads to failure in obtaining a common picture - instead of points of the eyes, another image is found. A microscope with a good resolution gives a complete picture of the location of all the constituent tissues, and also gives an increase of about 2000-3000 times.
  • The brightness of makes it possible to reveal the shades of the tissues of the test sample, which gives information about the state of the organism, the processes in it. Modern microscopes have high brightness values, which makes microscopy the most informative method of investigation.

The Importance of the

Method The importance of a tissue research method, such as microscopy, can not be overemphasized. Its capabilities make it possible to identify structural changes in cell tissues that can cause various diseases. Also, microscopic studies provide the material to specialists for analysis of the treatment being conducted, its effectiveness.

Various methods of microscopic research make it possible to compile the most complete picture of the state of health and the current process in the body, to prevent the likelihood of recurrence of diseases.

Scanning electron microscopy is discussed in this video:

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