Groups of anonymous drug addicts: meditations, 12 traditions and 12 steps, reviews

Anonymous drug addicts are a generalized name for self-help groups for those who are addicted to chemicals. How are their meetings going? How much is this method of rehabilitation effective, and what do doctors and drug addicts talk about it?

Anonymous addicts

The international non-profit organization "Anonymous drug addicts" was founded in 1953. Now it is one of the largest communities that are engaged in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. Every week more than 60 000 meetings of this group are held in the world, including about 1,500 - in different cities of Russia.

Anyone can become a member of the community. The only condition is a person's desire to get rid of addiction and start a new life.

The philosophy of "Anonymous drug addicts" is based on three basic principles:

  1. Non-interference in matters not related to the work of the organization.
  2. Full financial independence.
  3. Abstaining from supporting or criticizing the work of other organizations.
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Classes in groups are free, but voluntary monthly fees are practiced. As a rule, they are insignificant amounts, which are anonymous. In this case, any donations from the outside are not accepted - the organization exists in complete self-sufficiency.

"Anonymous drug addicts" do not support, but also do not criticize the methods that other organizations use to treat drug addiction. Without entering into discussions, the participants of the meetings have the opportunity to fully concentrate on their goal.

The ideology of "Anonymous drug addicts" is based on the assertion that absolutely any person can get rid of his dependence and embark on a new life path. The purpose of the organization is to reach out to people who use drugs, to explain to them that they can recover and radically change their lives.
Video presentation of the society of anonymous drug addicts:

The essence of the

program For the purpose of holding its meetings, the society of anonymous drug addicts rents premises that belong to public or religious organizations. The participants of the groups share with each other the personal experience of getting rid of dependence.

Community members are placed in an environment in which they learn to live without using stimulants. They openly talk about themselves, and also listen to those who were able to recover. In such an environment, the dependents meet face to face with problems, understand them and understand that they too can become worthy members of the society.

Meetings of "Anonymous drug addicts" are held every week in the same place at a certain time. They are open, on which any person can be present, and closed - only for the sick.

At first, it is very difficult for community members to refrain from using drugs. Even after treatment in a specialized dispensary psychological dependence is maintained, and for a long period of time. Getting together, drug addicts morally support each other in their desire to recover.

Speaker at the club's meetings tells about the reasons that push him to take stimulants, as well as his ways to overcome the craving for the drug. The others carefully listen to him and analyze their experience. Thus, mutual assistance and mutual trust are formed between the members of the group.

Often, "anonymous drug addicts" are found outside the meetings. They tell each other about emerging difficulties, ask for advice. This helps to avoid a breakdown, because people feel the moral support and responsibility for the success of the whole group.
On the video about the essence of the program of anonymous drug addicts:

Daily reflections at meetings of

The "Daily Reflections" group is based on the book "Only today", which was released in 1962.It gathers the thoughts of the cured members of the organization about their experience, about methods of getting rid of addiction, values ​​and traditions of the organization. The main idea of ​​the book can be formulated as follows: "On the road to recovery, we reflect on why we joined the community of" Anonymous drug addicts ", and assess the improvements that have taken place in our lives."

At the beginning one of those present at the meeting reads the reflections. After that, the others express their impressions of what they heard, without commenting on each other's thoughts. This is a powerful tool for motivation, which encourages the drug addict to analyze his problem and adjusts to recovery.

The book of meditation is used for daily meditation - for this purpose, a special topic pointer is provided for it. It also helps to better understand the ideology of the "12 steps", which is especially useful for beginners who just joined the group.
Audio book of anonymous drug addicts:

12 steps

"12 steps" - one of the most effective programs for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. It was developed in the US in the 1930s, and then spread rapidly around the world. In Russia it has been used for more than 20 years.

The program is based on the understanding that a person can not cope with dependence independently, so he needs help from the outside.

The main stages of rehabilitation by this method can be formulated as follows:

  • acceptance of the disease;
  • request for assistance;
  • learning to trust people;
  • error correction;
  • lifestyle change.

1 step assumes that a person must recognize his own impotence before drugs, analyze his life and make sure that he has lost power over her. During the next 11 steps, spiritual growth is of great importance.

The program assumes that, since a person can not overcome dependence on his own, he must seek help from the Higher Power. He must first of all recognize that God exists and is always near, helping and guiding. This will help to believe in the possibility of recovery and give strength.

After analyzing your inner world, a person will have to clear it, get rid of the remnants of the past, which prevent one from leading a sober life. This implies a deep repentance in once committed acts before God and other people. Then comes the time of personal changes, in which the Higher Power will help a person.

Since during the period of drug use a person brings moral and material damage to others, he must compensate them. First of all, this applies to close drug addicts, who suffer from his actions more than others.

The final steps of the rehabilitation program are taught every day to analyze the events of the past day - this should become a habit of the person. After recovery, he should help other drug addicts, provide them with moral support. This is one of the tenets of the "12 steps", contributing to the formation of a brotherhood of people with the same problem.

12 traditions of

All participants of the meetings of "Anonymous drug addicts" honor traditions, which contributes to even greater unity of people:

  1. In the first place - overall well-being. On the unity of the group, personal recovery depends.
  2. The only authority is a merciful and loving God. The leaders of the group are only executors, they do not manage its members.
  3. The only condition for joining the organization is the desire to stop taking drugs.
  4. Each group should be independent, if it does not contradict the interests of other groups or the entire community of "Anonymous drug addicts".
  5. The main goal of the group is to convey their ideas to people who continue to use drugs.
  6. "Anonymous drug addicts" do not support or finance other organizations, otherwise monetary problems will distract community members from the main goal.
  7. Each group should do it alone and refuse to provide outside assistance.
  8. "Anonymous drug addicts" should remain an unprofessional community. However, it is possible to hire qualified specialists.
  9. There should not be any rigid management in the organization. However, it is possible to create committees that will be directly subordinate to those they serve.
  10. The organization "Anonymous drug addicts" does not enter into public discussions and refrains from opinions on issues that do not concern its activities.
  11. Community propaganda is unacceptable. It must remain anonymous in any communication with the media.
  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all the traditions of the community. It must constantly remind you that the principles are above the individual.
In the photo the meeting of the club of anonymous drug addicts

The opinion of the doctors

Doctors are generally positive about the groups of "Anonymous drug addicts".According to psychologists, after abandoning chemicals, a person becomes an outcast in his company. At this time, it is important for him to feel the support of the Higher Power and the people who have gone through the same problems.

Rehabilitation in the community "Anonymous drug addicts" disciplines, forms a sense of responsibility before God and people, psychologists say. However, the opponents of this method point to a significant drawback: the "12 steps" program forces the patient to recognize his insignificance, but it is precisely because of this self-awareness that a person starts using illegal drugs.

The Russian Ministry of Health positively speaks about "Anonymous Drug Addicts".The department is confident that this method of rehabilitation accelerates the return of a person to normal life after treatment at a narcological dispensary.

Narcologists cite statistics according to which meetings of "Anonymous drug addicts" increase the percentage of annual remissions up to 48%.The effectiveness of other rehabilitation programs is a maximum of 15%.

Reviews of patients

People who have been rehabilitated in the group of "Anonymous drug addicts" from beginning to end, say that they managed to achieve a prolonged abstinence from drugs. They explain that they felt moral support from other participants and could not fail them. Many people say that the appeal to God helped them cope with the craving for drugs.

However, the other people need to scare away the need for help from the Higher Power. There are a lot of drug addicts who left the group at a certain stage, because they thought that it was more like a religious sect.

Also, many members of the organization say that while they attend meetings, they manage to refrain from taking drugs. Otherwise, a relapse occurs. In other words, rehabilitation is a very long process that lasts for years, but even then it can not guarantee a lasting result.

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