Synthetic drugs: types, effects of taking, overdose, treatment of dependence

Most of those who have never encountered the world of drugs, believes that the most dangerous of them are injected into a vein, and the most terrible is heroin. Reality is much more cruel: the current generation of synthetic drugs by simplicity of acquisition and consumption, by the force of dependence and severity of the effect has already pushed opiates and firmly entered the life of young people.

Synthetic drugs - definition of

Synthetic drugs are understood as artificially created psychoactive substances that have narcotic properties, capable of provoking physical and / or psychological dependence. All synthetic drugs or their individual components are manufactured under conditions of chemical laboratories from a variety of substances, are characterized by low cost. Some of them copy the pharmacological properties of herbal drugs, is their artificial counterpart.

Many drugs of synthetic origin have been created on the basis of existing ones by introducing changes in their chemical formula. Less often, nevertheless, narcotic drugs are produced in principle new, often based on the side effect of a drug. All synthetic drugs are banned for sale, are prosecuted by law, although the legislation in recent years does not cope with the creation of documented restrictive measures due to the emergence of a huge number of such psychoactive substances.

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Kinds of

All the "synthetics" can be conventionally divided into used intravenously, orally, for smoking, for penetration through mucous membranes( inhalation through the nose and even introduction through the rectum, vagina).Conditional division is because many drugs can be used in many ways - at will.

According to the pharmacological effects, most drugs are psychostimulants or hallucinogens, other than opiates and some other drugs that inhibit the CNS.There are many species and groups of "synthetics", and up to 25-30 new names appear in the world every year. Substances from which such drugs are synthesized are called precursors, there are a great many of them, and depending on the combinations they can form various drugs.

An exemplary classification of "synthetics" with examples is given below:

  1. Opioids - methadone, heroin.
  2. Amphetamines - "speed", "ecstasy", methamphetamine.
  3. Smoking mixes - a variety of spices.
  4. Empathogens and psychedelics - LSD, "salt".
  5. Sleeping pills, tranquilizers - barbiturates.
  6. Inhalants - solvents, paints.

The most famous modern drugs:

  • Speed, or speed. The crystals of this substance are smoked, inhaled. It is derived from ephedrine, like other amphetamines. Refers to "club" drugs, as it stimulates the central nervous system, deprives sleep, gives long, unnatural cheerfulness to the body.
  • LSD( acid).Powder is odorless, or a liquid that impregnates the paper. It is applied orally. Causes hallucinations, and has a cumulative effect, sometimes causing insanity.
  • Ecstasy. Strengthens emotions, activity, the need for communication, deprives fear and anxiety. Often leads to the development of hallucinations.
  • Salts, or synthetic cathinones. The effect from them is similar to that of amphetamines, seemingly resembling the crystals of bath salt. They are one of the most dangerous, quickly addictive, kind of drugs. They are used in various ways - they can even be drunk as an additive to beverages.
  • Spikes. The general name for smoking mixtures containing synthetic cannabinoids. Some of them can cause hallucinations. Drugs differ in the unpredictability of the effect.

Exposure to the body

The fact that drug addicts do not need a syringe aggravates the speed of addiction development. Identify in the human body the presence of spices and salts is sometimes impossible due to the lack of necessary test systems. But the effect of "synthetics" on the body is even more serious than the use of opiates.

Synthetic drugs are very slowly decomposed and removed from the body. Some, probably, will not be withdrawn ever, continuing to exert its destructive effect. Their effect lasts from 3 hours to 2-3 days, depending on the species. As for how much synthetic drugs are kept in the blood and urine, then everything depends on the type of drug: 1-2 days - amphetamines;up to a week or more - salt, spices with regular use.

Substances give such a feeling:

  • Strength;
  • Vigorous;
  • Euphoria;
  • Insomnia( persistent);
  • Increased activity;
  • Hallucinations, etc.

At the end of the impact there is a strong anxiety, fear of death, anxiety, phobias appear. The person again starts to search for a drug, at times even plainly not having slept, at it the "marathon" comes. In some even after 2-3 weeks of sobriety hallucinations appeared: so modern "salts" destroy the nervous system. Drugs are associated with several types of brain receptors, integrating into normal processes and doing so that the body can no longer exist without them. Emotions without "synthetics" are dull, the pleasure from life is absent - a person almost instantly falls into dependence.

Harm and consequences of

Anyone who "hooks" on a synthetic drug can rarely return to normal human society without consequences. Chemicals quickly destroy the cells of the central nervous system, adversely affecting the intellect, frustrating thinking, attention, memory. Many seriously disturbed by sleep: sometimes an addicted person does not sleep without pills, naturally during a month or more.

Drug addicts, who are hooked on "synthetics", suffer greatly and physical health.

Immunity and hormonal balance are severely impaired after long-term administration, which leads to:

  • Frequent colds.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Ulcers on the skin.
  • Changing the menstrual cycle. Infertility and impotence.
  • Diseases of the heart.

The danger of synthetic drugs in their unpredictability, because sometimes even the creators themselves do not exactly know the formula that resulted from the combination of ingredients. The use threatens with schizophrenia and other severe consequences and never goes in vain.
On the video about the effects of taking various types of synthetic drugs:

Symptoms of using "chemistry"

It is impossible to detect some drugs in blood and urine, which exacerbates the complexity of the diagnosis of dependence. But the external signs do not notice the development of drug addiction in a close person is difficult - they are always bright, on the face.

Expressed changes in the psyche will occur later, in a few months, and at the beginning of the symptoms of consumption can be as follows:

  • Reduced concentration, disturbance of thinking, loss of meaning in conversations.
  • Lack of self-criticism.
  • Frequent appearance of elevated mood, abnormal vigor.
  • Insomnia.
  • Various behavioral disorders.
  • Too emotional speech.
  • Excessive courage, boasting, bravado.
  • Strengthening of sexual desire( under the action of the drug).
  • Mood swings - from the merry to the aggressive state of the dependent is not far away.
  • Hysterics, whims( with abstinence syndrome), depression right up to suicide attempts.
  • Dryness, pale skin, or, on the contrary, redness of the cheeks.
  • Weight Loss.

Almost all people who consume salt for a long time, look disheveled, swollen face, hands, bad intellect.

Is overdose possible?

To receive an overdose with the use of "chemistry" is somewhat more complicated than with opioid addiction. Still, these cases are not uncommon, and any addict who has sat down on synthetic drugs, at least once felt unpleasant symptoms of an overdose. The toxic threshold for "synthetics" is higher, so the lethal outcome is less frequent, but in this condition drug addicts often take their lives with them because of hallucinations.

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Tachycardia;
  • Confusion;
  • Paranoia;
  • Increases and jumps of pressure and pulse;
  • Enlarged pupils;
  • Disturbance of liver and kidney function;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Occasionally - swelling of the brain, coma.

Usually, when excessive salt is used, the state of acute psychosis develops, which is very difficult to remove. Often such patients go to psychiatric clinics for a long time. In 3-5% of cases of severe overdoses death occurs due to the failure of vital organs.

How to remove from the body?

Refusal of synthetic drugs is a chance to preserve one's own life. After stopping the use of "chemistry" it is important to detoxify the body and complete treatment. It is better to turn to an experienced narcologist for purification from drugs, because synthetic substances are very firmly fixed in tissues.

At home, partially withdraw the drug from the body will help such methods:

  • Consumption of a large volume of liquid.
  • Taking diuretics.
  • Gastric lavage( with a recent use of the drug).
  • Reception of sorbents.
  • Drinking milk.

Drinking coffee, strong tea with synthetic addiction is prohibited, since they excite the nervous system and can aggravate the condition of the dependent. In the hospital, the patient will be offered a much more qualitative purification of blood and the whole body using the methods of plasmapheresis, hemosorption. If the decision to abandon a bad habit is firm, it is better to trust professionals, and then turn to a rehabilitation center.

Treatment of dependence

According to doctors, it is very difficult to heal a salt addict, as well as a patient who abuses spice. The drug in certain tissues of the body lasts for years, and the dependence is very strong because of the strong connection of the active substances of the drug with the brain receptors.

Such people are detoxified and released, or placed in a psychiatric hospital. Therefore, it is important to give up the drug as early as possible, seek help and professional rehabilitation. More often the diagnosis is removed after full and early treatment, and this means a successful outcome!

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