How to get rid of worms in children at home, how to save the child from helminths, are there any quick ways to get rid of it?

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Many people mistakenly believe that worms are an unpleasant relic of the past, which was characterized by inadequate personal hygiene and lack of sanitation. Today, even in developed countries, the number of patients with parasitic diseases does not decrease. At risk are children, especially those who attend various preschools. If in a group of children one child is infected, then the likelihood that they will fall ill and other children increases dramatically. That's why parents need to know how to get rid of worms in children?

For many centuries of unpleasant neighborhood with helminths, people have come up with many ways to get rid of them. The most effective method is medical treatment. There are many parasites for each species you need a certain medicine. Some drugs have a wide range of effects, but even they can not kill all possible parasites that can live in the human body.

How to save a child from worms? To struggle with helminths it is necessary after inspection to precisely know a kind of worms. Reception of antiparasitic drugs in the home is small, because the treatment should be comprehensive, so that the body is not affected. Consider the popular scheme:

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  • Preparatory stage. It includes the reception of activated charcoal, it will help to remove toxins from the body, which secrete worms in the course of their vital activity. Then, to increase the secretion of bile - destructive for parasites, it is recommended to drink Allochol.
  • Admission of anthelmintic drugs. The choice of such medicines is better to entrust to the doctor. Self-disposal of worms in children at home can cause side reactions. This is especially dangerous if the child has a massive infection.
  • Restoration of the liver. It is this organ that suffers most from the invasion of worms and their medical treatment. To restore the doctor can appoint enzyme preparations.
  • The final step. It includes the reception of vitamin complexes, so that the body as soon as possible recovered from the invasion of parasites. Perhaps a doctor after treatment for children can prescribe immunostimulants to raise immunity.

We examined a quick way to get rid of worms in children. Drug therapy is always effective, but because of its toxicity can cause unwanted reactions of the body, for example, vomiting, indigestion or allergies. For preventive purposes, it is not recommended to drink tablets for adults or children. The need for such drugs must be confirmed by laboratory tests.

Ways to get rid of children from worms at home

Many parents would like to know how to save children from worms at home? You can not do this if you are not sure which type of worm the child is infected with. For example, you can try to get rid of pinworms yourself, this kind of worm is relatively safe, but other parasites require medication. Some species of worms do not settle in the intestines, but in other organs, so this disease must be treated by specialists in order to avoid complications in the future.

To get rid of worms in children at home with the help of natural ingredients, you need to have a lot of patience, because you do not have to wait for a quick result. Consider several popular recipes for getting rid of children from worms:

  • Almighty garlic. It is often used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiases. But before the reception you need to know about the contraindications, its use is forbidden for diseases of the digestive system. When treating children, it is better not to eat it, but to make an enema. To do this, a clove of garlic must be boiled in milk, when the mixture has cooled it is necessary to make an enema.
  • Carrot juice. Get rid of worms help a delicious recipe. It is necessary to drink 100 ml of carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach. But it must necessarily be freshly squeezed otherwise there will be no effect.
  • Sweet mixture. This method is especially suitable for children. It is necessary to take carrot seeds approximately( 100 g) and mix them with honey( 500 g).Give this mixture is necessary for 1 tsp.three times a day. This recipe is usually liked by children, because the medicine is not bitter, but sweet.

How to quickly rid the child of worms? The severity of symptoms usually depends on the number of worms in the body. If the signs are clearly manifested, then it can be a massive infection, so you need a doctor's consultation. It is very dangerous to take medication on your own. Folk recipes are best used together with medication if the doctor does not prohibit. When one person is infected, it makes sense to treat other family members.

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